Sean Russell Sarah Debove en Pas-de-Calais Posté 08 avril 2014 - L'artiste Sarah Debove, qui s'est déjà illustrée chez l'Atalante aux côtés de Serge Lehman et Anne Fakhouri, va s'installer pour une semaine en Côte d'Opale, dans le Pas-de-Calais dans le cadre d'une résidence de création organisée par l'association je cherche encore. Plus d'infos ? ou sur facebook : Jeff Cherche Encore Les Guerriers du silence : 20 ans ! Posté 03 avril 2014 - Vingt ans plus tard, l’engouement des lecteurs pour les livres de cet héritier de Jules Verne et d’Alexandre Dumas est intact. Pour vous permettre de les découvrir, de les relire, de les offrir, voici l’édition anniversaire des Guerriers du silence. Trois romans et une nouvelle inédite, 20 €. Soyez attentifs : des surprises vous attendent sur notre site et nos réseaux ! L'Entité 0247 de retour ! Posté 17 mars 2014 - L'Entité 0247, Le Pays Fantôme et Ciel Profond forment la trilogie de La Brèche de Patrick Lee. de L'Atalante dans notre
Neal Adams About. About the author Kate Beaton was born in Nova Scotia, took a history degree in New Brunswick, paid it off in Alberta, worked in a museum in British Columbia, then came to Ontario for a while to draw pictures, then Halifax, and then New York, and then back to Toronto. Maybe the moon next time, who knows. Contact email: kathrynmoira (at) gmail (dot) com Regrettably, I can't answer every email, but I try my best. Frequently Asked Questions How often does the site update? It doesn't have regular schedule, but currently runs whenever I get the chance. Where is the RSS Feed? Here it is. Will you make a history comic about so-and-so? I'm sad to say I don't take official requests. Do you do commission work? I do in the sense that I take on professional jobs! Can I use a drawing for a tattoo or can you draw me a tattoo? Oh dear, I am really uncomfortable with this idea! How do you draw this thing? I draw it with pencils and then I use a pen on top, it is terribly simplistic. What is your education? Sure!
Martha Wells The Unofficial Handbook of Marvel Comics Creators (Many thanks to Barry Pearl for re-writing this section with additional info that I did not have.) There was no rating of comics before the Comic Code Authority was installed in 1955. Starting then, all of Marvel's comics had to be approved by the CCA or they could not be distributed to dealers. When the rebirth of Marvel's super hero comics began with Fantastic Four #1 in 1961 the CCA stamp was on all Marvel comics. Nudity, Zombies and other "adult" themes were still barred by the CCA, but Marvel started a Black and White line of publications that were not subjected to the CCA. Stan Lee said once in a "Stan's Soapbox" that he sees no problem with the Comic Code, because it is very similar to the internal policy of Marvel. In 2001 X-Force #116 was published and Marvel saw a problem, because this issue is not CCA approved, but it did not affect sales like it would have in 1955 when comics were only sold at newsstands. Marvel submitted not all comics to the CCA.
Ursula K. Le Guin's Steve Ditko all images on this web-site are © and ™ their respective owners. images are used for entertainment and reference purposes only. "i never talk about myself. my work is me. i do my best, and if i like it, i hope somebody else likes it, too." this site does not concern itself with steve ditko’s personal life, his politics, philosophy or the brand of toothpaste he uses. it is simply about his work, and the myriad places where that work has appeared over the span of his incredibly prolific career: from comic books, fanzines, magazines and books to toys, games, trading cards, video and more. images of these diverse and multitudinous items are viewable here, accompanied by text descriptions of publication data and ditko-specific content. the text for this site was created using the comic book lettering font WILDANDCRAZY and is best viewed that way. proceed to contents page
Diana Wynne Jones July 2010 Kirby dialogue from Eternals # 5 (Nov 1976), pg. 1 Kirby scholars, historians, fans, and critics love to argue. One of the more contentious debates tends to revolve around Jack's text. You have one camp that wishes Stan Lee had dialogued Jack's 70s comic books (or anyone else besides Kirby), and another camp who likes Jack's text, because it's Kirby's voice and his total vision. On the Jack Kirby-l Discussion forum, I asked the members what they thought were some memorable examples of Kirby text (good or bad) so we could understand what specifically they either liked or disliked about Kirby's comic book prose. The first response came from Peter Sattler commenting on Forever People # 8 (April 1972). Peter Sattler: I don’t know whether it’s good or bad to say anything about two pages selected out of hundreds, but in my opinion, the FOREVER PEOPLE selection doesn’t seem particularly well "dialogued." "A pistol in my plate! It's almost like Jack picked up some of Lee's worst habits.
Le Château ambulant Toujours en quête de trésors cinématographiques de la Japanimation, après un marathon Ghibli assez chargé cet été, rares sont les dessins animés du studio que je n'ai pas encore visionné. Le Château Ambulant fait parti de ces quelques perles de Miyazaki que je n'avais pas encore découvert. Grand amateur de la filmographie du Magicien de l'animation Japonaise, je ne compte plus les coups de coeur que j'ai eu pour ses films, c'est devenu ... Lire plus Toujours en quête de trésors cinématographiques de la Japanimation, après un marathon Ghibli assez chargé cet été, rares sont les dessins animés du studio que je n'ai pas encore visionné.
The Bill Willingham Experience. Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. Hans Bemmann Sarah Debove en Pas-de-Calais Posté 08 avril 2014 - L'artiste Sarah Debove, qui s'est déjà illustrée chez l'Atalante aux côtés de Serge Lehman et Anne Fakhouri, va s'installer pour une semaine en Côte d'Opale, dans le Pas-de-Calais dans le cadre d'une résidence de création organisée par l'association je cherche encore. Plus d'infos ? ou sur facebook : Jeff Cherche Encore Les Guerriers du silence : 20 ans ! Posté 03 avril 2014 - Vingt ans plus tard, l’engouement des lecteurs pour les livres de cet héritier de Jules Verne et d’Alexandre Dumas est intact. Pour vous permettre de les découvrir, de les relire, de les offrir, voici l’édition anniversaire des Guerriers du silence. Trois romans et une nouvelle inédite, 20 €. Soyez attentifs : des surprises vous attendent sur notre site et nos réseaux ! L'Entité 0247 de retour ! Posté 17 mars 2014 - L'Entité 0247, Le Pays Fantôme et Ciel Profond forment la trilogie de La Brèche de Patrick Lee. de L'Atalante dans notre
Neil Gaiman's Journal Ravenwood