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Resources and Downloads for Teaching Critical Thinking

Resources and Downloads for Teaching Critical Thinking
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HOTandThinkertools - home Books To Read Before Starting A Business 16inShare53 Are you a current or prospective MBA student? Our MBA Corner is just for you. If you have the drive to start a business all on you own, you know research beforehand is crucial. The best managers and business owners also know that running a successful organization requires continuous learning and reexamination of ideas. If you’re already an entrepreneur or plan to start your own business soon, add these books to your reading list. On business fundamentals and productivity hacks 1. Godin has written a whole library of business-oriented books. Godin’s ideas are simple but elegantly explained: Your business and product must be a purple cow. 2. Covey was one of the key players in making “proactive” a business buzzword. The author’s son Stephen M.R. “More than ever we need to be able to understand how to effectively work with people. 3. This book might challenge you to stop reading this article. On how to develop better people skills 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. But it doesn’t always work.

4 Great Web-Based Mindmapping Tools To Enhance Your Creativity Having trouble organizing all of your ideas? Sounds like what you need is a mindmapping tool. Mindmaps are a wonderful resource for brainstorming, planning, and managing ideas in a way that increases your productivity and enhances your creativity. But what if you want to create a mindmap without pen or paper? 12 Productivity Habits To Finally Hack Your Life In The New Year 12 Productivity Habits To Finally Hack Your Life In The New Year A common resolution for most working people is to be more productive. In recent years, a lot of mindmapping resources have begun popping up on the Internet. What Is It? has been around since 2006, making it one of the oldest web-based mindmapping tools to still exist today. The Good: Intuitive drag-and-drop interface.Mindmaps can be saved, shared, and collaborated on with others.Mindmaps can be embedded into webpages.Export mindmaps in XML, HTML, PNG, or JPG formats.Use keyboard and mouse shortcuts for improved workflow. The Bad: The Good:

Poised for a Promotion? Consider This First Feeling ready to move up before your manager taps you for a new role is a common workplace frustration. Often an employee’s view of what constitutes readiness for a promotion is very different from her manager’s perspective. Before asking for a move up, consider these four things. 1. 2. 3. 4. If you have accomplished steps one through four, it is time to go after a promotion. No one should care more about your professional development than you.

Ten Good Online Tools for Creating Mind Maps Creating mind maps or webs is one of my favorite ways to organize ideas and information. I've often had my students create mind maps as an exercise in making visual connections between important concepts, events, and people in a unit of study. The following free tools offer good options for creating mind maps online. MindMup is a free mind mapping tool that can be used online, with Google Drive, and on your desktop. Lucidchart offers a simple drag and drop interface for creating flow charts, organizational charts, mind maps, and other types of diagrams. Coggle is a collaborative mind-mapping service that is very easy to use. Simple Surface is an online whiteboard tool that you can use to collaboratively create outlines and mind maps. Sketchlot is a free collaborative whiteboard service that works on any device that has a web browser. Realtime Board is a nice tool for hosting online, collaborative brainstorming sessions. Spider Scribe is an online mind map creation service.

Why You Stink At Networking I attend a lot of networking events--so many that I can now spot a disingenuous, disinterested, unsuccessful networker from across the room. And I'm not alone in my avoidance of those people. Here are four common networking mistakes, and strategies for making more meaningful connections moving forward. 1. You're not really there. You walk into a crowded room and immediately get caught in a conversation. This is a horrible practice, yet so many of us do it. Remember, the person across from you might not have a VP title or work for a large organization, but he is connected to a universe of people. To help manage your anxiety, set a five-minute limit on all conversations. 2. You stopped networking when you got your last job three years ago. Desperate job hunters are too keyed up and needy to truly connect. To avoid this, keep up with your contacts even when you don't need them. Notice that these last two suggestions require giving something to your contact. 3. 4.

The 10 Stages of the Creative Process The Hunch Any project starts with a hunch, and you have to act on it. It’s a total risk because you’re just about to jump off a cliff, and you have to go for it if you believe in it. Talk About It Tell your family, tell your friends, tell your community … they’re the ones who are going to support you on this whole treacherous journey of the creative process, so involve them, engage them. The Sponge I’m going to tons of art shows, I’m watching a lot of movies, I’m reading voraciously… and I’m just sponging up ideas and trying to formulate my own idea about the subject. Build I love the world “filmmaker” because it has “maker” in it. Confusion Dread. Just Step Away Take a breather — literally just step away from the project… Let it marinate — don’t look at it or think about it. “The Love Sandwich” The Premature Breakthroughlation Revisit Your Notes Know When You’re Done

Things That Make People Happier Visible Thinking Why Make Thinking Visible The central idea of Visible Thinking is very simple: making thinking visible. We learn best what we can see and hear ("visible thinking" means generally available to the senses, not just what you can see with your eyes). We watch, we listen, we imitate, we adapt what we find to our own styles and interests, we build from there. Now imagine learning to dance when the dancers around you are all invisible. Strange as it seems, something close to it happens all the time in one very important area of learning: learning to think, which includes learning to learn. Visible Thinking includes a number of ways of making students' thinking visible to themselves, to their peers, and to the teacher, so they get more engaged by it and come to manage it better for learning and other purposes. When thinking is visible in classrooms, students are in a position to be more metacognitive, to think about their thinking. Number Twins Training Area: Math calculations Description: Put your mental math and speed skills to the test. Keeps your math skills sharp and helps to boost your logical reasoning skills. Think Outside the Flock Training Area: Flexibility Description: Put your creative thinking skills to the test. Letter Drop Training Area: Verbal Fluency Description: A real brain workout. The Key Game Description: You'll love critical thinking without a net in this brain exercise. A Spoon Full of Sugar Description: Grab a spoon and your spatial skills in this brain challenge. Factory Balls Training Area: Problem Solving Description: Grab your goggles and head to the workshop. Ball Slicer Training Area: Concentration Description: Slice and dice your way to better concentration skills. Marble Jar Training Area: Pattern Recognition Description: Relax and focus in this favorite brain game. Matchmaker Description: Takes your concentration skills to a whole new level. Skyscraper Sea of Faces Training Area: Memory Jewel Thief

Fallacies Dr. Michael C. Labossiere, the author of a Macintosh tutorial named Fallacy Tutorial Pro 3.0, has kindly agreed to allow the text of his work to appear on the Nizkor site, as a Nizkor Feature. It remains © Copyright 1995 Michael C. Labossiere, with distribution restrictions -- please see our copyright notice. If you have questions or comments about this work, please direct them both to the Nizkor webmasters ( and to Dr. Other sites that list and explain fallacies include: Constructing a Logical Argument Description of Fallacies In order to understand what a fallacy is, one must understand what an argument is. There are two main types of arguments: deductive and inductive. A fallacy is, very generally, an error in reasoning.

Why MANY Smart People Don’t Get the Support They Deserve You may have experienced this (or might have seen someone go through this situation) – you are on to something big and need a LOT of help but even people who have known you for a while are not actively supporting you in your quest. They seem to listen to everything and say encouraging words about your adventure but when it comes to doing something, they shy away from it. It bothers you because you have known these people for a LONG time and these are some people that you would totally expect 100% support from. What could be wrong? As part of my mini-research, I talked to dozens of people who have been through this situation. While I could find a number of reasons, none of them could be as strong as the burden of the story gap. There is a difference between a) Your true potential b) Your potential as perceived by your core group Pick a time a few years ago when both (a) and (b) were approximately at the same level. BUT, there was a limitation. You know it and you can feel it. There is a gap.

Fallacies  A fallacy is a kind of error in reasoning. The list of fallacies contains 209 names of the most common fallacies, and it provides brief explanations and examples of each of them. Fallacies should not be persuasive, but they often are. Fallacies may be created unintentionally, or they may be created intentionally in order to deceive other people. The vast majority of the commonly identified fallacies involve arguments, although some involve explanations, or definitions, or other products of reasoning. Sometimes the term "fallacy" is used even more broadly to indicate any false belief or cause of a false belief. An informal fallacy is fallacious because of both its form and its content. The discussion that precedes the long alphabetical list of fallacies begins with an account of the ways in which the term "fallacy" is vague. Table of Contents 1. The more frequent the error within public discussion and debate the more likely it is to have a name. The term "fallacy" is not a precise term.

Your Weakness May Be Your Competitive Advantage - Dorie Clark by Dorie Clark | 9:00 AM February 5, 2014 Midway through the workshop I was teaching on professional reinvention, I gave participants an assignment: create a narrative citing your professional strengths. After the break, a woman named Alison raised her hand. “This one was difficult for me,” she said. “I thought about what was special about me: I’m a strategic thinker, and I can get things done. But other people can do that, too. As Phyllis Stein, the former head of Radcliffe College Career Services, told me when I was researching my book Reinventing You, many of her highest-achieving clients are also the most self-critical. “What job are you applying for? “I used to sell medical equipment,” she said, “and now I want to do project management for medical equipment companies.” But her background was actually perfect, if only she’d tweak her perspective. When you’re trying to understand your unique abilities, it helps to think about scarcity.
