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Internet Search Tips and Strategies

Internet Search Tips and Strategies
.:VirtualSalt Robert Harris Version Date: July 6, 2000 Overview The Internet has an enormous quantity of information, with thousands of newsgroups and billions of web pages. Let me say just a brief word or two on each of these items (and then I will go into detail later). Categories of Information on the Web Before you begin searching, you first need a little understanding about how information is stored and accessed on the Web. Search Tool Types Search tools fall into three main categories. Quick Guide to Choosing a Starting Place Here are some suggestions about where to start a search. Quick TipFor many questions, you can find excellent information by going to Google and typing in four to six words related to your subject. Word Searches With Search Engines As mentioned above, search engines index the exact words found on Web pages. FOREST LOG. There are several ways to type in a word search. Keyword Search. Phrase Search. Boolean Operators. Search Tips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Related:  optimundi

How to Properly Research Online (and Not Embarrass Yourself with the Results) Warning: if you are going to argue a point about politics, medicine, animal care, or gun control, then you better take the time to make your argument legit. Spending 10 seconds with Google and copy-pasting wikipedia links doesn't cut it. The standard for an intelligent argument is Legitimate research is called RE-search for a reason: patient repetition and careful filtering is what will win the day. There are over 86 billion web pages published, and most of those pages are not worth quoting. If you are a student, or if you are seeking serious medical, professional, or historical information, definitely heed these 8 suggested steps to researching online:

Interactive online Google tutorial and references 10 Search Engines to Explore the Invisible Web Not everything on the web will show up in a list of search results on Google or Bing; there are lots of places that their web crawlers cannot access. To explore the invisible web, you need to use specialist search engines. Here are our top 12 services to perform a deep internet search. What Is the Invisible Web? Before we begin, let's establish what does the term "invisible web" refer to? Simply, it's a catch-all term for online content that will not appear in search results or web directories. There are no official data available, but most experts agree that the invisible web is several times larger than the visible web. The content on the invisible web can be roughly divided into the deep web and the dark web. The Deep Web The deep web made up of content that typically needs some form of accreditation to access. If you have the correct details, you can access the content through a regular web browser. The Dark Web The dark web is a sub-section of the deep web. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Imágenes y relatos de un viaje por Colombia “Impresiones de un viaje a América” reúne las memorias del escritor español José María Gutiérrez de Alba, residente en Colombia entre 1870 y 1884. El manuscrito, que hoy conserva la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, está compuesto por diez grandes volúmenes con un promedio de 400 páginas por tomo, ilustrados con 466 acuarelas, dibujos, fotografías y litografías. El texto es la memoria de viaje por Colombia en el siglo XIX más extensa que se conoce, y sus ilustraciones constituyen la colección pintoresca más voluminosa que hoy tenemos. Con una prosa fácil y límpida, Gutiérrez describe la inmensa variedad de formas de vida, costumbres, atuendos, oficios, monumentos y paisajes notables de los actuales territorios de Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Santander, Norte de Santander, Tolima, Huila Caquetá y la costa Caribe, en la época radical y federalista. Esta edición digital ofrece múltiples caminos para la lectura y exploración de una obra de inmensa riqueza literaria y visual.

Transmedia et (web)documentaire - PRESSlab Le Transmedia. Un mot, un concept qui fait encore peur, et encore plus dans le domaine du documentaire. Si le transmedia commence timidement à apparaître dans le domaine de la fiction, il est encore rarissime de le voir associé au registre documentaire, et donc, par élargissement, aux webdocumentaires. Car, il nous faut d’abord préciser que les webdocumentaires ne sont pas automatiquement des projets transmedia. La raison: Cela peut d’abord s’expliquer par le modèle économique. Autre aspect pouvant expliquer cette réticence, cette fois plus pragmatique: le webdocumentaire est en soi, une pratique qui demande du temps à scénariser, à développer avant qu’il soit mis en place. Pourtant le webdocumentaire aurait quelques intérêts à rentrer dans une logique transmedia: Le webdoc est un propos, un regard d’auteur sur le réel, un message que l’on veut faire passer à un plus grand nombre de personnes; pour éclairer un sujet ou même le dénoncer. – Défense d’afficher.

Home Search Engine Directory Webdoc : L’innovation est-elle encore possible ? | Le Blog documentaire Un pavé dans la marre des narrations interactives sur Le Blog documentaire… Il est lancé par Patric Jean, notamment réalisateur de « Lazarus » en 2012. Venus le rencontrer pour évoquer le HackXplor de Dakar auquel il participait en tant que mentor,nous en repartons avec une charge en règle, critique et argumentée, sur les webcréations. Des propos passionnés, et déroutants… Le Blog documentaire : Comment percevez vous cette émergence de cette forme duhackathon pour le développement de projets nouveaux médias ? On a entendu ça et là des critiques, mais globalement, la formule semble faire ses preuves. Patric Jean : Non, ce n’est pas quelque chose que j’utilise, tout simplement parce que je mets un peu de côté aujourd’hui la production non-linéaire car il est presque devenu impossible de faire des choses intéressantes. C’est un problème d’un point de vue financier ou d’un point de vue éditorial selon vous ? D’un point de vue financier, il n’y a pas de problème : il y a de l’argent !

Exploiting Unexploitable XSS XSS that are protected by CSRF protection or where other mitigating factors are present are usually considered to be unexploitable or of limited exploitability. This post details real world examples of exploiting “unexploitable” XSS in Google and Twitter. While the XSS detailed in this post are site specific the methods that were used to exploit them could be applied to other websites with similar implementations. Alex’s (kuza55) Exploiting CSRF Protected XSS served as inspiration for this post. Google Google has services deployed across many different domains and subdomains and as a result requires a way to seamlessly authenticate members who are logged in to their Google Account. When called by a member who is logged in to their Google Account the URL generates an auth URL and redirects to the particular service. When the auth URL is loaded the service uses the auth token to log the member in.

100+ Alternative Search Engines You Should Know If someone asks you, off the top of your head, what search engines you use or know off, chances are you’ll be naming the regulars: Google, Bing, Yahoo. The Internet however is a really big place and there are plenty more search engines out there that can cater to very specific requirements. General Search Engines We’re skipping the search engines that everyone know about so you won’t be seeing Google, Yahoo or Bing in this list. Here are many other alternative search engines available out there. Aol – Aol offers search results combined with content from AOL. MyWebSearch – MyWebSearch is search engine that shows results from Google. Regional Search Engines Search Nigeria – Search Nigeria is a web based portal and search engine. Kid-Safe Search Engines These search engines provide children with a search service that keeps out age-inappropriate materials unfit for consumption for young ages. Social Media Search Engines Pixnet – An online mobile photo sharing and networking service.
