flower_Window Pattern(rhinoScript + grasshopper + weaverbird + pointReconstruction) 很簡單的運用三種基本的Rhino外掛加上RhinoScript Grasshopper, WeaverBird, pointReconstruction 所形成的變化形牆壁 有點像中國的花窗形式 Simply using the three basic Rhino Plug-in Grasshopper, WeaverBird, pointReconstruction, and RhinoScript to create the pattern wall which is familiar with traditional Chinese windows. 首先 先使用RhinoScript在平面上產生亂數的點 生成2D的Voronoi線段 將這些線段利用"surface from planar curve"的指令 產生面之後 再透過Mesh from Surface/Polygon的指令 將Surface變成Mesh 最後再送到grasshopper裡面 進行WeaverBird的處理部分 First, using the rhinoScript to populate random points on plan. to get the outlines. Third, we use these outlines to make the surface with "surface from planar curve" and transfer them into mesh by "Mesh from Surface/Polygon." After All, we send these meshes to the grasshopper and use the weaver bird to get the pattern. 先試著用長形的來操作 調整第一個D前面的Slider可以調整開口大小 Changing the slider of the first "D", we can control the size of the opening Render 再來試著在同一塊平面Voronoi上 將其分割並給訂不同開口大小 亦會產生有趣的紋理 Then we try to divide the Voronoi into separate parts to create interesting Pattern.
Generative Product Design – The learning resource of design computation for product design and digital fabrication ecotect mesh data 2 rhino This tutorial runs you through the process of exporting your rhino geometry into ecotect and then bring the analysis data back into rhino. For this tutorial, you’ll need this Rhinoscript, sample data, and sample geometry. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Culling to create regular patterns – Example 1.4 | Generative Landscapes While most contemporary design expression tends to avoid patterns like the one above, introducing regular rhythms into projects is still important, and can be done very easily using the “Cull” components in grasshopper. The English verb “cull” implies getting rid of things (such as livestock) in a systematic manner. This is exactly what these components do. There are basically two steps to this simple exercise. Step One – Setup a rectangular Grid This is similar to a square grid, but with a couple of more options. Step Two – Do the cull with Cull N For our first Pattern, we are going to be using the “CullN” tool. Why does it do this? Cull N has limited functionality, but can be used for introducing a simple rhythm into a project. Cull Pattern For a slightly more complex pattern, you can use the Cull Pattern component. The panel is very useful for inputing fixed bits of data, and can also be used for inputing fixed constants for which you don’t want a slider. Variations Like this:
karamba Karamba 1.0.5 is now available for download and includes the following new features and bug-fixes. Karamba 1.0.5 contains these new features: A simplified installation procedure. Iso- and stream-lines with user supplied values and vectors at mesh-vertices (unlimited mesh-size also in the FREE-version of Karamba). Benchmark examples with known results from literature for the evaluation of calculation […] This intensive 4 day design/fabricate/build workshop explored digital form-finding techniques to produce a series of scaled architectural prototypes for freestanding pavilion structures. Candela Revisited The pavilion was designed by Zaha Hadid Architects London for the China International Architectural Biennal. Master of Architecture students of the University of Melbourne have completed a 12-week studio that involves using Rhino, Grasshopper and Karamba to produce grid-shell structures for a pavillion at the Northcote Aquatic Center.
Visari to Grasshopper | Studio Nu Click image above 2 watch video Autodesk is developing a new program, ‘Vasari’, which allows for quick and efficient wind and heat gain analysis. A common problem is pulling information across from these types of programs, like EcoTect, into a designers environment like Rhino and Grasshopper or 3D Studio. Without a proper SDK, or the understanding thereof, it is a frustrating and irritating process. In the academic environment this is an important part of any software package, the ability to jump between software. The trick is to see the Visari animation as color data, the Reds, Greens and Blues. Step1: The image above is a single frame from Visari in Top view. Step2: Convert all the frames so that the colors are black and white. IMPORTANT! Step3: Open up the definition from the download (bottom of this page). Color Image Path: Point to the small color frames. Black and White Disp: Point to the small black and white frames. Timeline: Set this to the number of frames you have.
How to build a Grasshopper component with Visual Studio in VB.Net | Architexted by Jonatan Schumacher: Jonatan[at]JSchumacher[dot]com This step-by-step tutorial showcases how to create a simple, but comprehensive Grasshopper component in VB.Net, using Visual Studio 2010 . It was created with the tutorials by David Rutten, which you can find in the help file for the Grasshopper SDK. David explains some of the actions in better detail, so I would suggest looking at his documentation simultaneously. This tutorial covers a few additional steps such as adding an icon and debugging the code. We will start all the way in the beginning with the project setup: Open Visual Studio and create a “New Project”: From the ‘Installed Templates’ menu, select ‘Visual Basic’, and then ‘Class Library’. 1_NewVBClass Save the VB project by selecting “Save All” from the File Menu: SaveComponent Change the file type from the compiled class library from .dll to .gha: Of course, we could do this manually each time we compile the code, but why bother? GH_IO.dll Grasshopper.dll RhinoCommon.dll Pheeew!
Blender to GH . a collection of codes & grammars for Grasshopper, a generative modeling tool for Rhinoceros. 3D Hilbert Curve This definition generates a 3D Hilbert Curve, a continuous fractal space-filling curve. 3D_Hilbert_Curve_Co-de-iT_1.0007.zip nGon mesh tessellation Starting from a closed surface it builds a nGon mesh tessellation nGon_tessellation_Co-de-iT_1.0007.zip Curves Sorter Starting from a list of curves it takes the first one then it looks for the closest curve and it eventually flips the direction to optimize the toolpath lenght. Curves_Sorter_Co-de-iT_1.0007.zip froGH A sparse collection of tools for Grasshopper. See the code, explanation and download here. Clusterizer This definition groups indexes of connected points into separate clusters. Clusterizer_Co-de-iT_0.9.0076.zip Spirograph This definition simulates a spirograph tool. Spirograph_Co-de-iT_0.9.0076.zip 3D Differential mesh relaxation This definition explores the 3D relaxation of a mesh effected by an image gradient. Vorospace Math surfaces .
February 2010 In these days at ZHA office we needed a quick and fast task to rename and manage annotation dots created previously. I wrote and custom for our purpose a series of RhinoScript from one of the codes archived on McNeel website . 1.RH convert_annotation_dot_to_points Option Explicit'Script written by Davide del Giudice'Script copyrighted by Co-de-iT www.co-de-it.com'Script version Sunday, 21 February 2010 20:40:21 Call convert_annotation_dot_to_points()Sub convert_annotation_dot_to_points()Dim arrDots, strDotarrDots = Rhino.GetObjects("Select dots", 0, True, True )If Not IsArray(arrDots) Then Exit SubDim arrPt, strTextFor Each strDot In arrDots If Rhino.IsTextDot(strDot) Then strText = Rhino.TextDotText(strDot) arrPt = Rhino.TextDotPoint(strDot)Rhino.AddPoints array(arrPt) 'Rhino.AddText strText, arrPtRhino.DeleteObject strDot End IfNextEnd Sub 2.RH convert_annotation_dot_to_points_coordinates Rhino.DeleteObject strDot 2a.RH points_coordinate_ from_points NextEnd Sub Dim obj,pts,i,pointCoord
Swarm Behaviours Workshop Material – @improved Recently I’ve tutored a Processing workshop for the Hyperbody department at the TU Delft. I’ve decided to share the sketches with the open world – who knows, maybe someone will find them useful. There’s quite a few variations included – clustering, attractors, collision avoidance, etc. Here’s a .zip file containing everything – including some Grasshopper sketches which allow for some basic interchange between Rhino and Processing via standard text files. Software License The following software systems (Freeform Origami, Origamizer, Rigid Origami Simulator) are proprietary software provided under the following license. The user is allowed to use the software if and only if both of the following conditions are satisfied. Before using the softwere, please contact me in advance. (Non-Commercial Use) The use of the software is non-commercial. (Attribution): The resulting works achieved using the software, e.g., research publications, exhibitions, educational workshops, etc. acknowledge the usage of the software and cite at least one of the following references. 利用ライセンス 本ページで公開されているソフトウェアシステム (Freeform Origami, Origamizer, Rigid Origami Simulator)は下記のライセンスで提供されるプロプライエタリ・ソフトウェアです。
Model of Parametric Bridge Conceptual Design Hi, everyone! Here is a bridge that I designed and modeled in Grasshopper. Although this is only a special case, the idea behind it is to take a parametric approach in designing all kinds of bridges since they share a logical structure which is particularly suitable for parametric modeling. I also believe that this logical structure can be implemented with various software. I used clusters to build the model, and the definition can still be difficult to follow. Critiques are welcome! Tags: Attachments: ▶ Reply to This [F]antastic + Interactive - ComputationalMatter [F]antastic + Interactive Self Organizing Curves + Point Attractors Influence - Grasshopper + Python Research V.1 [28.June.2011] - via GH_Python """Organizes the Curves by using a threshold value based on distances between each curve pt. A second set of Independent attractors in the form of points adds a new range of influence to the self organizing system .""" click images for full resolution Definition w/ Python Component Base Curves Gens [6] CurvePointsAttraction Level [6] AttractorPtThreshold Level [0] Location of Attractor Points to Influence SelfOrganization Gens [6] CurvePointsAttraction Level [6] AttractorPtThreshold Level [2] Gens [6] CurvePointsAttraction Level [6] AttractorPtThreshold Level [3] Gens [6] CurvePointsAttraction Level [6] AttractorPtThreshold Level [4] Gens [6] CurvePointsAttraction Level [6] AttractorPtThreshold Level [5] GHPython Code if "ghdoc" in globals(): a = ghdoc #b = ghdoc #a = ghdoc.SubSet(a) #b = ghdoc.SubSet(b)
BIODeLab BIODesign Research Laboratory