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This is a collection of names from around the world which was initially intended to help provide character names for live role-players. It includes short historical backgrounds, male and female first names or personal names, and surnames or family names, from many countries and periods. The author is not an expert in onomastics or history so would like to apologise if any mistakes have been made. New webmaster's note: This onomastikon was compiled by Kate Monk and hosted by Sal Robertson at

Skies Are Blue Chapter 1: Pinky, Meet Brain, a gilmore girls fanfic Skies Are Blue By Kyizi Disclaimer: Gilmore Girls and all related items do not belong to me. Only the Story and its related original ideas and characters are mine. Rating: PG-13. Spoilers: Season One. Distribution: Please ask, the answer will likely be yes. Feedback: is a gift. Notes: This is my first attempt at Gilmore Girls. My wonderful beta, DanaMulder, assures me it's in character, so I hope you all enjoy. xxxxx Part One: Pinky, meet Brain Lorelai tilted her head back and downed the rest of her glass. "Care to share?" She turned to the young boy beside her and smirked. The boy grinned at her. She shook her head, feeling a silly grin work around her mouth. He shrugged. "Indeed, but I have no need for a Drive Me Crazy moment." He winced. "Yes, but it was enlightening to see Sabrina away from the crazy aunts." "Wasn't the same without the cat." "Yes, Salem was sorely missed." The boy raised his eyebrows, but the ever present smirk did not disappear. "You better believe it. He frowned. "Fifi?"

Comment faire un skyblog Avoir un Skyblog c'est vachement important de nos jours, bien plus que d'avoir le bac ou du poil au zizi, c'est une sorte de signe de statut social. Mais voilà, le problème c'est qu'un Skyblog ça ne se fait pas comme ça, non non non petit impatient, il y a plein de règles tacites à respecter, un code a suivre, c'est hyper rigoureux. Heureusement, dans un élan d'amour très rare chez le sadique pervers geek mégalomane que je suis je t'ai pondu un dossier complet pour t'apprendre, a toi derrière ton écran (tiens, c'est con comme expression, si on se met derrière son écran on voit plus rien oO , déja qu'à côté ça donne pas forcément grand chose...), comment réaliser un Skyblog qui "déchiquète un bus d'éléphants verts" (Traduction: Un skyblog qui déchire ! Grave ? Zi Dossier: Comment faire un skyblog"K1k00l0l" - Le design du Skyblog: "Oui mais si les couleurs font saigner des yeux personne va me lire ?" - Comment écrire dans un Skyblog: - Quoi mettre dans un Skyblog: - Les commentaires:

Serendipity Medieval Names Archive This collection of articles on medieval and Renaissance names is intended to help historical re-creators to choose authentic names. These articles were gathered from various places, and some of them appear elsewhere. In all cases, the copyright on each article belongs to its authors. For frequent users, we offer a compact index; but please read the following introduction at least once. What's New Choosing a Medieval Name Choosing a medieval name is easy: Open any book on any aspect of medieval history, and there will be some names. To be honest, it isn't that easy. at least not if you truly want an authentic name. Good and Bad Sources It's also easy to get led astray by bad sources. Many people in the Society have written articles to help you choose an authentic name. The Problem Names Project Some names that many people think of as common to the Middle Ages or Renaissance are either purely modern or otherwise problematic. You can help! Table of Contents Personal Names in Specific Cultures

Fic: A Heart Bright and True (Gen, Ron, rated R) - Fanfiction by Lyras Title: A Heart Bright and TrueAuthor: lyrasWord count: 15,500Characters/pairings: Ron and ensemble, including Cho, Harry, George and Angelina. Gen, with background canon pairings.Warnings: Dark themes, including violenceRating: R (to be on the safe side, for violence and language)Summary: Ron is struggling with his identity after leaving the Aurors and setting up a detective agency. flyingcarpet, and I very much hope she enjoys it! liadlaith for beta-reading and making excellent suggestions. Part one of three; this part: 5,500 words. Oh, look at you, my pretty, sleeping there so sweet and warm, with your parents downstairs to keep you safe. Ron let himself into Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and slid carefully around the Whiz-bangs stand by the door. Not that Ron normally cared much about disturbing his brother, but it was the end of April, which meant that the anniversary of a certain death was approaching. "Anything for me?" Ron rolled his eyes. "Nah, don't need that today." "Anything good?"

Les Etapes De La Creation < Avant De Vous Lancer < Createur Portail des dirigeants, créateurs & chefs d’entreprise TPE/PME/PMI – Dynamique Entrepreneuriale. Création d'entreprise La création et le financement des start-up 14/11/13 | David SANGLIER La très grande majorité des sociétés a débuté en mode « start-up ». On se souvient de Microsoft qui fut créée dans un garage et de NRJ dans une chambre de bonne. Commercial Quelle vidéo pour quel projet ? 31/10/13 | Yves Maguin Lorsque l’on se lance dans la création d’une vidéo, il est important de se poser une question technique importante : quel type de vidéo vais-je utiliser pour faire passer mon message ? La création d’entreprise en 10 étapes 23/07/13 | Nicolas PASTUR C'est l'été, nous sommes au cœur de l’accalmie annuelle de l'activité économique, et peut-être allez-vous créer votre entreprise à la rentrée. Conseil Avant d’entreprendre : les premières questions 20/05/13 | William Demuyter Toute création d’entreprise commence par une prise de conscience personnelle de ses propres capacités. Créer une entreprise, les étapes Comment rater sa création d'entreprise

Place Name Generator - Generate Fantasy City, Country and Town Names! Jump down to the Generator If you have come here looking for a fictional place name, you have probably tried to come up with one and you know just how hard it is. To create a good interesting place name you will need time and a lot of investment, you probably do not want to spend hours just on a place name, you have a book to write or a game to make/play. This generator will hopefully help you on your way to finding the perfect place name for your book, game or what ever you are playing/working on. There have been millions of place names created throughout history for cities, countries and towns, some stand the test of time and others get changed or forgotten, by using this place name generator you should be able to find a suitable name which will be interesting and memorable. Southspell Place Names Generated: Favorite Names: Click on the names you like the best. Southspell Copy your names before you leave.

A History of Irish Surnames: Is Yours Here? – Ancestry Blog The earliest known Irish surname is O’Clery (O Cleirigh); it’s the earliest known because it was written that the lord of Aidhne, Tigherneach Ua Cleirigh, died in County Galway back in the year 916 A.D. In fact, that Irish name may actually be the earliest surname recorded in all of Europe. Until about the 10th century in Ireland, surnames were not passed down from generation to generation. Instead, surnames were patronymic, or based on someone’s father’s name. A person was identified by his given name plus “mac,” meaning “son of,” followed by his father’s name. For instance, Brian mac Colum was Brian, son of Colum. The female form of “mac” is “nic,” shortened from the Irish iníon mhic. Alternatively, the prefix “o” was sometimes used in place of “mac” and meant “grandson of” or “descended from.” There were no fixed surnames, so a surname changed every generation or two. But even without hereditary surnames, those names still hold clues. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. — Leslie Lang

Failing Tolkien: The Fall of High Fantasy Update: I wrote a follow-up to this piece: Further Thoughts on World Building Cover illustration for Words of Radiance I just finished reading Brandon Sanderson’s monstrous tome: Words of Radiance . I’ve never liked high fantasy taken as a genre, but I did love The Lord of the Rings (which launched the genre) and I am enjoying Sanderson’s Stormlight Archives. High fantasy, if you’re not familiar with the term, refers to the kinds of fantasy books that have maps in them. Tolkien’s own cover illustration for The Fellowship of the Ring. For all practical purposes, Tolkien invented high fantasy. The problem is that they have all learned the wrong lesson. To correct this confusion we must start with the realization that Tolkien’s world-building was inextricable from his religious faith. ‘Sub-creation’ was also used by J.R.R. As we delve deeper into Tolkien’s theory of sub-creation, it is useful to contrast his view with that of his friend C. For Downing, this is a point against Tolkien.

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