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English Attack

English Attack
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The Difference Between Mermaids And Sirens In A Nutshell Somewhere along the literary and mythological road, mermaids and sirens got confused into one creature: a half-woman, half-fish creature known for her beautiful singing voice. Originally, it was only the mermaid that was a half-human, half-fish creature, and a singing voice wasn’t mentioned in early myths. The Whole Bushel In today’s pop culture world, the mermaid and the siren are often portrayed as the same character. Originally, though, these two creatures were two entirely separate myths. Mermaids have been in myths and folklore since their first appearance in ancient Babylonian stories. It was the nereids of Greek mythology who gave rise to the tales of the mermaids that were so popular among later sailors’ mythology. It was the sirens that were known for their singing voices, supposedly of such beauty that sailors would forget what they were doing, and simply stop to listen. But the sirens were never half-woman and half-fish creatures. Show Me The Proof

ESLbasics Tongue Twisters Play all These are the tongue twister videos that have been uploaded to our YouTube channel. You can find more on our website... 0:13 0:24 0:13 0:15 0:09 0:08 0:10 0:09 0:24 0:04 0:08 0:07 View 10 more This item has been hidden This item has been hidden This item has been hidden This item has been hidden Idioms Play all This is a playlist of all of the Idiomatic expressions from ESL Basics. This item has been hidden This item has been hidden Fork-marked lemur - Wikipedia Fork-marked lemurs or fork-crowned lemurs are strepsirrhine primates; the four species comprise the genus Phaner. Like all lemurs, they are native to Madagascar, where they are found only in the west, north, and east sides of the island. They are named for the two black stripes which run up from the eyes, converge on the top of the head, and run down the back as a single black stripe. Fork-marked lemurs are among the least studied of all lemurs and are some of the largest members of the family Cheirogaleidae, weighing around 350 grams (0.77 lb) or more. These species live in a wide variety of habitats, ranging from dry deciduous forests to rainforests, and run quadrupedally across branches. Taxonomy In 1897, Alfred Grandidier demonstrated the similarities between Lepilemur (middle column, bottom two) and the cheirogaleids, particularly Phaner (middle, top). In December 2010, Russell Mittermeier of Conservation International and conservation geneticist Edward E. Etymology Evolution Behavior

Movie Review Template for Kids It’s time for a reality check… whether we accept it or not we’re all critics. Whether it be about the clothes we wear, the food we eat or the movies we watch we all have an opinion. This is why I’ve decided to try something new this summer and do movie reviews with the kids I nanny. Throughout the summer the four of us will be taking turns choosing a movie, watching it then the kids will fill out movie reviews with their thoughts. We’ve done this once already and so far it’s a hit! Template preview: Printable template: Movie Review Template (Young Child) Template Preview: Printable template: Movie Review Template (Older Child) If you try this out make sure to leave a comment! Katie Like this: Like Loading...

Simple English Wikipedia From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Simple English Wikipedia is an English-language version of Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, written in a language that is easy to understand but still natural and grammatical.[1] All of the articles in the Simple English Wikipedia use shorter sentences and easier words and grammar than the regular English Wikipedia.[2] The language used here is plain English, without idioms, slang and jargon (when possible). Some articles are written only in Basic English, which is even simpler. This makes articles easier to understand and edit. The Simple English Wikipedia is often used by: When Simple English Wikipedia started making pages and allowing changes in 2003, the English Wikipedia already had 150,000 articles. Related pages[change | change source] References[change | change source] Other websites[change | change source] Simple English Wikipedia mobile version

Kul@lära: Verblära med Lockie Leonard Verblära är nyttigt och nödvändigt men inte alltid skrattretande. För att göra detta avsnitt lite mer aptitretande prövar jag i år att kombinera det med en serie, Lockie Leonard, som finns tillgänglig via Utbildningsradion. Serien är humoristisk och handlar om en tolvårig australiensisk pojke som flyttar till en ny ort och de problem han råkar ut för där. Det står på URs sida att målgrupp är årskurs 4-6 men om man inte väljer svensk text utan engelsk eller ingen text alls är den lämplig för äldre elever. De 14 avsnitten à 25 minuter finns tillgängliga för alla på URs hemsida och jag ger eleverna i läxa att se vissa avsnitt hemma och sedan gör vi olika skriftliga och muntliga uppgifter i skolan som kombinerar verblära med innehållet i serien. Här är länkar till elevinstruktionerna på bloggen Digital portfolio samt info om hur läxan förhörs: Avsnitt 1 och 2. Vid utvärderingar var de flesta eleverna nöjda med detta arbetsområde.

Yulunga Traditional Indigenous Games Yulunga*: Traditional Indigenous Games is an activity resource of over 100 traditional Indigenous Australian games created to provide all Australians with an opportunity to learn about, appreciate and experience aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Suitable for children and adults of all ages, abilities and backgrounds, Yulunga can be used in schools around Australia as an educational resource and as a guide to inclusive, structured sport within communities. *Yulunga means playing in the language of the Kamilaroi (Gamori) people of northern-western New South Wales. The Yulunga: Traditional Indigenous Games can be used as skill games or lead-up games in physical education lessons or in specific sport practice sessions. Each activity card provides the following information about the activity: Bands of learning (F-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12) Background Description Equipment Variations Safety Teaching tips Background Acknowledgments Traditional Indigenous Games consultants

How can film help you teach or learn English? | British Council What can film and video add to the learning experience? Kieran Donaghy, who won the British Council’s TeachingEnglish blog award tells us why film is such a good resource and recommends some useful websites, in one of our top five articles of all time, illustrated by artist Jamie Johnson. Language teachers have been using films in their classes for decades, and there are a number of reasons why film is an excellent teaching and learning tool. Learning from films is motivating and enjoyable Motivation is one of the most important factors in determining successful second-language acquisition. Films and TV shows are an integral part of students’ lives so it makes perfect sense to bring them into the language classroom. Film provides authentic and varied language Another benefit of using film is that it provides a source of authentic and varied language. Film gives a visual context Variety and flexibility Lesson plans Allat C Lessonstream Viral ELT Film English Film guides ESL Notes Film Club Go Animate

Fleex. Apprendre l'anglais en regardant des séries ou des films Fleex est un outil en ligne qui permet d’apprendre l’anglais via un système ingénieux utilisant les sous-titres des films ou des séries TV. Autant dire qu’il ne sera pas forcément très difficile de convaincre un apprenant de travailler son anglais sur un tel support de base. En tout cas cela devrait faciliter les choses. Ingénieuse idée que celle des créateurs de Fleex. Vous pouvez à tout moment en cliquant sur un mot afficher sa fiche d’identité et sa traduction. Le service Fleex est centré sur un lecteur de vidéo avec des fonctions spécifiques. Fleex est une sacré bonne idée avec une foule d’options intéressantes qui dépoussièrent sacrément certaines méthodes multimédia d’apprentissage de l’anglais. Pour utiliser Fleex il faut vous inscrire. Pour visionner des films et séries Fleex innove aussi en proposant plusieurs moyens. Ludique et efficace. Lien: Fleex Sur le même thème

Polar Express Lesson Plans, Themes, Printouts, Crafts Polar Express Lesson Plans, Polar Express Themes, Polar Express Printouts, Polar Express Crafts The Polar Express Lesson Plans and Thematic Units Take the Polar Express to Learning Five lessons for teaching the story. A Teacher's Guide to the Polar Express From HoughtonMifflin. The Polar Express-Mini Unit Book summary and several ideas to go with the story. The Ploar Express Movie Page The official movie site. The Polar Express Theme Songs and poems, literature extensions, writing prompts, and craft ideas. The Polar Express Teaching Theme Several ideas to incorporate aspects of the story into your classroom. The Polar Express Read Online Click through more stories to find "The Polar Express" read by an actor. The Virtual Vine Express Train theme that also includes The Polar Express. Classroom Activities for The Polar Express Ideas for Warner Bros. The Polar Express Interactive Whiteboard Resources The Polar Express Ticket Chase Online Game The Polar Express Online game The Polar Express Printouts

Videos for Kids -- National Geographic Kids Videos Russia: Father Frost - Ep. 65 Get a sneak peak of Are We There Yet? Savanna Kwanzaa Get a sneak peak of Mama Mirabelle's Home Movies! Happy Holidays from NG Kids! Celebrate with chipmunk cheer. Ice Sculptures - Season 2 - Ep. 43 Get a sneak peak of Making Stuff! Toot and Puddle: I'll Be Home for Christmas Christmas is for sharing! Mission Animal Rescue: Polar Bears Learn all about polar bears and how you can help them! prev next Chris P. More Farley the Red Panda - Ep. 94 Polar Bear - Ep. 8 More Blue Whale - Ep. 1 November 2014 Editor's Picks More Amazing Animals Red-Bellied Piranha - Ep. 12 Frogfish - Ep. 3 Bottlenose Dolphin - Ep. 4 African Elephant - Ep. 18 Harpy Eagle - Ep. 11 Tiger - Ep. 20 Shrimp - Ep. 19 Animals & Pets Emperor Penguin Families - Ep. 30 Raccoons - Ep. 28 Searching for the Spirit Bear - Ep. 17 Mountain Lion - Ep. 2 Backyard Raccoon - Ep. 27 Adelie Penguin Camera - Ep. 31 Elephants Play Soccer - Ep. 6 Awesome Places Brazil - Ep. 3 Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean - Ep. 6 Laos, Luang Prabang - Ep. 7 x
