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Audri's Rube Goldberg Monster Trap

Audri's Rube Goldberg Monster Trap

Melvin the Mini Machine Heyheyhey a décidé de créer une machine à réactions en chaîne appelée Melvin the Mini Machine dans deux valises. Rube Goldberg nous montre dans cette vidéo de très belle facture son fonctionnement dans une vidéo à découvrir dans la suite. 5-Minute Film Festival: Freedom to Fail Forward Failure is an inevitable part of life, but it's often accompanied by shame -- most people do everything in their power to avoid it. But to paraphrase educational philosopher John Dewey, a true thinker learns as much from failures as from successes. What if educators worked to take some of the sting (and the stigma) out of failing, and encouraged reflection and revision to build upon the lessons learned? Video Playlist: Freedom to Fail Forward Watch the first video below, or watch the whole playlist on YouTube. There has been an error with the video. P&G Thank You, Mom | Pick Them Back Up (02:00) This ad was launched during the 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games, and you can see why it was a crowd-pleaser -- it's a moving reminder of how many times you have to fall before you can run and the importance of getting a little help from someone who believes in you. More Resources on Embracing Failure

Connected - short film Three Things Most People Don't Grasp about Growth Mindset | Teacher Booker What do the collapse of Enron and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have in common? You might reasonably guess some nascent political or economic concept. But actually it’s a psychological one – they can both apparently be explained by a lack of growth mindset. Growth Mindset is a powerful idea; and its absolutely everywhere. Sports teams, Silicon Valley, schools, self-help bestsellers, board rooms of major international conglomerates, recruitment agencies – any area of human activity that implements the management and development of people seems to have embraced the concept wholesale. Its easy to see why. “Well, duh” some may reply. Its not just about effort This is probably the misunderstanding I encounter most in teachers and on pop education blogs – as long as students try hard and are praised for their efforts they’ll develop a growth mindset and are guaranteed academic success. Its not about telling kids they can achieve anything they set their mind to It doesn’t explain everything

BEAUTY – Les chefs d’oeuvre de la peinture prennent vie dans une vidéo incroyable BEAUTY – Les chefs d’oeuvre de la peinture prennent vie dans une vidéo incroyable “BEAUTY“, ou quand les chefs d’oeuvre de la peinture prennent vie dans une vidéo magnifique imaginée par le réalisateur italien Rino Stefano Tagliafierro, basé à Milan. Une animation magique et subtile qui nous entraine de la naissance à la mort à travers une centaine de tableaux d’une incroyable beauté… How Young Adults Can Develop a Growth Mindset The Iceberg Illusion is a great way help young adults visualize how our choices may affect individual success. It is not an easy journey around the iceberg, but with hard work, dedication, discipline, sacrifice, failure, and persistence, a young adult can strive to be his or her best and continue to grow as an individual. Carol Dweck’s idea of a growth mindset is all of the things that we see happening under the surface in The Iceberg Illusion. A growth mindset, as Dweck calls it, is exactly what it sounds like: a tendency to believe that you can grow individually in all aspects of life. Here are 10 Ways that Young Adults Can Develop a Growth Mindset: 1. (All growth is developed through challenges) 2. (Focus on overcoming your weaknesses) 3. (Mistakes are not failures, they are learning experiences) 4. (Learning well sometimes requires allowing time for mistakes) 5. (Believe that the feedback of others can produce growth) 6. 7. (Put forth maximum effort in all that you do) 8. 9. 10. Work Cited
