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Frighteningly Ambitious Startup Ideas

Frighteningly Ambitious Startup Ideas
March 2012 One of the more surprising things I've noticed while working on Y Combinator is how frightening the most ambitious startup ideas are. In this essay I'm going to demonstrate this phenomenon by describing some. Don't worry, it's not a sign of weakness. There's a scene in Being John Malkovich where the nerdy hero encounters a very attractive, sophisticated woman. Here's the thing: If you ever got me, you wouldn't have a clue what to do with me. That's what these ideas say to us. This phenomenon is one of the most important things you can understand about startups. [1] You'd expect big startup ideas to be attractive, but actually they tend to repel you. 1. The best ideas are just on the right side of impossible. The point when it became clear to me that Microsoft had lost their way was when they decided to get into the search business. Microsoft : Google :: Google : Facebook. The way to win here is to build the search engine all the hackers use. 2. Whatever you build, make it fast.

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Wannabe entrepreneur symptoms and cures I was once a wannabe entrepreneur. Fresh out of college and a summer internship at a VC firm, I thought I knew what I was doing. Though this was 2000, and all startup & VC blogs we've grown to love didn't exist yet, I did have mentors available. I should have leaned on them a lot more, but I didn't, or at least not in the right ways. But all the ways I've failed, and there are certainly many, is not the point. Since 2000, I've been doing and thinking about startups constantly. What follows are some symptoms I've seen over and over that usually (though not always) indicate a wannabe entrepreneur. There are cures. Symptom: a year has gone by and you have nothing to show for it. Cure: get stuff done. Symptom: you haven't really talked to any real customers/users. Symptom: you're going around calling yourself a CEO. Cure: you're a founder. Symptom: you aren't knowledgeable about startups, especially your own space. Cure: read stuff & regularly talk with the smartest startup people you know.

白鸦 以下是前一段我在微信公众号“betacafe”上关于电商的一些碎碎念,基本上都是围绕着一个话题:经营客户关系。 一、通普路上的服装店们 “杭州贝塔”在通普路开了四年,这里有城西花鸟市场和城西最大的超市(联华超市),人流量很好,小区的房租现在已经卖到了三万多,简单的两居室也要租到一个月三四千。附近社区里的居民也都算是消费能力很不错的,按照传统商业逻辑来说算是一个不错的地带。 但我们却一直看着这条街上的店铺来来往往换了四年,割韭菜一样一茬接着一茬。 固然有经济的原因,固然有电子商务的冲击,可在我观察来看这些服装店关门的核心原因其实是因为: 这里面不乏有很多坚持走自己风格和品味的店铺,装修和氛围营造也会搞的蛮有特色,东西好价格也相对便宜,本来应该可以慢慢的持续做下去… 但,他们都有一个共同的致命点:客户是去超市时路过的,或者饭后“到通普路上溜溜弯儿,或者顺带看看衣服店”的,并不是冲着他而来。 即使慢慢形成了“市”,有人是专门来买买衣服的,可又因为自己的SKU不是很全,并不能满足人们多次多风格的购买需求,于是这些人每次都不是冲着某个店铺而来,而是冲着这条街,他们对于每个店铺都没有任何粘性,消费行为也极其的偶然,店铺得到的每一笔订单都像撞大运一样等着天上掉馅饼。 于是他们所有店铺从开张的第一天开始,就注定要等待着两个结果: 1、这一带的人流量慢慢萧条,天上掉不下来生意了。 2、这一带的人流量越来越多,天上掉下来的生意越来越多…但房租每年要翻一倍,远超过他们的收入增长。 可他们又能怎么办呢? 二、通普路上的电商们 前面写过“通普路上的服装店们”,我说他们只有两个结果: 1、这一带人流差了,他们没生意倒闭; 2、这一带人流越来越好,房租每年涨一倍,房租涨幅超过利润涨幅,他们给房东打工到倒闭。 而大多数的卖家又何尝不是这样? 我们貌似比他们多了一个临时续命的毒药:买流量,不停的买流量,不停更高价的买流量。 但是! 最近我发现了一个“异类”。 他每天只需要在店里喝喝茶上上网,不用殷勤的拉客也不用磨破嘴皮去推销。 能做到这样是因为:他的顾客都是自己过来的,老顾客和老顾客介绍的朋友们。 我问他如果搬到这些街边门面里,是不是可以更赚钱? 没错,这是“通普路上的服装店们”的第3个结果。 卖家朋友们,你觉得现在这样走下去,自己的未来会是第几个结果? 三、是必须开始“全网营销”的时候了 早前我们的电商市场真的没有什么“淘外流量”。 *微博 A。

by Eran B.Y You will fall in love with someone who annoys you, whose orgasm face looks and feels pathetic. Despite all of this, there’s something keeping you drawn to them, something that makes you want to protect them from the harsh world. What you fail to realize, however, is that you are the harsh world. You aren’t their noble protector — you are someone to be protected from but it takes a lot of dates, a lot of nights where you question whether or not you are actually a good person, for this to ever resonate with you. You will fall in love with someone who’s cold and always seemingly pushing you away. You will fall in love with someone for one night and one night only. You will fall in love with the old couple down the street because to you they represent the impossible: a stable, long-lasting love. You will fall in love with smells, the good and the bad kind. You will fall in love with your friends. So fine.

Agency problems “Agency problems” are what economists call situations where a person’s interests diverge from his or her firm’s interests. Large companies are in a constant state of agency crisis. A primary role of senior management is to counter agency problems through organizational structures and incentive systems. For example, most big companies divide themselves into de facto smaller companies by creating business units with their own P&L or similar metric upon which they are judged. If you are selling technology to large companies, you need to understand the incentives of the decision makers. Agency problems also exist in startups, although they tend to be far less dramatic than at big companies. One of the reasons The Wire is such a great TV show is that it shows in realistic and persuasive detail how agency problems in large organizations consistently thwart well intentioned individual efforts.

MR JAMIE Fink warns of emerging market 'black swans' Speaking at the National Association of Pension Funds’ annual investment conference on Wednesday, Fink (pictured) said: “I meet with companies all over the world, and I am seeing the massive effect of new technology on the creation of jobs. And one thing I have learnt is that technology is now cutting jobs more rapidly in the developing world than it is in the developed world.” He said: “These are countries that still have millions of people who need good, 21st-century jobs. I just don’t know if we have enough global GDP to create those jobs. That’s my worry. It’s my black swan of the moment.” Fink added that he expected the term “emerging markets” would cease to have much relevance for investors. He said: “We talk about emerging markets as if they are one compatible, cohesive market – but within emerging markets we have some very good examples of well-run countries, and we have some real garbage. “When China was growing at 10% to 12% a year, it hid the garbage.

Misunderstanding Apple We’ve come to expect analysts and pundits to misunderstand Apple. More puzzling is when Apple misunderstands itself. My three-week Road Trip of a Lifetime, driving all the way from Key West, FL to Palo Alto, was interrupted by a bout of pneumonia, low blood oxygen, paroxysmal cough and, most alarming, a loss of appetite. Thankfully, all indicators are looking good and I’m back walking Palo Alto’s leafy streets. The succession of wheel time and downtime gave me an opportunity to contemplate two recent controversies: Fred Wilson’s prediction of Apple’s imminent fall, and rumors of Apple’s purchase of Beat Electronics. These are both manifestations of what I’ll call, for lack of a better term, Misunderstanding Apple. I’d be surprised by Wilson’s facile, insight-free truisms, except this isn’t the first time he’s shown a blind spot when considering Apple. Calling Apple “too rooted in hardware” misunderstands the company. Horace is right; Fred Wilson clearly hasn’t done the numbers.
