background preloader book and offer tours, activities, workshops, local events and more exciting things to do book and offer tours, activities, workshops, local events and more exciting things to do

Features Copy this code and paste it immediately after your opening <head> tag: Because you are using the Shopify App, the Optimizely embed code is already added to your shop automatically! If you want to run Optimizely on a page NOT hosted by Shopify, copy & paste this code snippet to the top of the <head> tag: Copy to Clipboard Send to Developer Include this snippet on every page you want to run experiments on and track as a goal. To add new projects, go to the Dashboard. Copy this code and paste it immediately after your opening <head> tag: This Project Code snippet is unique to this project. Your account has more than one project, so be sure to add the correct snippet. Each project has a unique Project Code snippet that must be included on every page running experiments or being tracked as a goal. Click on Project Code to get your snippet:

Kickstarted: Finding Space (and Making a Makerspace) This week marks an important milestone for OpenROV: we’re moving out of the garage. Not because we’re planning for exponential growth, hiring dozens of people, or have raised venture capital. We’re moving out because we have completely run out of space. Our movement around our Cupertino, Calif. garage is now limited to a maze of stacked boxes: acrylic plastic, webcams, brushless motors. It’s all here. Unfortunately, for maker businesses like us, accidental entrepreneurs whose projects receive a sudden Kickstarter-boost in demand, it’s difficult to project just how much space you’ll need. The garage (or living room) is the perfect and obvious starting point. Just as makerspaces like TechShop have redefined the reach of garage tinkerers by giving them access to a full suite of rapid prototyping tools, they’re also creating a demand for a “garage-plus” space for maker businesses. From a traditional real estate perspective, the next steps for a growing business are pretty straightforward.

Travel Recommendations, Travel Advice, Trip Planner Twigmore shows how to use friends on Facebook to find locals in a destination TLabs Showcase on travel startups featuring US-based Twigmore, a Facebook-based platform which connects travellers and locals through friends. Who and what are you (including personnel and backgrounds)? Twigmore is a travel networking tool on Facebook that connects travelers and locals through friends. The company was founded by Stephen Smyth and Peter Baer. Stephen has a product and engineering background and was general manager of has had senior sales and marketing roles at Warner Brothers, CBS and a mobile startup. We are both travel enthusiasts who wanted to solve one of our own problems: how to find trusted locals wherever you go. What financial support did you have to launch the business? We bootstrapped the business for the first seven months and then received $125,000 in funding from angel investors. What problem are you trying to solve? It’s hard for travellers to find trusted locals who can answer questions, show them around or just help when things come up.

Quello che non uso (forse) piace ad altri Dai forum alle piattaforme web. Etico, eco e utile: lo scambio di oggetti Quello che non uso (forse) piace ad altri Vince il «local» Funzionano meglio i sistemi che mettono in contatto utenti della stessa zona geografica, individuata da un'app Secondo alcuni catastrofisti che vedono imminente il collasso dell'attuale sistema economico, la sopravvivenza in un futuro non troppo lontano sarà garantita dalla capacità di scambiare oggetti e servizi. Uno dei tratti comuni delle piattaforme online di scambio è la loro natura locale. In Italia tra i servizi più diffusi c'è il decano del settore, ZeroRelativo , online dal 2006, che aggrega una comunità di permutatori di oltre 30 mila iscritti; qui il baratto avviene come da definizione con uno scambio diretto di beni o servizi. La reputazione degli inserzionisti è fondamentale per la fiducia nella piattaforma.

Jobs :: de ABOUT MADE | MADE MADE is a creative platform for artists from various fields, located in the heart of Berlin. It can be a gallery, a workspace, a studio, a stage, a laboratory, or a performance space – but most of all, it is a venue for interdisciplinary projects that invites artists to step out of their artistic routines. The goal of MADE is to enable a new kind of creative work by bringing together different artistic fields and offering a workspace and an inspiring biotope that allows new things to happen. MADE was founded in early 2010 by German contemporary artist tadiROCK, her partner Nico Zeh and ABSOLUT Vodka, a visionary brand that fosters creative collaborations for over 30 years.

