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DIY USB password generator

DIY USB password generator
Having done half a dozen V-USB tutorials I decided it’s time to whip up something cool. As USB keyboards were an area untouched, I decided to make a small USB HID keyboard device that types a password stored in EEPROM every time it’s attached. A new password can be generated just by tabbing CAPS LOCK a few times (4 times to start password regeneration and one tab for each password character generated, 10 is the default password length). Below you can see the device in action: The place I work at requires me to change my password every few months so this would be one way to skip remembering a new password altogether (as long as I remember to write it down before regenerating a new one so password can be changed :). What is inside? The device is powered with a simplified version of the hardware I used in my ATtiny85 USB tutorial – I stripped away the LCD, reset pullup and both capacitors. The enclosure was graciously donated by an old 512 MB flash drive. Software Update 2: Indiegogo project

Quantum Computing: A Primer – Andreessen Horowitz watch time: 28 minutes One of the key insights that legendary physicist and Nobel Prize laureate Richard Feynman had was that quantum mechanics (the branch of physics that deals with subatomic particles, uncertainty principle, and many other concepts beyond classic physics) is just way too complicated to simulate using traditional computers. Nature, of course, can handle these complex calculations — computers however can’t do those same calculations (or would take a prohibitively long time and amount of resources to do so). So what is a quantum computer and “qubits” — especially as compared to a traditional computer and bits? some sources and recommended further reading: Quantum Computing 101 — University of Waterloo Institute for Quantum ComputingQuantum Computing Since Democritus — Scott AronsonQuantum category — Scott Aronson’s blogQuantum Computing entry — WikipediaGrover’s Quantum Search Algorithm — Craig Gidney, Twisted Oak Studios

The Tiny Radar Chip Revolutionizing Gesture Recognition: Google ATAP’s Project Soli - News Google ATAP is bringing touchless interfaces to the market using a miniaturized radar chip no bigger than a dime. This is Project Soli. Google ATAP at Google I/O 2016 Project Soli made a big splash at last month’s Google I/O 2016 conference, even more so than its initial unveiling at Google I/O the year before. Soli is being developed by Google’s Advanced Technologies and Projects group, or Google ATAP, which tends to focus on mobile hardware technology. Google ATAP differs from its kindred Alphabet sibling, X, in that it incubates projects for only two years where X develops their projects longer, such as their six-year work on self-driving cars. The project founder, Ivan Poupyrev, introduced both Project Soli and Project Jacquard (which deals with wearable smart fabrics) at this year's gathering. In his presentation of Soli's capabilities, machine learning engineer Nick Gillian showed off Soli’s capabilities in the context of smart watch control. The Soli Sensor Minute Gesture Control

JTAGulator® | Grand Idea Studio On-chip debug (OCD) interfaces can provide chip-level control of a target device and are a primary vector used by engineers, researchers, and hackers to extract program code or data, modify memory contents, or affect device operation on-the-fly. Depending on the complexity of the target device, manually locating available OCD connections can be a difficult and time consuming task, sometimes requiring physical destruction or modification of the device. JTAGulator is an open source hardware tool that assists in identifying OCD connections from test points, vias, or component pads on a target device. Assembled JTAGulators are available from Parallax, Inc. For questions and technical support, please contact This design is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-3.0 United States license. Module Highlights: Documentation: Additional Resources:

Kids Explore Engineering with Cartoon Tech Build “To the Tortuga!” my husband and I heard the announcement from the backyard. Our two boys, Ben (7) and Miles (3), had become pleasantly obsessed with the coolest brothers in nature – the Kratt Brothers. Our boys have been the Grand Brothers for months and there are no signs of it letting up. Turns Out Daddy is an Engineer What can a Daddy really do in this situation? Joe jumped at the chance to help the boys and I jumped at the chance to learn about and document the process. It Starts with a Plan Joe and Ben sat at the kitchen table and brainstormed what their version of the Creaturepod would actually do. From there, the engineering began. The heavy task that came next was building the prototype. The next day, Joe finished up the coding for the prototype. (Boring) Code Complete; Time to Test If you thought the cellphone commercials were hard to listen to (“Can you hear me now?”) Fabbing the Creaturepod Once the testing was a success, it was time for some circuit board layout.

Electronique - Bases Electronique > Bases Dernière mise à jour : 07/04/2019 Dernière page ajoutée ou mise à jour : Alimentations secteur avec transformateur Feuille de route - Avertissements - Droit à l'erreur ? - Conventions schémas - Débuter en électronique - Les typons proposés Circuits imprimés et Soudure, Rangement des composants Fer à souderSoudure : Danger ? Débuter en électronique Débuter en électronique - Par où commencer ? Circuits électroniques de base Monostables - A transistor, à portes logiques, circuits dédiés...Temporisateurs - Principes de base, "trucs" pour longues duréesPetits amplis BF - Quelques petits montages qui permettent de se faire entendre un peu mieux... Circuits électroniques un peu plus avancés CD4059 - Mise en oeuvre du diviseur de fréquence programmable CD4059MAX487 - Test d'un convertisseur TTL / RS422-485Fréquencemètres - Comment construire un fréquencemètre "simple" ? Alimentations, commandes et interfaces Audio / MIDI Mise en boitier et Câblages divers Nettoyage Divers

Locking the bad guys out with asymmetric encryption Encryption, the transformation of data into a form that prevents anyone unauthorized from understanding that data, is a fundamental technology that enables online commerce, secure communication, and the protection of confidential information. Encryption algorithms are the mathematical formulae for performing these transformations. You provide an encryption algorithm with a key and the data you want to protect (the plaintext), and it produces an encrypted output (the ciphertext). Encryption algorithms are designed so that performing the decryption process is unfeasibly hard without knowing the key. The algorithms can be categorized in many different ways, but perhaps the most fundamental is the distinction between symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Before 1973, every known encryption algorithm was symmetric. This in turn makes symmetric algorithms tricky to use in practice, because those keys must be securely transported somehow. Unfortunately, that approach doesn't scale very well.

Semiconductor Engineering .:. The End Is Near Looking back is easier than looking forward, and looking narrow is easier than looking wide. In 2013, there were several fundamental changes. Change No. 1: IP is now a lucrative market. From Synopsys’ standpoint, it’s been a lucrative market for some time. But the acquisitions made by Cadence, beginning in late 2012, coupled with the push by ARM into the micro-server market and the flailing response by Intel in the micro-server and foundry markets, are just the beginning. As chips get harder to design and build, and there is simply more stuff in them, it doesn’t pay to develop everything yourself. Change No. 2: Moore’s Law increasingly looks like a historical relic (at least for most companies). Change No. 3: The Internet of Things seemed to have sprouted to life in 2013. So what do these changes mean? Prediction No. 1: Third-party IP will become a central part of every design. Prediction No. 2: Moore’s Law will continue to languish, but not for the obvious reasons. Ed Sperling

Integration Nation on Planet Analog - Steve Taranovich - GPS: Explaining the Ubiquity of Time Events ▼ UBM Tech UBM Tech ▼ To save this item to your list of favorite Planet Analog content so you can find it later in your Profile page, click the "Save It" button next to the item. Multi-Channel Phase Coherent Vector Signal Generator VSG5000A This system is comprised of four independent vector signal generators that are able to be phase aligned to one or more of each other, allowing the creation of any complex RF signal environment with any type or mixed types of waveforms. The versatility of the VSG5000A multi-channel phase coherent vector signal generator makes it ideal for several different types of applications. In wireless communications, it can be used to play back waveforms or create new waveforms in order to develop and test satellite and terrestrial voice and data networks. In radar applications, the system can be used to generate multiple signals with adjustable phase relationships to test phased array antennas. It can also be used to play back or recreate complex and dynamic battlefield spectrums for applications involving electronic warfare.

Power Puzzle September 17, 2013 by Kevin Morris We all learned about power in EE101, right? You know, voltage times current - bam, we're done. Easy as Ohm's Law. Fast forward a few years and we're in industry, designing digital circuits. We applied those lessons to do things like gating our clocks, making circuits wider and lower-frequency instead of narrower and higher-frequency, sizing our transistors to be appropriate for the job they have to do, and minimizing IO activity and memory accesses. Then, we got our first FPGA. Fortunately again, the FPGA company gave us a nice spreadsheet thingy that would give us an estimate of our design's power consumption - accurate to within just three or four orders of magnitude. To understand FPGA power consumption, it's helpful to realize that an FPGA is really kinda' just a fancy memory. If we were to list all of the power forces affecting our FPGA design, there are two biggies: static power and dynamic power. Now, a word of warning is appropriate here. FPGA.
