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Koubachi - Interactive Plant Care

Koubachi - Interactive Plant Care

Feel, Act, Make sense • Le Polo Tech, T-shirt connecté by Ralph Lauren A l’occasion de l’US Open, Ralph Lauren a sorti un nouveau polo. Celui-ci baptisé Polo Tech, ce polo est connecté à son porteur afin de recueillir des informations sur sa santé via des capteurs. Le Polo Tech En partenariat avec la société canadienne OMSignal, Ralph Lauren a décidé de sortir son tout nouveau bébé : Polo Tech, le T-shirt connecté. La sortie de ce polo n’a pas été choisie au hasard car c’est pour inaugurer l’US Open 2014. Pas encore commercialisé mais à l’US Open Le Polo Tech sera commercialisé très prochainement mais avant ça, il y aura quand même des chanceux qui vont le porter. - Home Le Ballon connecté vu par Adidas, le miCoach Dévoilé l’année dernière, Adidas propose depuis peu son ballon connecté à la vente. Sans doute un effet coupe du monde des objets connectés. Un ballon connecté pour le mondial 2014 Chose promise, chose due. Adidas avait promis la sortie officielle de son ballon connecté pour la coupe du monde de football, c’est le cas. L’équipementier sportif Adidas, après de nombreux tests, a enfin conçu le ballon adapté à tout le monde et pas seulement aux sportifs de haut niveau. Le ballon aux multiples capteurs Son fonctionnement est très simple.

EVRYTHNG Lecteur MP3 Nabaiji Vibease Vibrator - World's First Wearable Smart Vibrator - Cisco Firefox Cityzen Sciences : Le spécialiste des Textiles connectés Robot App Store | Cloud robotics | Connect your robots to Internet | MyRobots - Cisco Firefox BIOSERENITY LAPA - social lost & found | iOS & Android | key finder , pet locator , object tracker | Facebook integrated - Cisco Firefox Buy UP24™ by Jawbone® | Make fitness a habit. What is UP? What does it do? Band + App + You = The Up System The UP® system takes a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle. The UP24™ band tracks your movement and sleep in the background. The app displays your data, lets you add things like meals and mood, and delivers insights that keep you moving forward. How does UP24 track my movement and sleep? The UP24™ band uses a precision motion sensor and powerful algorithms to passively track and quantify your steps, distance, calories, active time, and idle time. Will it work if I cycle, do yoga, or other non-step-based workouts? The UP® App allows you to log the duration and effort level of a variety of different workouts, so you get credit and estimated caloric burn for non-step-based activities. How does UP® track what I eat, and where do the nutrition guidelines come from? We've made tracking what you eat or drink quick and easy, with the flexibility to go as deep as you want. What Is A Smart Alarm™ And How Does It Work?

Rethinking personal data | World Economic Forum-Rethinking personal data Report: Unlocking the Value of Personal Data: From Collection to Usage, February 2013 Unlocking the Value of Personal Data: From Collection to Usage, prepared in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group, examines the need for new approaches in the policies which enable the managing of personal data in ways that are flexible, adaptive and contextually driven. The report highlights outcomes from a nine month, multistakeholder, global dialogue on how the principles for using personal data may need to be refreshed to ensure they protect the rights of individuals, unlock socio-economic value and are fit for the complexities of a hyperconnected world. A key insight from the report notes that the age of Big Data creates both new opportunities and risks, particularly as they relate to the privacy of individuals. The report calls for the importance of establishing an updated set of principles and the means to uphold them in a hyperconnected world. Who owns personal data?
