Messages On Hold Presentaions and Music On Hold Information Channel Services
curator's ǝpoɔ
Fashion 2.0 | Social Curation Start-ups Target Fashion Industry
Lyst Screenshot | Source: Lyst NEW YORK, United States — The history of the internet is a story of two counter-balancing forces: the explosive growth of information and the rise of new systems that help us sift and make sense of this information. Back in the early 1990s, human editors at companies like Yahoo! compiled curated lists and directories of useful information. As the rising volume of information overwhelmed these human filters, hand-curation gave way to algorithmic search à la Google. But today, as consumers become their own media outlets, producing staggering amounts of user-generated content every day, and savvy marketers reverse-engineer Google’s algorithm to game the search results, separating signal from noise is once again becoming difficult. “Search results in many categories are now honey pots embedded in ruined landscapes — traps for the unwary,” wrote investor, writer and entrepreneur Paul Kedroksy. So far, the strategy seems to be working.
the curators code
The word “curation” in common usage has lost some its meaning. We think of it more in terms of collector, aggregator or disseminator and not as “caretaker” as is its true definition. We future and current archivists and librarians, are all curators of information. We are shepherds and superintendents of data and particularly in the online space, we should be setting the example for proper care. Anyone who tweets, facebooks, blogs, links, writes, or shares in the online space is similarly a curator of information. The new information economy is not based on amassing huge amounts of data but curating and providing context to important, true, interesting, and/or relevant information. I have been ruminating on this idea of late after reading the Curator’s Code by Maria Popova. The idea is that just as you attribute an idea you espouse to a person, book or quote, you should also reference from whom – from what curator – you found your item of information (picture, link, article, post etc).
Create Professional Technical Documentation with Dozuki
I’m sure we’ve all heard of a site called iFixit, the site which provides easy repair guides for a wide range of products, including Apple devices, games consoles, digital cameras and so on but I’d hazard a guess at the fact that not as many people have heard of Dozuki, which is the fantastic system that actually powers the website and makes creating and running a “how-to” guide on the Internet a piece of cake. Read on after the break for my full review! In A Nutshell Dozuki is essentially an easy to create how-to guides on the internet. The splash screen for Dozuki. Dozuki is very much aimed towards the business user and its pricing reflects this. All of Dozuki’s paid plans support domain aliasing and your guide is hosted on their own servers so there’s absolutely no additional software to mess around with or install. Working With Guides Dozuki breaks down web-based tutorials into easy-to-read steps. Adding photos to a Dozuki how-to guide. Made in a mistake in a particular step?
Aquí, de omnibus dubitandum | Las dudas deleznables de una mente dispersa
Content Curation « Information Flux in the 21st Century
My employer recently sent my fellow digital librarian and me a link to post on Robin Good’s blog, Content Curation: Why is The Content Curator The Key Emerging Online Editorial Role of the Future. After reading this post, I began to contemplate what I do, and whether my new degree is necessary. I returned to school to pursue a Masters in Information and Library Science (MILS) because I anticipated that there would be a need for web content curation, although I thought of it as web or digital librarianship, and believed the education was necessary to do this job well. Ultimately, content curation is pretty much what my job entails, and I could not imagine doing it competently without the additional education. There are news sites, focused content websites, reference resource sites, news site blogs, personal blogs, social media sites, etc. I am a big proponent of the social and collaborative aspect of the web. Like this: Like Loading... No comments yet.
Aggregation and curation: two concepts that explain a lot about digital change
Aggregation and curation: two concepts that explain a lot about digital change Every time I read a story about why newspapers are failing that doesn’t mention the role of aggregation and curation in their troubles, it reminds me that something very fundamental is being missed, even by very sophisticated observers. Aggregation is one of the core concepts of content presentation and commercialization. Curation is a term that has always referred to the careful selection and pruning of aggregates, such as for a museum or an art exhibition. NOcontent makes its way from its creator to the public without aggregation. Publishers are aggregators, pulling together lists of books to present a (publisher-) branded offering to bookstores, libraries, and various review media. Bookstores are aggregators, and their curation is reflected in front tables and shop windows and store sections that create a (retailer-) branded offering that consumers can navigate. What are the takeaways from this? 1. 2. 3. 4.
Bases de datos. Master de Software Libre de la UOC | Manual IT online
Bases de datos Rafael Camps Paré Luis Alberto Casillas Santillán Dolors Costal Costa Marc Gibert Ginestà Carme Martín Escofet Oscar Pérez Mora Se garantiza permiso para copiar, distribuir y modificar este documento según los términos de la GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 o cualquiera posterior publicada por la Free Software Foundation, sin secciones invariantes ni textos de cubierta delanterao trasera. Se dispone de una copia de la licencia en el apartado “GNU Free Documentation License” de este documento. Agradecimientos Los autores agradecen a la Fundación para la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya ( la financiación de la primera edición de esta obra, enmarcada en el Máster Internacional en Software Libre ofrecido por la citada institución. El autor Óscar Pérez Mora desea hacer constar el agradecimiento siguiente: “A José Pérez Arias, gracias por haber sido mi padre”, en memoria de su padre fallecido durante la realización de este material. Introducción Objetivos
Curación de contenidos
Curación de contenidos: concepto, exigencias y oportunidades El acceso a la información ha superado, gracias a los avances tecnológicos, las limitaciones de antaño. Hoy estamos por el contrario expuestos a una intrincada red de datos que precisa de estrategias específicas para transformarlos en valor. Los datos no son nada si no hay alguien que les conceda sentido, si no hay un criterio detrás capaz de hacer las conexiones y conclusiones entre las distintas variables, si no existe en últimas, un marco de referencia que lo coordine. La ventaja de hacer curación es doble: además de seleccionar información, estimula la producción de nuevos contenidos que satisfacen también las exigencias de actualidad, pertinencia y calidad. A grandes rasgos podríamos definir las etapas de un proceso de curación así: Puntualizar la estrategiaEsto es, definir qué, por qué, y para qué necesitamos esa información. Siendo honestos, la curación de contenidos no constituye en sí misma una innovación. Me gusta: