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Archinect Ginger Monkey :: Tom Lane :: Illustration :: Design :: Typography :: home LUXIGON luxigon Home Adore Gewad // Atelier Vens Vanbelle | archaic Architects: Atelier Vens VanbelleLocation: Ghent, BelgiumArea: 468.0 sqmYear: 2012Photographs: Tim Van de Velde Like this: Like Loading...

CONTEMPORIST Homed'sign Glossaire de l'architecture Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. A[modifier | modifier le code] B[modifier | modifier le code] C[modifier | modifier le code] D[modifier | modifier le code] E[modifier | modifier le code] F[modifier | modifier le code] G[modifier | modifier le code] H[modifier | modifier le code] I[modifier | modifier le code] J[modifier | modifier le code] K[modifier | modifier le code] Kiosque - Pavillon (à plancher surélevé) avec toit portant sur colonnes-poteaux. - Édicule de vente sur trottoir. L[modifier | modifier le code] M[modifier | modifier le code] N[modifier | modifier le code] O[modifier | modifier le code] P[modifier | modifier le code] Q[modifier | modifier le code] R[modifier | modifier le code] S[modifier | modifier le code] T[modifier | modifier le code] U[modifier | modifier le code] Urinoir - Édifice sanitaire public. - Appareil sanitaire. V[modifier | modifier le code] W[modifier | modifier le code] X[modifier | modifier le code] Y[modifier | modifier le code] Ypon : ciment de la maison

Europaconcorsi B L O O D A N D C H A M P A G N E . C O M Golden Flax Bread » The Medicine Woman's Roots For those of us unable to eat grains in any form, bread can seem like a thing of the past. I went years without eating bread, much to my great sadness. And then, I discovered flax! I’d made flax crackers before and they’re great but I had no idea flax could become something firm, fluffy and yummy — something very like bread! This is my basic recipe, it’s very simple and any part can be modified to suit you needs, it’s really not the kind of thing that falls apart with any variation or omission. Amazingly, this bread is really really good. Be sure to get high quality flax seed. A word of wisdom: you must understand that flax has a LOT of fiber in it. Mix dry ingredients together well. The recipe will work for a regular sized pie tin or small loaf pan. Get your oven nice and hot (I have wood cookstove, I have no idea what the degrees are, but cooler than for biscuits, more like cornbread temp). Cook for appr. 20-25 minutes or until golden brown on top. Variations:

