Arrow Electronics, Inc. Home - Hartmann Elektronik GmbH, Stuttgart, Deutschland. Fond de paniers, Système de câblage du panneau arrière pour bus Semiconductor Distributor | EBV Elektronik Selectronic - magasin electronique @Nation SolidWorks Tutorials – A step by step guide HWTrek - a unique home for connecting hardware enthusiasts around the world Berlin Hardware Accelerator The Lean Hardware Startup: Financing Note that the Complete Functional Prototype is different from just a mockup: it actually does the full job the final product is supposed to do, rather than showcasing the essential functionality/purpose of the proposed product. Target: Validate a problem At this stage, you are exploring the idea feasibility and market demand. The usual lean startup methodology applies: customer development interviews, surveys, and all kinds of research. It is all too easy to believe that your solution is “needed” when there was never really a problem to be solved in the first place. Financing needs: close to zero The concept phase generally requires no external funding. Target: “It works” A cousin of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), this device made from off-the-shelf components and 3D-printed or handmade custom parts does the job in a half-broken way. Financing needs: minimal As you now have a product, advice will pour in. How the Leap Motion controller evolved over time (Source: Leap Motion) Retail
The Lean Hardware Startup: From Prototype To Production Editor’s note: Cyril Ebersweiler is the founder of the pioneering hardware startup accelerator HAXLR8R (which is now looking for applicants) and Partner at SOSVentures. Benjamin Joffe is an expert on startup ecosystems, angel investor and Advisor at HAXLR8R. Both invest in companies around the world and spent over a decade in China and Japan. This is Part 1 of a series. If the printing press was about “anyone can read,” the web about “anyone can write,” the hardware ecosystem changed enough to say today “anyone can build.” Yet, despite successes like Square, Jawbone, and Fitbit, hardware startups continue to look daunting to entrepreneurs and investors alike. The first challenge for hardware entrepreneurs is to get from your first prototype with 3D-printed parts, duct tape and cardboard to production-ready. Steve Blank, a key inspiration in the Lean Startup movement, famously said “No business plan survives contact with the customer.” Design with the right components
La lettre au père Noël de Makery Les kits de prototypage se multiplient, qui proposent aux makers des cartes pour aller plus vite dans la conception de leurs projets. A travers leurs campagnes de financement participatif, ils attirent la convoitise et le soutien des internautes. Chez Makery, on a décidé d’en faire une lettre au père Noël… Très inspirées du succès du micro-contrôleur Arduino, utilisé dans nombre de projets d’électronique embarquée, les cartes de prototypage se multiplient, qui font appel à la générosité des internautes sur les sites de crowdfunding, avec plus ou moins de succès. Makery en a repéré dix, que tout maker digne de ce nom voudrait voir sous le sapin le 25 décembre au matin. Printoo : le plus souple Qu’est-ce que c’est ? A quoi ça sert ? Comment ça marche ? Qui le fabrique ? Combien ça coûte ? Un Arduino plus léger que l’air ? En savoir plus sur le site Campagne Kickstarter achevée le 17 mai 2014: 560 contributeurs, 80.336$ rassemblés sur un objectif de 20.000$. A quoi ça sert ?