A House of Straw Купольные дома! Проектирование! Строительство! Дизайн! Ключ StrawBale.com Looking for local builders, plasterers, architects, contractors, and designers who specialize in straw bale and other natural building techniques? Search our resource center by clicking one of the links on the right or below. If you don’t find what you are looking for please click on one of the Google Ads, which are located on each page. Want to be listed in our strawbale.com Green Building Resource Center? We will give you a basic listing in the resource center absolutely freeClick here for more details. Green Building Trade and Supply Locator Straw Bale Builders or ContractorsPlasterers and plastering resources Architects or DesignersGreen building resources and suppliers Structural EngineeringInsurance State/Province Locator
Videos Santa Fe Domos Galería de Videos, Notas y Reportajes * Santa Fe Domos " Diario El Litoral " 6 de Enero 201 Construyen Domos a Beneficio para la Comunidad Mocovi Com Caia Periódico 30 Días * Te Doy una Mano TE DOY UNA MANO !!! " Diario El Litoral " 4 Febrero 2013 La Comunidad Mocovi aprende a Construir sus propios Domos. Reconectar con nuestras Raices Un Tiempo para reconectar con nuestras Raíces. Trabajando para una Cultura de Paz La familia Universal trabajando en Unidad para una Cultura de Paz y Amor. Ultima Instalación 2016 Cabaña Domo * Madera y Tejas Domo Leds Lights Disco Rio - Santa Fe
Toby And Liz's Strawbale Abode Toby and Liz's strawbale abode I thought I would put up a few pictures from the past. A couple years ago some friends of mine, Toby and Liz, decided to hold a "straw raising" party to get some help putting up the walls of their soon to be guest house out in the Arizona Desert. They needed to build the guest house first in order to have a place to stay while they built their main house out of tires. They did all of the tedious prep work and all the finish work. Toby and Liz built this casita the way everyone should...they let the building build itself. Here I am playing with chicken wire. After the first day's plastering. Notice shoulder high by the door you can see the large snake head that Toby is creating beginning to take shape. A finished interior shelf up high. Bed loft with skylight and cool window. Awesome little kitchen Here they made a really cool copper "skylight" around the opening for the chimney. The finished product. Photos by Monica Van Hall
Straw Bale Dome: 3rd day I am very grateful we are such a numerous group, there are a lot of tedious tasks that get done in one day. Filling bags with foam glass REFAGLASS is surely one of them: And more sharpening of sticks is needed - all done with a smile: The wood is protected with diluted linseed oil: Of course the main task was to finish the first vaults. The building is very precise, and everything fits well - at least after the last peice had been cut 4 times... Some pushing is still necessary: And a proper hammer is always of good use... The vaults are then strapped down - for tensile strength in case of pointed loads... After removing the form work - finished load bearing vault. Standing on the top of the vault - not budging at all: Happy participants cheering: Everything is harder when you do it at the wrong time - the airtightness paper should have been in before the bale vault was built. Edo with a custom made tool to stuff gaps between straw bales: A Q&A session with Gernot Minke in the evening:
Strawbale Redux Here is a rudimentary drawing of the floor plan done with Paint. Not bad for my first try! Basics-the exterior dimensions are 32 X 46 but remember, these are strawbale walls so that translates into actual interior dimensions of 28 x 42. For orientation, the house is on a nearly E-W axis. The house is a basic ranch but you may be wondering: Why waste sq footage in such a small house with that hallway? The wall between the LR and S BR will be adobe for thermal mass. We tried to design the house for the way we live. Another important aspect of the design was to have light coming in from 2 sides in every room. Building Stage: PlansThe plans are now back to the City for (hopefully) final approval. Until next time...keep your straw dry.
Hans klockrena hyllning till kvinnor 40+ sprids som en löpeld. - ViralKing.se Författaren Frank Kaisers text om kvinnor över 40 år sprids just nu som en löpeld över internet. Det är inte särskilt svårt att förstå varför! Mest av allt värdesätter jag kvinnor över 40, och här är några anledningar till varför: * En kvinna över 40 kommer aldrig att väcka dig mitt i natten för att fråga ”Vad tänker du på?”. Hon bryr sig inte om vad du tänker på. Om en kvinna över 40 inte vill se en fotbollsmatch, sätter hon sig inte bredvid dig i soffan och klagar. * En kvinna över 40 känner sig själv bra nog för att känna sig trygg i vem hon är, vad hon är, vad hon vill ha och vem hon vill ha det ifrån. * Kvinnor över 40 är värdiga. * Kvinnor över 40 är generösa med att ge beröm, ofta helt oförtjänt. * En kvinna över 40 har självförtroende nog att introducera dig för sina vänner. * Kvinnor över 40 bryr sig inte om det skulle vara så att du blir attraherad av hennes väninnor, för hon vet att vännerna inte skulle svika henne. * Kvinnor blir synska med åren. * Kvinnor över 40 är ärliga.