How to Market Your Mobile App After doing some research in your industry, you discover that you need more than just a mobile website for your business. You are going to have to really grab the attention of the smartphone generation and get them to use your mobile app. The question is: once you create your app, how do you spread the word about it? Here are some great ways to market your mobile app: Make It Useful No matter how well you market your mobile app, if it’s not something people need, they aren’t going to be interested.
PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language index The TIOBE Index is a lagging indicator. It counts the number of web pages with the language name. has over 20 million pages on the web, [s] while has only 11 million. [s] This explains why Objective-C has a high TIOBE ranking. But who is reading those Objective-C web pages ?
London Marathon 2014: Lubrication, bras and loo roll: marathon running tips for women 1. You will think you're Beyoncé For the first 13 miles – before you start seriously questioning whether what you're doing actually constitutes self-harm – you will feel like a rock star. People are cheering for you! TIOBE - The Software Quality Company TIOBE Index for February 2017 February Headline: Educational language Scratch enters TIOBE index top 20 The Scratch programming language from MIT Media Lab has entered the TIOBE index top 20. Wanted: Ninja Rockstar Code Monkey Hacker Unicorn (ed: There's two sentence pairs in here lifted directly from real JDs. See if you can find them!) We’re looking for the best of the best - but as you can already tell from the title, we have no idea what that looks like. We want someone experienced enough to implement our ridiculous ideas but paradoxically lacking the experience to realize what a raw deal we’re offering.
Paul Ford: What Is Code? A computer is a clock with benefits. They all work the same, doing second-grade math, one step at a time: Tick, take a number and put it in box one. Tick, take another number, put it in box two. Tick, operate (an operation might be addition or subtraction) on those two numbers and put the resulting number in box one. we can't both be right. An annotated digest of the top "Hacker" "News" posts for the last week of March, 2017. Onedrive is slow on Linux but fast with a “Windows” user-agent (2016)March 22, 2017(comments) Microsoft continues the war against their own users. A Microsoft shows up to paste a boilerplate fauxpology, then immediately contradicts it in followup apologetics. A small phalanx of Hackernews is angry this 'bug' sat untouched for months prior to gaining social media notoriety; their whining is used to kick off several dozen pages of pointless bickering about "New Microsoft," Linux being too hard, and the proper way to inform your customers you don't give a shit about them. US Senate votes to undo FCC internet privacy rulesMarch 23, 2017(comments) The United States Senate continues the war against their own users.
47 of The Best Places to Learn to Code For Free Please note: all information, topics taught, etc., have been taken at time of updating (July 2018) and are definitely subject to change. Thanks! Classpert is a search engine that helps you find and compare online courses in computer science, data science, business, and more. This Ikea Bowl Has Been Setting Things on Fire - Atlas Obscura At first glance, the Ikea “Blanda blank” bowl looks like a normal piece of tableware. It’s stainless steel, and big enough to hold a salad for four—you know, bowl-sized. It’s even called the “Blanda blank,” for God’s sake. But based on the experiences of a snacker from Sweden, at least one Blanda blank out there has developed an unusual hobby: setting things on fire. According to Aftonbladet, as translated by the Local, at some point over the unusually hot weekend, Richard Walter put a bunch of grapes into his Ikea bowl and brought it out into the sunshine.
TIOBE Software: Tiobe Index TIOBE Index for January 2016 January Headline: Java is TIOBE's Programming Language of 2015! Java has won the TIOBE Index programming language award of the year. This is because Java has the largest increase in popularity in one year time (+5.94%). Java leaves runner ups Visual Basic.NET (+1.51%) and Python (+1.24%) far behind. Photos, Video: 3D crosswalk in Ísafjörður helps slow down speeding motorists Culture By Staff |Sep 25 2017 It's like it's floating on air The townsfolk of Ísafjörður say they have never seen anything like it.