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Choose from 3,441 live vacancies

Société Chimique de France - Le réseau des chimistes Getting a graduate job in engineering and manufacturing In order to achieve a graduate job in the industry, you'll need to tick a number of different boxes Do I need a relevant degree? A degree in an engineering or technology-related subject is usually necessary to work in this sector. Engineering - To gain employment as an engineer you will need a relevant degree. There can be flexibility between disciplines, but to move between areas you may need to complete a conversion course. However there are areas of this sector that will not require an engineering degree, such as finance and accounting, human resources (HR), management and marketing and communications. What skills do employers want? Graduate employers within the engineering and manufacturing sector require candidates with: analytical and problem-solving skills; awareness of statutory, industry and company health and safety practices applicable to the job role; innovation; a high standard of numeracy, literacy and computing skills; planning and organisation skills.

Career planning for researchers - University of Leeds Careers Centre Career planning for researchers Career planning strategy for research students Employers increasingly value PhD holders as they recognise their high level skills transfer readily into a wide range of sectors. Your experience of postgraduate study may have whetted your appetite for a career in academia and so you might be looking for a research or lecturing post. In coming up with a careers strategy, you first need to undertake a self audit. You may have already decided on your future career path. The Careers Centre runs a number of workshops tailored for researchers which can help you with your career planning. Find out more Prospects: Use your Qualification - Lists of jobs related to your degree.

Excellent careers articles, including international specials and jobs. by raviii Jun 12
