Using Backbone.js with jQuery Mobile Backbone.js is an architectural framework that helps you write well-structured Web applications. It is not, however, a user interface framework and it therefore doesn’t help you with the way your application looks. Backbone’s confined scope is a good thing: it’s lightweight, non-intrusive, not coupled to things you don’t need, and it lets you use the UI toolkit of your choice or simply roll your own styles and widgets. Quest for a Mobile UI Toolkit After that post, I wanted to create a mobile version of the same application; a version that I could package with PhoneGap and that would look and behave like a native app. Another Way to Use jQuery Mobile jQuery Mobile (jQM) is one option that I’ve explored before (here and here), but it fits more in the category of full-stack frameworks that tie together architectural structure and UI controls and behaviors. Sample Application NOTE: Another approach would be to use jQM’s “routing” instead of Backbone’s. Here is the app: How it works Source Code
30 Fresh Web UI, Mobile UI and Wireframe Kits | Speckyboy Design Magazine Following-on from our previously popular Web UI and Wireframe Resources articles, in this round-up we felt we should bring you right up to date by taking a look at some of the freshest freely available UI resources. All of the templates, kits, stencils and even the Photoshop Actions we have in this post have all been designed to help make the initial rapid prototyping stages of web and mobile development that little bit easier, quicker and smoother. As you would expect all of the kits are fully editable and available in a multitude of various formats (.psd, .ai, .eps, .png or even .kth (Keynote), .ppt (Powerpoint) or Omnigraffle formats). Website Wireframes Kit for Adobe Fireworks (.png) The Dragnet website wireframes kit is a common library for Adobe Fireworks and contains over 25 objects that are useful for rapid prototyping of websites. Fireworks Mini Web Wireframing Kit (.png) The idea behind this mini wireframe kit is to give you just the essential shapes for web wireframing.
Web Inspector: Understanding Stack Traces Posted by Yury Semikhatsky on Wednesday, April 20th, 2011 at 7:32 am Finding errors in JavaScript code both during application development and when it’s already released is an important part of web development. We’ve recently added a mechanism for handling uncaught JavaScript exceptions and made some improvements in the tools that allow you to work with stack traces. Tracking exceptions When something goes wrong, you open the Web Inspector console (Ctrl+Shift+J / Cmd+Option+J) and find a number of JavaScript error messages there. However, there might be several execution paths that lead to the error and it’s not always obvious which one of them has happened. You may also want to pause JavaScript execution next time exception is thrown and inspect its call stack, scope variables and state of your app. Printing stack traces Printing log messages to the Web Inspector console is also very helpful in understanding how your application behaves.
Best practices for Web services versioning The correct handling of API versioning has been one of the most difficult issues faced by developers of distributed systems. Various schemes have been proposed, ranging from the laissez faire approach taken by CORBA to the stricter schemes used in DCOM. With the advent of Web services, there are some new features that you can take advantage of that can help alleviate the problem, but the brutal fact of the matter is that versioning has not been built into the Web services architecture. Current products from IBM and other vendors do not directly address the versioning issue, requiring developers to solve the problem through the application of patterns and best practices. Understanding the Web services API versioning problem is easy. Imagine that we have a simple WSDL document that contains a WSDL operation defined using the fragment in Listing 1. Listing 1. Now, let's say that you have deployed this Web service and that a number of requestors have been written using it. Listing 2.
10 Super jQuery and Ajax Scripts for Web Developers In web development scripts like jQuery and Ajax becomes very handy for web developers. If you are a learner or a expert these scripts is really helpful of all. In this post I have shared free jQuery and Ajax scripts to help our upcoming web developers. In this list includes - A Drop-Down Menu Plugin for jQuery, Rotating jQuery Tabs, Sliding Login Panel with jQuery, AJAX Loading Panel, Mysql Ajax Table Editor, jQuery youtube playlist plugin etc. Nice & Clean Sliding Login Panel built with jQuery Please note the Login and Register forms in this demo will not work "out of the box" without a user login system pre-installed on your site (e.g. Download | Demo Uploadify is a jQuery plugin that allows the easy integration of a multiple (or single) file uploads on your website. Uploadify is available under the GPL and MIT licenses. Download | Demo Mysql Ajax Table Editor Mysql Ajax Table Editor is a php script that will allow you to create web pages to edit mysql tables in a matter of minutes.
jQuery Mobile Tutorial: Creating a Restaurant Picker Web App Mar 08 2012 With an increase in the number, diversity and complexity of smartphones, more and more companies want to have their own mobile app, but creating a native app can be pretty expensive. It requires special skills, as well as special coding tools, and then there is also the need to build an app per platform (Android, iOs, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, etc). All of this figures in to a higher price tag for the app development. The jQuery framework has been around the web for a while now, but the jQuery base technology was basically designed for browser apps. jQuery Mobile is a framework based on jQuery that enables web designers to create web-apps that are optimized for use on a mobile device (Smartphone and tablets). In this jQuery Mobile tutorial, we will create a nice demo app from scratch, to show some of the things that can be easily done using this powerful tool. The Concept of the Mini App: Restaurant Picker Wireframing Our Application. Home Screen : Choose a Plate Choose a Town
Way Cool CSS3 Typography Experiments CSS3 opens up new avenues for design and creativity on the web, with the ability to better control the display of content through the browser. One of the major areas of improvement in CSS3 are new methods that can be applied to text and typography to create unique results. We’ve gathered up some way cool CSS3 typography experiments for you to check out, and hopefully inspire you when using CSS3 in your own projects. If you need to know more about CSS3, check out some of our other posts: Enjoy! CSS3 Typography Poster Another experiment in CSS3 techniques. CSS3 Typography Experiments” width=”500″ height=”643″ /> CSS3 Tilt Shift Text Where are the trees is an experiment trying to create a Tilt-Shift effect on Text using CSS3. Once again text-shadow was my best friend. CSS3 Typography Experiments” width=”500″ height=”420″ /> Subtle CSS3 Typography You’d Swear Was Made in Photoshop Curtis CSS Typeface Curtis is the name I’ve given for a family of geometric sans-serif fonts currently in development.
What to Read to Get Up to Speed in JavaScript There’s a discussion going on on the JSMentors JavaScript mailing list about books to read to get you to the next level . There’s been a lot of great feedback and suggestions thrown out and I wanted to offer up what I felt were good to carry you through the learning process. While I list a number of books in the Big List page that I created , narrowing it down into specific levels makes a lot of sense. Note that some resources will overlap between levels. These are books that I’ve read over the years and found incredibly useful so I’m categorizing them to make it easier for you to get going. Introductory These are books that will give you the fundamentals of the JavaScript language and get you started: JavaScript: The Good Parts Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) ppk on JavaScript, 1/e Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: from Novice to Professional) Eloquent JavaScript (Online Resource) Intermediate