Atout-Geek Le blogue de Biblio-Web | Évoluer dans un monde numérique : pratique et enjeux pour les bibliothèques. Les propos diffusés dans ce blogue sont rédigés dans un cadre professionnel et n'engagent que l'auteur. Bechdel Test Movie List Sometimes, you're the salt in my coffee Does The Dog Die? #TubeClash - The Movie There are "wookies" in the movie that look little like the ones in Star Wars, but are more like cute little fuzzballs. One of them is killed by a character by being cut in half, being mistaken for a monster. It however comes back to life as a zombie and appears as such for the rest of the movie and its sequels. 10 Cloverfield Lane Two dead pigs, named Frank and Mildred, are seen briefly (they are never shown alive). 13 Cameras A newlywed couple have no idea their grim, lascivious landlord has been spying on them since they moved in. 2 Guns Chickens are buried up to their necks in the ground and their heads are shot off. 2012 The dog (a Japanese Chin) does not die. 21 Up Documentary. 22 Jump Street An octopus, a cockatoo, an iguana, a burro, several pigs and some doves all appear in the film; none are harmed. 24 Hour Party People Three thousand pigeons are killed by being fed poisoned bread. 25th Hour A dog is severely injured but recovers. '71 No pets die.
Jean-Marie Desperate Librarian Housewife No More Disposable Love: Expanding the Bechdel Test for Movies By Lily July Imagine a TV world where being rejected by a woman meant sending her a respectful “Sorry it didn’t work out” note and leaving her alone. “I love women!” I worry that our culture teaches men to “love” women the way a hunter loves deer: as something to be admired for its grace, to be loved for how it makes the hunter feel, and ultimately to be consumed and destroyed. For instance, a recent fast food commercial featured a man who loved burgers so much that he married one, complete with a veil, and a walk down the aisle. Movies, music, television, and online shows all influence how we treat each other. Bechdel Test. Disney took the criticism to heart when creating Frozen. Many have hailed Disney for creating a film where family love, not marriage, is central. To bring this point home, I propose another test to make visible what we are teaching young people about love and desire. 1. Shockingly, Frozen fails this test. It would be great to integrate new tactics.
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