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DIY Mason Jar Chandeliers: Easy Combo & Great Results

DIY Mason Jar Chandeliers: Easy Combo & Great Results
Related:  Lamps

Lighting Made of Galvanized Iron Table lamp made of galvanized iron parts that make it different and artistic ! ++ Available at Design2009 on Etsy DIY Solar Lamp: Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Sun Jars « Dornob The principle is simple and seductively clever: solar lights that store energy during the day and release light at night. These can be purchased ready-made in a variety of colors (yellow, blue and red) but they can also be built at home. A simple, less-technical approach involves buying a conventional solar-powered yard lamp and then essentially harvesting it for key pieces to put in a jar. A more electronically-savvy individual can take the more complex route and built a solar lamp from the ground up using small solar panels – though the aesthetic result may not be as impressive. Whatever route you choose to go, these are fun and sustainable gadgets that make it easy to go green, automate the process of turning on lights at night and can add some color to your porch, patio, garden or windowsill.

Top 10 Essential DIY Skills That Aren't as Hard as You Think I think it depends on your definition of "maintenance." I wouldn't hesitate to change my own oil or something like that but I wouldn't dream of replacing a radiator myself. That isn't my idea of "maintenance." That's fixing something. Sorry you are afraid of doing that stuff, but even a complete engine rebuild is easy to do, and no you don't need "special tools" unless you call things beyond a hammer and screwdriver "special" I can do a front end alignment on a car in my driveway with a tape measure and a couple of carpenters squares along with the wrenches most people would have. Also if you do buy the cheap but special tools you can replace your own tires and balance them better than the "laser computerized" balance machine at the tire place. In fact the only expensive special tools I need are a Crane and engine run stand. Danger? This is why I don't take my cars to the dealer for any routine maintenance. Aside from that, dealers are inconvenient.

Make A Cheap &Easy Solar USB Charger With An Altoids Tin : TreeHugger - StumbleUpon Photos by Joshua Zimmerman The craftster behind the very popular $3 solar-powered emergency radio is back with a new awesome project: a cheap solar battery charger with a USB plug. Zimmerman wrote, saying that he saw a lot of small solar powered chargers being talked about over Earth Day, but there was a big problem: "They're all quite nice, but also quite expensive. I don't think I've seen any for less than $60, and I've not seen one that really suits my style." So, he came up with his own, using one of our favorite reusable items -- the ever wonderful Altoids tin. In looking for the cheapest way to accomplish the task, Zimmerman found that he could build a USB solar charger for under $30 (or $10 if be buys parts in bulk, though it's not likely you'll be buying bulk solar cells and DC-to-USB converter circuits). Zimmerman states, "The central brain of our project is a DC to USB converter circuit.

Into the Woods Projection Light Due to its being dramatic and showstopping and incredibly F'ing rad, Hilden & Diaz's Forms in Nature forest projection light sculpture has earned viral popularity this week. To the point that the artists are planning a Kickstarter project for it, as well as currently entertaining bids from interested parties for individual fixture production. I suggest starting your bids at $1 million if you hope to beat my offer of $5.75, plus lessons on how to get: A) elegantly wasted; and B) more chicks. What? Using a porous white mass of jagged branches, the sculpture partially illuminates a room, and partially hurls oversized shadows onto its surrounding ceiling and walls such that one feels immersed in a scene from Sleepy Hollow or Jumanji.

Flashback: Jam Jar Lanterns : Daily source of DIY craft projects and inspiration, patterns, how-tos | In a matter of days, it will officially be summer in the northern hemisphere. Parties, weddings, barbecues, and quality outdoor time all call for some sweet outdoor lighting when the sun goes down. It’s a perfect time to flashback to the Jam Jar Lanterns tutorial from the pages of CRAFT Volume 10, the Celebrate issue, written by our own wildly talented Brookelynn Morris. She originally came up with this charming design, and the rig that makes making a number of them a breeze, when she was making a set for her dear friends Harper and Christian’s outdoor wedding (reception pictured above). The lanterns look so lovely strung up on a chain and cast a warm, soft hue. Materials Jars Any size will do I used the quilted style.Tape measure Wire, 16 or 18 gauge 2×4 lumber, 2′-3′ long Standard nails (3) Finishing nails (8) Finishing nails have no heads.Needlenose pliers Hammer Candles Directions Make the Jig 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Goli Mohammadi Related

Tissue Paper & Paper Flowers Tutorial I debated sharing this tutorial for a couple-o-reasons. Reason 1. It's a craft that has been around since before I was born and reason 2... it's a craft that has been around since before I was born. I feel like I might be a 100 years old at this point. My crows feet asked for slippers the other day cause they were getting cold. Since it's new to me I figure it's got to be new to someone else too so I am doing it anyway! Supplies you'll need to make tissue paper flowers:Tissue paper (seeing as how this IS a tissue paper flower tutorial it would stand to reason that some form of tissue paper will be required)16 HUGS (just checking to see if you are actually reading this)Pipe cleaners or floral wireScissors Extras (for pizzaz): glimmer mist, brads, 2 inch Styrofoam balls, ribbon, more hugs (still checking), a flower girl (seriously), and lastly... As I stated last week, I purchased a Martha Stewart tissue paper flowers kit a few months ago on clearance at Malwart. Let's get started!! VOILA!!

Ordnance Survey Blog » Dry stone walling for dummies Today we have a guest blog from Chris James of Fix the Fells / Nurture Lakeland. Chris decided to lend a hand to the dry stone walling teamIt was my first attempt at the black art of dry stone walling. Piling rocks on top of each other to build walls. No cement, nothing to bind them except the weight of the rocks and the skill of the waller in linking the intricate shaped rocks into infinite combinations; a 3d jigsaw stretching miles into the distance.I was spending a morning with a team working for the Fix the Fells project. A charitable organisation which works to repair and maintain upland paths across the Lake District with funding from donations, partners and the Heritage Lottery Fund. It's hard work dry stone walling and a rest is well deserved! Have you had a go at dry stone walling? This year the Lake District National Park is celebrating its 60th anniversary.

天花板上的海底世界 造型水母燈系列 | 設計、好點子、什麼玩意兒、燈 | 妞書房 | 妞新聞 niusnews 妞新聞介紹過這麼多燈品,不知道大家最喜歡哪種?燈,無論是照明用,或是裝飾空間用,已經成為空間裡不可或缺的要素之一。人類從早期生火堆、拿火把到當代社會,加上巧思後,設計成多款造型燈品,天上飛的雲朵、地上走的貓咪都可以作為造型,妞編輯這次就帶大家來看看水裡游的燈品! Enpundit(enpundit) Wild About Glass(wildaboutglass) Realitypod(realitypod) 是不是有一種想吃海蜇皮的感覺呀(誤),這些以水母為造型的燈飾,有些是用對生態環境友善的材質做成、有些則是玻璃製品,造型美麗奇特之餘,或許是想藉此提醒,在這個海洋環境遭到汙染的現今,如何讓水母不要落入只剩下工藝複製品的境地,是我們每個消費者必須有意識面對的課題之一。 Source:enpundit、wildaboutglass、realitypod
