EARTH'S Seasons - Zoom Astronomy Advertisement. EnchantedLearning.com is a user-supported site. As a bonus, site members have access to a banner-ad-free version of the site, with print-friendly pages.Click here to learn more. (Already a member? Click here.) EnchantedLearning.comThe Seasons and Axis Tilt The Earth's seasons are not caused by the differences in the distance from the Sun throughout the year (these differences are extremely small). The Earth's axis is tilted from perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic by 23.45°. Summer is warmer than winter (in each hemisphere) because the Sun's rays hit the Earth at a more direct angle during summer than during winter and also because the days are much longer than the nights during the summer. Solstices The solstices are days when the Sun reaches its farthest northern and southern declinations. EquinoxesEquinoxes are days in which day and night are of equal duration. Related Pages:
Science Projects for Kids: The Incredible Universe" Science projects for kids: the incredible universe takes you to worlds just waiting to be discovered. With simple instructions and everyday materials, you'll be learning more about constellations with the kids. You can start with star gazing and watching shooting stars -- and then make a planetarium or star theater to bring what you've learned back home. Learn more about the planets and star brightness, and make an astrolabe. Follow the links below to find science projects for kids: the incredible universe that you can do with kids: Make a PlanetariumUse planetarium to show constellations on a wall in your house. Star GazingStart by finding the North Star, and then see more. Umbrella Full of StarsTurn your umbrella into a star-studded private planetarium. Star TheaterMake constellation punch-outs and then a star theater. Scale Down the Solar SystemUse peas, fruit, and nuts in a true scale model of the solar system. Spot the PlanetsLearn to find Venus, Jupiter and other wandering stars.
CLIL Teachers´ Web Guide | An Internet guide of interactive resources for CLIL teachers published by Carmen Mellado Álvarez