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Recalibrate Your Reality

Recalibrate Your Reality
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Designing The Perfect Daily Routine: The Ultimate System Harvard’s Positive Psychology Professor, Tal Ben-Shahar, believes happiness is the result of balancing meaning with pleasure. But understanding what gives us meaning and what gives us pleasure is not as easy as it sounds. In this article, I will teach you how to track everything you do and then restructure your activities in the optimal way. You will learn the best way to end procrastination and develop the right habits such as meditation, exercise, and learning so that you can grow every day. You will learn how to work diligently on that which gives you meaning and reward yourself accordingly with pleasure. Work, for example, is thought of by most people as annoying and tedious, but psychologists Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Judith LeFevre show otherwise. In their article, Optimal Experience in Work and Leisure [PDF], they show that while people say they prefer leisure over work, actually, they have more ‘flow’ and ‘peak experiences’ at work. aTime Logger 2 The Meaning Map 1. 2. 3. 4.

The Neuroscience of Decision Making In an attempt to put matter over mind, researchers are beginning to decipher what exactly is happening in our brains when we are making decisions. Our thoughts, though abstract and vaporous in form, are determined by the actions of specific neuronal circuits in our brains. The interdisciplinary field known as “decision neuroscience” is uncovering those circuits, thereby mapping thinking on a cellular level. Although still a young field, research in this area has exploded in the last decade, with findings suggesting it is possible to parse out the complexity of thinking into its individual components and decipher how they are integrated when we ponder. Recently, three experts in decision neuroscience discussed their work, describing the genesis of this cutting-edge field and why it incorporates several disciplines. DAEYEOL LEE, PhD, Department of Neurobiology and Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, Yale University School of Medicine C. C. WANG: Yes.

Sami pozbyli się dobytku. Wolą "być" niż "mieć" - Najważniejsze informacje - Informacje - portal - 22.03 Minimaliści. Ludzie nieposiadający. Albo posiadający inaczej. Pozbyli się niepotrzebnych rzeczy. Ci ortodoksyjni mówią, że mają ich mniej niż 100. - Nie wykonałem żadnego drastycznego ruchu, że od razu wziąłem moje rzeczy i wyrzuciłem 90 proc., tylko powolutku, powolutku... pewne zmiany, takie jak zmiana mieszkania na mniejsze były już naturalną rzeczą, bo juz miałem tak mało rzeczy, że naprawdę nie potrzebowałem większego mieszkania - mówi. Tak naprawdę do szczęścia, żeby być szczęśliwym, żeby być uśmiechniętym, wstawać rano zadowolonym z życia nie potrzebujemy praktycznie nic.minimalista Arek Recław Ale kiedyś też pędził za "więcej". - Tak powolutku, powolutku inne rzeczy zaczęły mnie kręcić niż ten pęd za więcej - wspomina. Od innej strony Orest Tabaka zaczynał podobnie: blogi, książki. - Większość osób ma tak: co ja mogę wyrzucić. Wciąż ma więcej niż sto rzeczy. - Chodzi o to, żeby wybierać to, co faktycznie potrzebujemy. Radek Białek wolny od posiadania był przez 18 miesięcy.

Confidence Quiz - The Confidence Code Welcome to The Confidence Code Assessment! Our confidence assessment is easy to take, but make no mistake—it’s a sophisticated assessment that is based on a variety of existing psychological surveys, and some critical new questions. It was created with the help of Dr. Richard Petty, of The Ohio State University, Dr. Kenneth DeMarree of the University at Buffalo, and Dr. The survey will also start to examine the links between self-esteem and confidence. During this quiz you will be asked to respond to a variety of questions. Thanks for your participation! Claire & Katty Join the 50,000+ to see how confident you are! ↑ Please scroll up a bit to see results after you hit submit if the screen doesn’t automatically scroll up for you to see your results. ** We do not share your name or email address with anyone.

Virtual Currency Is The Next Big Platform Editor’s note: Ari Mir is the co-founder and CEO of virtual currency platform Pocket Change. He also co-founded, the world’s largest in-image ad-network. This week, Mir is attending the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. My youth was spent jumping turtles, killing 16-bit Nazis, connecting kickflips with manuals and nube tubing. Haaaaadouken! Like most boys and young men during the ’80s and early ’90s, I loved video games. For two decades, selling hard and soft copies of games proved to be a very lucrative business. Virtual goods are purchased with virtual currency, a digital medium of exchange similar to dollars and cents. The advertising industry has already seized the opportunity. Engaging with advertisers won’t be the only way to earn virtual currency. As millions of users begin to build liquidity in a system such as FB Credits or other virtual currency providers it becomes possible to disrupt the trillion dollar mobile payments space. [image via flickr/]

43 Simple Ways To Simplify Your Life Post written by Sherri Kruger. Follow me on Twitter. Simplicity. How can we make things simpler, more streamlined, or more efficient? Is this all just hype or is there actually something to this simplicity thing? Reducing complexity in my life has reduced stress, increased free time, and top priorities are actually top priorities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. There are countless ways to simplify your life, these are but a few.

Brain Rules An attempt by Kelly Sutton to get rid of everything - Cult of Less ► Integrity: The definition and true meaning of integrity-explained-explaining-define-defined-means-mean-what is-described-description A few thoughts on the matter: The following information is simply one person's opinion based on life experiences and a personal understanding of truth and honesty--which are part of the foundational aspects of true integrity. 4) Integrity is a guideline, a benchmark, a point of reference or a goal that is used to make decisions that rely on truth and honesty. All things are related to this point of reference and judged accordingly. To maintain integrity, you must remember to refer to truth and honesty in ALL decisions, thoughts, actions and reactions. That is not an option if you are to have and maintain integrity in your life. 5) Integrity is something that a person builds and maintains during a lifetime. 6) Leaving the past where it is, picking up the pieces and moving on is critical if you choose to "turn over a new leaf." Looking back is important to learn from our mistakes--but leave it at that--"looking back." 9) Integrity must be maintained. 28) You can do it. Sister Marcela!"

5 Phrases That Can Boost Employee Morale I left the company years ago for another but I still run into former colleagues. Usually the ensuing conversation involves something along the lines of, “Hey, did you hear about the (latest management decision I think is really stupid) at the plant?” This question was different. “You worked there for almost 20 years,” my ex-coworker said. “Is there anything you wish you could go back and do over?" I thought about it later. Instead I most regret the things I didn't say: To employees who reported to me, to some of my peers, and to at least one person I worked for. It's too late for me, but it’s not too late for you. “That was great how you...” Feel free to go back in time. “Can you help me...?” Even though I could tell he really wanted to participate, I never let him. Asking someone for help implicitly recognizes their skills and value. And there’s a bonus: You get help. “I'm sorry I didn't...” Say you're sorry. Say you're sorry, say why you're sorry, and take all the blame.

How To be so Productive You Can't Stand it You might think that creatives as diverse as Internet entrepreneur Jack Dorsey, industrial design firm Studio 7.5, and bestselling Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami would have little in common. In fact, the tenets that guide how they – and exceptionally productive creatives across the board – make ideas happen are incredibly similar. Here are 10 laws of productivity we’ve consistently observed among serial idea executors: 1. Break the seal of hesitation. A bias toward action is the most common trait we’ve found across the hundreds of creative professionals and entrepreneurs we’ve interviewed. 2. When our ideas are still in our head, we tend to think big, blue sky concepts. 3. Trial and error is an essential part of any creative’s life. To avoid ‘blue sky paralysis,’ pare your idea down to a small, immediately executable concept. 4. When working on in-depth projects, we generate lots of new ideas along the way. 5. 6. 7. 8. Few activities are more of a productivity drain than meetings. 9.

La miopía de futuro - 30.06.2012 - EL 15 de enero de 2009, unos pocos minutos después de despegar del aeropuerto de Nueva York, el piloto del vuelo 1549 se dio cuenta de que un problema en los motores no le permitiría llegar exitosamente a destino y tampoco volver al aeropuerto. Tomó, entonces, una de las decisiones más trascendentales de su vida: amerizar en las frías aguas del río Hudson y lograr, de esa manera, que todos los pasajeros y la tripulación salvaran sus vidas. Si el piloto de ese avión hubiese sido una computadora, muy posiblemente todos estarían muertos. Las 155 personas se salvaron porque Chesley Sullenberger II, "el héroe del Hudson", tenía un cerebro humano y, particularmente, porque su lóbulo frontal estaba intacto. Los seres humanos, basados en nuestra experiencia, intuición, aprendizaje y emoción, integramos la información en un contexto que cambia permanentemente de manera inmediata y automática. El lóbulo frontal ocupa toda la región anterior del cráneo. © La Nacion.

Jesteś kompletny. ~ Natural Revolution - uzdrów swoją osobowość i żyj efektywnie. 13:20 in Medytacja, Przemiana Osobista, Umysł Ten artykuł jest nieco dłuższy :) Wierzę jednak, że podejście w nim opisane może całkowicie odmienić jakość Twojego życia. Zastanów się. Czemu robisz to co robisz? Czemu spędzasz swoje życie w taki, a nie inny sposób? Czemu masz takie marzenia i cele jakie masz? Co jest źródłem Twoich akcji i zachowań? 1. Zauważyłem, że wiele osób podejmuje działania w swoim życiu zmierzające do naprawiania siebie. Ogromna część rozwoju osobistego, samoaktualizacji i treningu motywacji opiera się również na założeniu, że jesteś niedoskonały. Że musisz wyskoczyć z boksa, musisz poszerzać swoją strefę komfortu, musisz uczyć się nowych rzeczy, musisz się rozwijać. Musisz, musisz, musisz. Zawsze jest coś do naprawienia. Pytanie brzmi: jakie jest źródło? Wiele osób tworzy związki bo czuje się samotnymi. Potrzebuje. Wiele osób podejmuje się określonej pracy albo uczy pewnych rzeczy, żeby się ulepszyć. Teraz jest źle! Umysł tworzy wizję siebie. Depresor żywi się porównaniami.
