Related: Docs et vidéos a ne pas manquer...Olivia Mokiejewski Coca-Cola est une marque mais également le soda le plus vendu au monde. Chaque jour, la multinationale vend près de deux milliards de bouteilles dans le monde. Ce documentaire est une plongée au coeur des mystères d’une légende. The benefits of a bilingual brain - Mia Nacamulli Amazed by what you have learned about having a bilingual brain? Then, start learning another language now! This website has tons of free lessons, games and quizzes to get you started! Pick one language or even two languages and get that gray matter growing. Speaking more than one language is like exercise for the brain? Transfer tribal land to individuals: Agri SA "More than 22 million people could [then] own something that they could develop and sell." De Jager was speaking in Johannesburg at a discussion hosted by the FW de Klerk Foundation on the recent African National Congress policy conference. Speaking later, he said there were about 22 million people living under tribal authority in areas formerly known as the homelands. This was residential land and common use land -- land used for cattle grazing for example. "It will be an exercise in wealth creation." De Jager said a debate was currently underway in African countries such as Malawi and Swaziland over whether the traditional system was necessary.
Animaux: Un dauphin demande de l'aide à un plongeur - News Loisirs: Animaux Un groupe de plongeurs occupés à observer des mantas géantes au large d'Hawaï a assisté à une scène rare: un dauphin gêné par une ligne de pêche qui demande à un plongeur de le libérer. Signaler une erreur Vous avez vu une erreur? Merci de nous en informer.
African farmers must do more to beat climate change: study Smallholders have started to plant more drought-resistant and faster-growing crops to keep the harvests coming in, according to a survey of 700 households in Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania. “The good news is that a lot of farmers are making changes,” said Patti Kristjanson, who heads a programme on climate change, agriculture and food security at the World Agroforestry Centre in Nairobi and led the study. “So it’s not all doom and gloom ... but much more needs to be done,” she told Reuters.
Interview EXPLOSIVE de Jacques Thomet pour son livre Retour à Outreau 1 avril 2013 1 01 /04 /avril /2013 17:04 Le dernier livre de Jacques Thomet est une véritable bombe. Et pourtant, l'omerta médiatique risque d'en faire un pétard mouillé. C'est pourquoi le Cercle des Volontaires et Pédopolis ont décidé d'interviewer l'auteur, afin de rendre compréhensible au grand public cette affaire révoltante.
Farmers could become extinct: Agri SA Farmers could become extinct: Agri SA A worker walks between rows of vegetables at a farm. File photo. Image by: SIPHIWE SIBEKO / REUTERS Arrêtez votre cinéma. Lâchez-nous avec la valeur travail ! Arrêtez votre cinéma. Lâchez-nous avec la valeur travail ! Diana Filippova « travaille » pour la communauté collaborative OuiShare. Fatiguée, comme beaucoup, de la morale travailliste incessante, qui n’est pourtant plus en phase avec l’état des technologies et la réalité de l’activité, elle vient à s’exprimer sur la valeur travail dans une lettre ouverte aux élus, dirigeants, syndicats, philosophes, économistes et les autres…
Asia Now Blog » Barefoot College May 26th, 2012 | Franziska | Human Rights | Barefoot College , Barefoot Solar Engineers , Bunker Roy , Empowerment of Women , Tilonia Tilonia, Rajasthan, India - the village did not have access to electricity until the Barefoot Collage opened its doors.Tilonia, Rajasthan, India - the village did not have access to electricity until the Barefoot Collage opened its doors. Let me take you on a journey to India. Imagine a small village far away from the industrialization and the development of our globalized world.