Responsive, Fluid-Width, Variable-Item Navigation with CSS Around six months ago I was asked to develop a single row navigation bar that could contain a variable number of menu items while filling the entire width of the container. The amount of navigational items was dictated elsewhere and likely to change in future. Thinking ahead, it would have been impractical to change the CSS every time a menu item was added or removed. Using Percentage Widths Fixed widths are unable to consistently fill the responsive container, as the below image illustrates. So we need to use percentages to accomplish this. For example, take the below familiar HTML into consideration: And we’ll add the following CSS: Areas of note are: The <nav> element is given width: 100% to fill the entire available space. The result of adding these styles is shown in the CodePen demo below: Open it in a new window and test it out for responsiveness. What if We Add or Remove Items? Here’s what happens if we remove one item from the navigation, with our current CSS in place:
Domestic violence hotline faces spike in demand Updated Introduction "Has he hit you?" It's just after 10:00am in an open-plan office in inner-city Brisbane. "So, he has hit you in the past?" On the phone, a staff member from DV Connect — the Queensland-wide crisis counselling and emergency accommodation service for people experiencing domestic violence — tries to ascertain just how much danger the caller on the other end of the line is in. Demand out of control By this point in 2015, six women, two unborn babies, one child and one man have died in Queensland as a result of domestic violence. On this call, one of more than 200 the service will receive over the course of the day, the woman's answers will help determine a threat level. "She was right in the middle of nowhere, so isolated, and she was really, really frightened. Today, about a dozen telephone operators are taking calls from across the state. The service overwhelmingly deals with situations in which the victim is female and the perpetrator male. 'I am a dead woman talking'
Collection Spans Five Centuries of Women’s History Durham, NC - The David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Duke University has acquired one of the largest and most significant private collections on women’s history, documenting the work and intellectual contributions of women from the Renaissance to the modern era. Carefully assembled over 45 years by noted bibliophile, activist and collector Lisa Unger Baskin, the collection includes more than 8,600 rare books and thousands of manuscripts, journals, ephemera and artifacts, including author Virginia Woolf’s writing desk. Among the works are many well-known monuments of women’s history and literature, as well as lesser-known works produced by female scholars, printers, publishers, scientists, artists and political activists. “We are honored to be the institutional home of this spectacular collection,” said Deborah Jakubs, Rita DiGiallonardo Holloway University Librarian and Vice Provost for Library Affairs. Below, letters and photos from the Emma Goldman Collection.
Responsibility of Hijab for Man and Woman | The Islamic Hijab (Veil) Let us scrutinize the required important matters for both sexes in order to specify the difference in responsibility between them concerning this framework of Islamic hijab. Both man and woman are responsible according to the following verse of the Holy Qur'an: "Say to the believing men that they cast dawn their looks and guard their private parts; that is purer for them; surely Allah is Aware of what they do. And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and not display their ornaments except what appears there of, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their or name except to their husbands..." (Holy Qur’an, 24:30-31). The great jurisprudents (fuqaha) have cited explanations for these edicts: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. The fact, which no fair-minded person can doubt, is that the reason for the specification of covering a woman's body alone relates to her sentimental and physical qualities.