Bracelet Hello everybody! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. I know I did, for the most part. I strained my back on Saturday then spent Sunday watching Mad Men and reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. I am A total dork for all things Bourdain/No Reservations. But anyway… I am proud that I am, so far, keeping my New Year’s Resolutions. But I did mine with leather. And there you have it. Have a wonderful day! Oh, and if you haven’t already, remember to Friend me on Facebook :) starburst and tape from puglypixel. Like this: Like Loading... Easy Crochet Wrap Bracelet #1 Wrap bracelets are everywhere. I went to three different stores last weekend to buy gifts for friends and there were so many of these extra-long bracelets out there. I'm going to my first ever craft show (I've sold a few items at a show, but this will be my first foray into full out selling) and decided to make a few prototype crochet bracelets. I love the look of these bracelets and so for the next few posts here I will show you what I came up with . Easy Crochet Wrap Bracelet #1 Please note: You can make this pattern for any reason, even to sell. Materials Needed:less than one oz of Crochet Cotton or Nylon in size 3. Super Easy Instructions Prep: Thread your beads onto your thread. 1: Make a foundation chain long enough to wrap around you wrist loosely at least 5 times. 2: Double chain in the first 10 chains of the foundation chain. 3. 4. 5. And you're done! Please let me know (show me pictures!) See you soon with another wrap bracelet pattern! ~Dee I linked up at:
Silhouette Jewelry How-to...(Mom, You're Not Allowed to Read This) Mom, I'm serious. If you're reading this, jump on over to Amy's blog or something. Or at least start practicing your surprised look when you open up your gift on Mother's Day. I'm so excited about this project I just did that I decided to post about it right away for those of you who may still be stumped as to what to get your mom for her big day. After browsing the aisles of Hobby Lobby and finding out that their jewelry-making supplies are 50% off this week, I came up with this Silhouette Charm Necklace using pictures of my kids: Do you love it? The great news about this project is that it's relatively quick and also pretty easy. So, here's what to do: Head to Hobby Lobby or any place that sells these bezel pendants and a necklace chains. You'll also need a small amount of scrapbook or other pretty paper and some Gloss Mod Podge. Next, cut your pretty papers to fit your pendants and paint on a thin layer of the Mod Podge on the back of the paper to secure it inside the pendant.
DIY Woven Bracelet & Necklace I’ve been itching to make myself some jewelry inspired by Aurélie Bidermann’s “Do Brasil” line. Since I don’t have 300 Euros lying around, this looked like a design I could recreate on my own. I was primed to put together a DIY Tutorial for you all when I discovered that Honestly WTF had already done the honors. I picked up the gold necklace and the two bracelet chains from an antique shop for $5 a piece, and had the embroidery thread on hand. I only needed scissors and two bobby pins to see this project through. Pretty amazing results, no? Jump on over here for the tutorial. NECKLACE: I used shades of pale blue and turquoise embroidery thread, and wove through one side of the chain to mimic this necklace. CHARM BRACELET: This bracelet was already armed with charms. DOUBLE BRAIDED BRACELET: For this bracelet, I removed the charm and just used the chain. Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart
free crochet pattern « Near Miscellany Cutie Fruity Toddler Bracelet or Hair Tie The Cutie Fruity toddler bracelet is stretchy so it's easy for little people to put on and take off. Apparently that's half the fun! I created this for the Summer Solstice challenge in the Color Combination Challenge Facebook group. Cutie Fruity Toddler Bracelet Materials: Stretchy ponytail holder the right size to slip on and off a toddler's wrist easily. How to make the Cutie Fruity toddler bracelet. String beads onto the floss in the order you want them to appear in the finished work. Pass the hook through the ponytail holder, yarn over, pull hook back through and go over top of the ponytail holder, yarn over and pull through loop on hook. SC 2, *ch 3, SC 3* repeat all around the ponytail holder, making sure to do enough repeats to allow the band to stretch some, ch 4 and do not turn. Weave in any loose ends. When all is finished and secure, hand off to the toddler for a test drive! Enjoy! Glyph Out. Crocheting a Beaded Bracelet Crochet Pattern:
3 Four and Under: Silhouette Tutorial Nope, it's not what you're thinking. I'm not talking about the machine, I'm talking about making silhouettes of my beautiful children I've been wanting to make them for months, and I have been looking for inexpensive oval picture frames for months. This is how I made mine Step One: I took a picture of each of my children Step Two: I uploaded the pictures onto my computer and opened them in Adobe Photoshop And then I carefully deleted the background of the picture Step Three: I used the Paint Bucket Tool and colored in my daughter's silhouette in black Step Four: Then printed the pictures out and cut out each silhouette Step Five: I took the silver Dollar Tree trays and spray painted them white Step Six: After they dried I took my trusty Ralph Lauren glaze (that I got for a $1 a gallon) and painted it onto the edge of the trays and wiped it off with a paper towel Step Seven: Then using Mod Podge I decoupaged the silhouettes onto each tray Then hung them on the wall in my bathroom
Sewing A Bracelet This is a fun one! Give it a try… The measurements given will accommodate wrist sizes between 5 and 7 inches around. Start with 24 inches of 1/2 inch wide ribbon. Fold again and pin. Keep folding and pinning… Now, you are ready to sew. When sewing, make sure the folds are facing you. Cut a piece of 1/2 inch wide elastic 2.5 inches long. This is what it looks like after you sew the elastic to one end. Measure the bracelet length you need. I told you this would be a fun one! The Real Deal: It only cost me $0.50 in materials to make this bracelet.
this heArt of mine | Amy Christie Glass Tile Pendants Want to know how to make a glass tile pendant?? They're super easy - you can do this! Here's a brief tutorial. They can end up costing less than $1.70 each - wow! Perfect for gifts. What a great craft - I had one mom comment to me "this is a great craft that spans all ages - my daughter (7 yrs old) could do it and so could I and my mother - and we all enjoyed it!" First gather your supplies - you'll need: --a glass tile, --a bail (that's the hook that goes on the back), --paper or fabric design, --diamond glaze and a small paintbrush, --superglue, --and a chain to hang it on. Some ideas for your glass tile pendants: --Use fabric and paper - here's a post with great idea tips. I bought all my supplies from CandyTiles and was really impressed. ** update - 10% off at CandyTiles if you enter "sugarbeez10" in the coupon code area ** First take your tile, and trace it onto your paper. Next squirt your diamond glaze on the back of the tile - about pea size. Go make some!!
Sailor Knot Rope Bracelets Patriotic Turks Head Rope Bracelet From What Knot Shop As a child, we vacationed in Nantucket and Beach Haven, on the Jersey Shore. At the beginning of each summer, we’d slip on a rope “sailor” bracelet. We’d wear this bracelet all summer. In and out of the ocean, the pool, the softball field, the bracelet didn’t come off. It went on at the beginning of summer break and stayed on until the day before school started. Finally, on that last day of summer, our mom had to cut off the bracelet. Learn: Here is a great tutorial on How To Make A Classic Summer Sailor “Turks Head” Knot Rope Bracelet. Create: Make your own with a complete kit of traditional materials from Nantucket Knotworks. Purchase: Beautiful premade bracelets at this lovely etsy store, What Knot Shop and visit their blog for a more complex bracelet tutorial. CD DIY Note: The bracelet diy craft tutorial is great for children 7+. My Creative Dish