About Rising Voices, an outreach initiative of Global Voices, aims to help bring new voices from new communities and speaking new languages to the global conversation by providing resources and funding to local groups reaching out to underrepresented communities. Introduction Founded in 2004 by a group of pioneering international bloggers, Global Voices aggregates, curates, and amplifies the global conversation online – shining light on places and people other media often ignore. However, over the years it became increasingly clear that certain regions, languages, and demographics were better represented in the online global conversation than others. The bloggers, vloggers, and podcasters featured on Global Voices tended to be urban, middle-class, and well-educated. Micro-Grant Competition Every six months Rising Voices organizes a micro-grant competition, which awards five grants of US$1,000 to $5,000 for new media outreach projects. Outreach Curriculum Get Involved About Us Past Staff Contact Us
The Alamo Home / Features & Resources / Cultural Notes / Topic Most of our cultural notes include audio. A few are abbreviated and do not have audio. The Alamo The building known as "the Alamo" may be named for the grove of cottonwood trees in which it stands. El Álamo El edificio conocido como "El Álamo," llamado por el bosquecillo de árboles de algodón en donde se levanta, fue la capilla de la Misión San Antonio de Valero, fundada en 1716. Comprensión ¿De dónde viene el nombre de El Álamo? Johnny Vagabond | Traveling Cheap, Taking Pics, and Telling Lies RoadTrip America - Road Trip Planning for North America BootsnAll Travel Network :: Travel Community, Travel Stories, Cheap Tickets, Youth Hostels and all your travel needs
Travel Myths - Latin American Destinations Before budget travelers can be sold on the merits of visiting Latin American destinations, the issue of crime must be addressed. Unfortunately, a certain percentage of would-be travelers to these value-packed locations won't even consider a trip because they've heard crime is out of control and that tourists are frequent targets. Clearly, there are areas that present significant danger. For example, the rain forests of Panama's Darién Gap region near the Colombian border are not safe to explore without an expert guide. Large sections of the coastal city of Colón are not safe for walking, day or night. Do these concerns make it unsafe to visit Panama? Throughout Mexico, Central America and South America, it pays to take a few precautions. That list of precautions applies to anywhere in the world, not just Latin America.
Uncornered Market - measuring the Earth with our feet... Visit Belgium Brussels Weekend How to spend 3 days in Brussels Brussels has enough to keep anyone fascinated, entertained and well-fed. What follows are suggestions for what one might do on a weekend covering a whole range of activities. Before you go: Global Greeter Network: Home The Cheapest Destinations Blog Blog de Viajes