Product (business)
In marketing, a product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need.[1] In retailing, products are called merchandise. In manufacturing, products are bought as raw materials and sold as finished goods. Commodities are usually raw materials such as metals and agricultural products, but a commodity can also be anything widely available in the open market. In project management, products are the formal definition of the project deliverables that make up or contribute to delivering the objectives of the project. In insurance, the policies are considered products offered for sale by the insurance company that created the contract. Dangerous products, particularly physical ones, that cause injuries to consumers or bystanders may be subject to product liability. A product can be classified as tangible or intangible. A third type in this is services. Various classification systems for products have been developed for economic statistical purposes.
Getting Started with Neo4j - Developer Guides
At Neo4j, we want to provide options to solve many different kinds of business and technical needs. Our goal is that our products are simple and fit your use case, whatever it may be. Whether you are relying upon graphs for transactions, market analysis, operations optimizations, or anything else, Neo4j strives to provide a seamless process for integrating our tools with the rest of your existing system. Capabilities in the Neo4j graph platform include aiding developers to import data to the graph, business analysts to explore the data with ease, and data scientists to make decisions based on analysis results. No matter your role within your organization, we want to put the power of the graph and Neo4j within reach to help you maximize business value and achieve technical needs. Graph Data Modeling The richness of graph data and the performance of your queries depends closely on how the data is modeled. Cypher - A Next-Generation Query Language Graph Visualization Data Import Deploying Neo4j
What is Database (DB)? Webopedia
Main » TERM » D » By Vangie Beal (1) Often abbreviated DB, a database is basically a collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data. Traditional databases are organized by fields, records, and files. An alternative concept in database design is known as Hypertext. To access information from a database, you need a database management system (DBMS). (2) Increasingly, the term database is used as shorthand for database management system.
Adobe Flash
Flash manipulates vector and raster graphics to provide animation of text, drawings, and still images. It allows bidirectional streaming of audio and video, and it can capture user input via mouse, keyboard, microphone and camera. Flash applications and animations can be programmed using the object-oriented language called ActionScript. Adobe Flash Professional is the most popular and user-friendly authoring tool for creating the Flash content, which also allows automation via the JavaScript Flash language (JSFL). History[edit] Open Screen Project[edit] As of February 2009[update], the specifications removing the restrictions on the use of SWF and FLV/F4V specs have been published.[6] The Flash Cast protocol—now known as the Mobile Content Delivery Protocol—and AMF protocols have also been made available,[6] with AMF available as an open source implementation, BlazeDS. As of 2012[update], the Open Screen Project is no longer accepting new applications according to partner BSQuare.
Metadata is "data about data".[1] There are two "metadata types;" structural metadata, about the design and specification of data structures or "data about the containers of data"; and descriptive metadata about individual instances of application data or the data content. The main purpose of metadata is to facilitate in the discovery of relevant information, more often classified as resource discovery. Metadata also helps organize electronic resources, provide digital identification, and helps support archiving and preservation of the resource. Metadata assists in resource discovery by "allowing resources to be found by relevant criteria, identifying resources, bringing similar resources together, distinguishing dissimilar resources, and giving location information." [2] Definition[edit] Metadata (metacontent) is defined as the data providing information about one or more aspects of the data, such as: Metadata is data. Libraries[edit] Photographs[edit] Video[edit] Web pages[edit] [edit] [edit]
AJAX (תכנות)
AJAX, ראשי תיבות של Asynchronous JavaScript And XML, היא טכניקה ליצירת יישומי דפדפן אינטראקטיביים המבוססים על קוד המורץ במסגרת דף HTML בודד, ולא כיישום מרובה דפים, כמקובל בסביבת הווב. מטרתה העיקרית של הטכניקה היא שיפור חוויית המשתמש והאצת מהירות הטעינה של דפי האינטרנט, מאחר שהיא מאפשרת לעדכן רק חלקים מבוקשים בדף האינטרנט, ללא צורך לטעון את הדף כולו מחדש במחשבו של המשתמש. מטרה זו מושגת באמצעות יצירת תקשורת והחלפת מידע בין מחשב הלקוח לשרת דפי האינטרנט באמצעות קוד JavaScript. כלומר, האינטראקטיביות של יישומי AJAX מושגת באמצעות קוד המורץ בצד-הלקוח, זאת בניגוד לשימוש טהור בטכנולוגיות כמו PHP ו-ASP, שבהן הקוד מורץ בצד-השרת, וללקוח מגיע דף HTML סטטי, ולא יישום מלא. כאשר משתמשים ב-AJAX עדיין יש צורך בטכנולוגיית צד-שרת כמו PHP או ASP, אלא שבמקום לשלוח דף HTML שלם, נשלח ללקוח רק המידע, והלקוח מפרש את המידע ומציג אותו למשתמש. טכניקת AJAX משתמשת בשילוב של טכנולוגיות קיימות: יתרונות השיטה: חסרונות השיטה:
Sistema de gestión de bases de datos
Un sistema de gestión de bases de datos (SGBD) es un conjunto de programas que permiten el almacenamiento, modificación y extracción de la información en una base de datos, además de proporcionar herramientas para añadir, borrar, modificar y analizar los datos. Los usuarios pueden acceder a la información usando herramientas específicas de interrogación y de generación de informes, o bien mediante aplicaciones al efecto Los SGBD también proporcionan métodos para mantener la integridad de los datos, para administrar el acceso de usuarios a los datos y para recuperar la información si el sistema se corrompe. Permite presentar la información de la base de datos en variados formatos. La mayoría de los SGBD incluyen un generador de informes. Hay muchos tipos de SGBD distintos según manejen los datos y muchos tamaños distintos según funcionen sobre ordenadores personales y con poca memoria a grandes sistemas que funcionan en mainframes con sistemas de almacenamiento especiales. [editar]
Product Designer
“If you can spend hours walking down the drugstore aisle critiquing everybody’s products, you were born to be a product designer,” wrote one respondent. Who would argue with that? Product designers have agonized over the shape, size, and material content of every tube of toothpaste, every bottle of conditioner, and every bar of soap produced in the United States today. A product designer combines a talent for design with an understanding of the production and marketing of consumer goods. Over two thirds of all product designers work for consumer goods manufacturing concerns, which produce most drugstore and food items. Product designers face specific academic requirements that allow them entry to the field but certainly do not guarantee them success. Product designers often become graphic designers, commercial artists, cost estimators, and product manufacturing executives-all careers they come into contact with as product design specialists.
Database Management System: Basics
database: A computer system intended to store large amounts of information reliably and in an organized fashion. Most databases provide users with convenient access to the data, along with helpful search capabilities.
Found in: Hurwitz, J., Nugent, A., Halper, F. & Kaufman, M. (2013) Big Data For Dummies. Hoboken, New Jersey, United States of America: For Dummies. ISBN: 9781118504222. by raviii Jan 1