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Fiches jardinage potager verger

Fiches jardinage potager verger

Little Alexander · seed starting in egg cartons It’s finally time to start seeds again! After months of winter garden dreaming, action at last! First come the onions. We’re planting a bunch this year, maybe not enough to grow all our own, but enough to make a dent. And we start just about every meal with sautéing onions in olive oil, so we’re starting 150 onion seeds, and we’ll see where that takes us. While we’ve got some of those black plastic trays you see at garden stores for seed starting, we don’t have enough of them for 150 onions and everything else we’ll be starting later on. Here’s what we did: 1) Got a bunch of egg cartons (Thanks, John!) 2) Cut out a panel from the lid on three sides, so we have a flap of sorts on top, while stapling the original lid closed (we tried glue, but staples were easier). 3) Filled the bottom half of the cartons with potting soil, and then put in enough seed starting medium on top for the seedlings to emerge into. 4) Put in our seeds, one future-plant per cell.

Ebooks libres et gratuits Bud of the Day» flower magazine Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower. John Harrigan via Pinterest Copyright © 2012 Flower Magazine - All Rights Reserved // Website Design by Tammy Hart Designs 03-13 Souveraineté - Tout le monde au bercail, dit Landry Québec — Le retour en force des partis souverainistes dans l'opinion est «tellement significatif», croit Bernard Landry, que cela «devrait faire revenir pratiquement tous ceux qui ont quitté le Parti québécois». L'ancien premier ministre péquiste croit que la chef Pauline Marois, en créant un comité sur la souveraineté — «avec des gens que je connais bien et en qui j'ai une grande confiance» —, a remis le cap sur l'indépendance. Ce virage, il souligne l'avoir «vivement souhaité», a-t-il rappelé lors d'une interview au Devoir hier, notamment dans une lettre ouverte parue dans les journaux en début d'année. «Maintenant, c'est tous à bord et tous pour la cause!», a-t-il clamé. Le 24 janvier, alors que le PQ croupissait au troisième rang dans les sondages et que Mme Marois traversait une grave crise de leadership, M. Quant au retour au bercail des Louise Beaudoin, Pierre Curzi, Lisette Lapointe et Jean-Martin Aussant — qui ont quitté le PQ en juin —, M. Écueils pour les souverainistes

How to Make an Herb Garden from a Pallet - PinkWhen - DIY Tutorials * Recipes * More Before and After: Pallet to Pallet Herb Garden Working with The Home Depot on the outdoor and gardening campaign has been fun, and for my last post I am going to be using those wonderful herbs I purchased last week on my shopping spree . I have always wanted to make an herb garden, but with a small yard, 4 children, and 2 dogs, there is not much room left for an herb garden, or any garden for that matter. I was excited to find that Pinterest picture, because just a few short weeks ago when we had sod delivered , they delivered it on 3 pallets! I removed all of the broken boards, which you can see were most of them. Once I removed all of the broken and rotten boards, I was basically left with a frame, and still a very sad looking frame at that. Boards cut at (3 total) 39" 14/16ths and (6 total) 17" 14/16ths to replace the other broken boards, and to create the shelves for my plants. I then broke out my Kreg jig. Creating angled pocket holes for my shelves Shelves added to the pallet frame

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Jardin, le serveur des jardiniers amateurs Jardin d'Hubert
