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Austin Kleon on 10 Things Every Creator Should Remember But We Often Forget

Austin Kleon on 10 Things Every Creator Should Remember But We Often Forget
by Maria Popova What T.S. Eliot has to do with genetics and the optimal investment theory for your intellectual life. Much has been said about the secrets of creativity and where good ideas come from, but most of that wisdom can be lost on young minds just dipping their toes in the vast and tumultuous ocean of self-initiated creation. So widely did the talk resonate that Kleon decided to deepen and enrich its message in Steal Like an Artist — an intelligent and articulate manifesto for the era of combinatorial creativity and remix culture that’s part 344 Questions, part Everything is a Remix, part The Gift, at once borrowed and entirely original. (This piece of truth is available as a print from 20×200, one of the best places for affordable art.) The book opens with a timeless T.S. Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different.” Kleon writes in the introduction: Donating = Loving

Archivio » Regressive and Reflexive Mashups in Sampling Culture, by Eduardo Navas Grandmaster Flash on the Wheels of Steel some time in the early days of hip hop. Image source: Update as of 8/13/10. The revised version of this text is now available online as Remix Theory post 444. Update as of 4/29/10: This text has been revised for the book publication Mashup Cultures. This text was published on June 25, 2007 in Vague Terrain Journal as a contribution to the issue titled Sample Culture. Today, sampling is practiced in new media culture when any software users including creative industry professionals as well as average consumers apply cut/copy & paste in diverse software applications; for professionals this could mean 3-D modeling software like Maya (used to develop animations in films like Spiderman or Lord of the Rings );[1] and for average persons it could mean Microsoft Word, often used to write texts like this one. Introducing Mashups There are two types of mashups, which are defined by their functionality. Remix Defined Mashups Defined

Remembering Ray Bradbury with 11 Timeless Quotes on Joy, Failure, Writing, Creativity, and Purpose by Maria Popova The literary hero in his own words. What a tragic season it’s been for literary heroes who defined generations of readers and creators. On doing what you love, in this wonderful 2008 video interview from the National Endowment for the Arts: Love what you do and do what you love. On art, in Zen in the Art of Writing: Releasing the Creative Genius Within You: We have our Arts so we won’t die of Truth. UPDATE: Reader Dr. On reading as a prerequisite for democracy, from the same 2008 NEA interview: If you know how to read, you have a complete education about life, then you know how to vote within a democracy. On creativity and the myth of the muse, in Zen in the Art of Writing: That’s the great secret of creativity. On creative purpose and perseverance in the face of rejection, in Snoopy’s Guide to the Writing Life: [S]tarting when I was fifteen I began to send short stories to magazines like Esquire, and they, very promptly, sent them back two days before they got them!

Ужасът наречен Ротшилд | ANONYMOUS BULGARIA Историята на една от най-богатите фамилии в света, която чрез подлости и измами успява да превърне целия свят в една игра на „Монополи”, в която ние сме само статисти. Част 1 1710: Ражда се Амшел Мойсей Бауер. Занимавал се е с лихварство и с търговия на коприна в еврейското гето „Алея на евреите“ (Frankfurt Judengasse), съществувало в германския град Франкфурт на Майн от 1462 г. до 1796 г. Бащата на Амшел е бил Мойсей Калман Бауер, а единственото известно нещо за него е, че е умрял през 19 Октомври 1735 г., и че предците му идват от земите на Хазарския хаганат - голяма средновековна номадска държава, създадена в средата на 7 век преди Христа на територията на днешен Дагестан върху останките на Западнотюркския (Тюркютския) хаганат в съседство с Кубратова Велика България. Хазарски хаганат 650 г. — 969 г. Велика България била в упадък след смъртта на хан Кубрат. Амшел се жени за Шунсе Лехних и има с нея официално 8 деца. Алея на евреите през 1868 г. Майер Амшел Бауер Гутле Шнапа А те са:

Los reportajes de Joe Sacco >> Papeles Perdidos Primera página de uno de los reportajes de Joe Sacco. Joe Sacco (Malta, 1960) ha sido uno de los grandes revolucionarios del cómic haciendo algo que, en el fondo, es más antiguo que la imprenta: dibujar la realidad. No es el único que ha trasladado el periodismo al tebeo pero sin duda es el que ha alcanzado una mayor difusión con títulos como Goradze, zona protegida (Bosnia), Palestina y Notas al pie de Gaza (Oriente Próximo) o, ahora, Reportajes (Mondadori), del que este blog ofrece un adelanto. Sacco -en la imagen de la izquierda aparece en un autorretrato que dibujó para un número de Babelia sobre cómic y periodismo en abril de 2010-, es consciente de que no resulta fácil que todos los lectores admitan que se pueden hacer reportajes a través del tebeo. Los reportajes que componen este volumen son un ejercio del mejor periodismo y de la más saludable honestidad. Puedes ver aquí las primeras páginas del reportaje Historias africanas. comentarios 4

Site title and description - Webmaster Tools Help Google's generation of page titles and descriptions (or "snippets") is completely automated and takes into account both the content of a page as well as references to it that appear on the web. The goal of the snippet and title is to best represent and describe each result and explain how it relates to the user's query. We use a number of different sources for this information, including descriptive information in the title and meta tags for each page. While we can't manually change titles or snippets for individual sites, we're always working to make them as relevant as possible. Create descriptive page titles Titles are critical to giving users a quick insight into the content of a result and why it’s relevant to their query. Here are a few tips for managing your titles: As explained above, make sure every page on your site has a title specified in the <title> tag. Why the search result title might differ from the page's <title> tag How snippets are created Create good meta descriptions

Mashup: A Fair Use Defense Mashup, a style of music that combines samples from various songs, would appear to many to be the epitome of copyright infringement. In fact, a 2005 court case, Bridgeport v. Dimension, deemed the unauthorized use of even one second of a sample to be copyright infringement. Since mashup blends several samples over the course of any one song, it must certainly be copyright infringement. Judges do make mistakes, and no court decision is set in stone, so it is worth considering whether a legitimate legal defense could be made on behalf of the mashup artist. Fair use is a legal doctrine meant to protect works deemed valuable for society, often shielding works involving first amendment expression, such as parodies. I will now show one reason why mashup could be considered fair use. For this hypothetical fair use defense, let’s delve into the transformative nature of mashup music. Nonetheless, mashup can be incredibly transformative for another important reason.

Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity by Maria Popova Why creativity is like LEGO, or what Richard Dawkins has to do with Susan Sontag and Gandhi. In May, I had the pleasure of speaking at the wonderful Creative Mornings free lecture series masterminded by my studiomate Tina of Swiss Miss fame. These are pages from the most famous florilegium, completed by Thomas of Ireland in the 14th century. In talking about these medieval manuscripts, Adam Gopnik writes in The New Yorker: Our minds were altered less by books than by index slips.” Which is interesting, recognizing not only the absolute vale of content but also its relational value, the value not just of information itself but also of information architecture, not just of content but also of content curation. You may have heard this anecdote. Here’s the same sentiment from iconic designer Paula Scher on the creation of the famous Citi logo: Kind of LEGOs. And iconic novelist Vladimir Nabokov was a secret lepidopterist — he collected and studied butterflies religiously.

ТОВА СЪМ АЗ « DDpost Млад евреин дошъл при известен Ню Йоркски равин и му заявил, че иска да изучава Талмуд. — Знаеш ли арамейски език? – попитал равина. — Не. — А иврит? — Не. — А учил ли си Тора като дете? — Не, ребе. beekernortham: AMAZON KNOWS I've been mea... On Scientific Taste by Maria Popova “Our taste derives from the summation of all that we have learnt from others, experienced and thought.” Cambridge University animal pathology professor W. Taste can perhaps best be described as a sense of beauty or aesthetic sensibility, and it may be reliable or not, depending on the individual. This last bit, speaking to the combinatorial nature of creativity, is something we’ve heard many times before — from artists, designers, and writers, or the loosely defined “creative world.” Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter and people say it’s cool. Share on Tumblr
