Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development - Herman E. Daly - Google Books
37 ways to join the Gift Economy
You don't have to participate in a local currency or service exchange to be part of the cooperative gift economy. Any time you do a favor for a family member, neighbor, colleague, or stranger you're part of it. Here are some ways you can spend time in the gift economy, where you'll find fun, freedom, and connection. posted Jun 30, 1997 Start a dinner co-op. This article was published in the Spring 1997 issue of YES! Comment on this articleHow to add a comment – Commenting Policy
novaglobe | Don't wait for politicians, just create a new world our selves
Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System
By Donella Meadows~ Folks who do systems analysis have a great belief in “leverage points.” These are places within a complex system (a corporation, an economy, a living body, a city, an ecosystem) where a small shift in one thing can produce big changes in everything. This idea is not unique to systems analysis — it’s embedded in legend. The systems analysis community has a lot of lore about leverage points. The classic example of that backward intuition was my own introduction to systems analysis, the world model. The world’s leaders are correctly fixated on economic growth as the answer to virtually all problems, but they’re pushing with all their might in the wrong direction. Another of Forrester’s classics was his urban dynamics study, published in 1969, which demonstrated that subsidized low-income housing is a leverage point.2 The less of it there is, the better off the city is — even the low-income folks in the city. Counterintuitive. (in increasing order of effectiveness) 9. 12.
Resources for further study | Matslats - Community currency engineer
The following is a personal selection of resources which point towards the need for a resurgence in local money systems. Economics Money as debt (40 mins video). An introduction to the present money system, and how bankers profited at each stage of its evolution. The future of money (book) Bernard Lietaer, A global perspective on why only complementary currencies can save the world (2000) Banking quotes from the Founding fathers (warning: may cause alarm.) The Secret of Oz How the struggle for control of America's money was allegorised in a popular children's book. (103 mins) I want the earth plus 5%, a parable about the evolution of banking Douglas Rushkoff, (16 mins video) Radical Abundance: How We Get Past "Free" and Learn to Exchange Value Again Article: Out of the Box Thinking about our Financial Crisis The Lost Science of Money, book by Stephen Zarlenga. The End of Money and the Future of Civilization Book critiquing of the money system and a proposal for a mutual credit economy Cyclos
First the Seed
The Political Economy of Plant Biotechnology Jack Ralph Kloppenburg, Jr. Publication Year: 2004 First the Seed spotlights the history of plant breeding and shows how efforts to control the seed have shaped the emergence of the agricultural biotechnology industry. 1988 Cloth, 1990 Paperback, Cambridge University PressWinner of the Theodore Saloutos Award of the Agricultural History SocietyWinner of the Robert K. Published by: University of Wisconsin Press Preface to the second edition Download PDF (26.5 KB) pp. xiii-xiv Sixteen years after the initial publication of First the Seed, I am presented with the opportunity to revisit my work and evaluate it against the backdrop of subsequent events. Preface to the first edition Download PDF (268.4 KB) pp. xv-xviii It is only March 8, but I planted today. Acknowledgments Download PDF (94.3 KB) pp. xix-xx It is with mingled senses of relief and pleasure that I complete tis book. 1. Download PDF (1.3 MB) pp. 1-18 2. Download PDF (2.1 MB) pp. 19-49 3.
The Way Up is Down (by Charles Eisenstein) | Guest posts
by Charles Eisenstein (Article from Watkins’ Mind Body Spirit magazine, issue 29, February 2012) Something is happening to us. Trying to make sense of their awakening experiences, people troll the Internet and discover the idea of “ascension” – the doctrine that humanity is on the verge of a process of spiritualization, a transition to a higher, and less material, dimension. Implicit in the term is the concept of rising above. Rising above what, may we ask? When did rising above become something to aspire to? The concept has deep roots indeed, as old as civilization (though less old than humanity). All of this was original to agricultural civilizations. SACRED ECONOMICS: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition by Charles Eisenstein, paperback (496 pages). And so was born the ambition to conquer and transcend nature. Why is rising above a good thing? Perhaps what we need is not the transcendence of materiality, but to embrace it more fully. Charles Eisenstein
Teaching Community, Family, and Social Skills as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
This page outlines teaching curriculum ideas for Community, Family, and Social Skills as elements of the “Play” category of the Curriculum for Life component of the open source Education for Life Program. This curriculum is meant as a globally collaborative and ever-expanding archive of ideas to be combined with the Teaching Strategies for Life component, and Learning Tools and Toys for Life component, to create endless Lesson Plans for Life purposed to grow and evolve what we feel will be the most comprehensive, effective, and diversely applicable free-education program and open source and free-shared project-launch usable education blueprint in the world. The following is a list of community, family, and social skills curriculum topics divided into 3 categories: “Community,” “Family,” and “Social Skills.” If you have an idea or section that you believe should be included here, please send it to us using our Suggestions Page. Community What is a community? Family What is a family?
Silent Spring
Silent Spring is an environmental science book written by Rachel Carson and published by Houghton Mifflin on September 27, 1962.[1] The book documented the detrimental effects on the environment—particularly on birds—of the indiscriminate use of pesticides. Carson accused the chemical industry of spreading disinformation and public officials of accepting industry claims unquestioningly. In the late 1950s, Carson turned her attention to conservation, especially environmental problems that she believed were caused by synthetic pesticides. The result was Silent Spring (1962), which brought environmental concerns to the American public. Silent Spring was met with fierce opposition by chemical companies, but it spurred a reversal in national pesticide policy, led to a nationwide ban on DDT for agricultural uses,[2] and inspired an environmental movement that led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.[3][4] Research and writing[edit] Content[edit]
Økonomien er baseret på falske principper om endeløs vækst
Eva Gladek (tw: @emgladek) har polske rødder, er vokset op i New York, har gået i en international skole, bor nu i Amsterdam. Hun kalder sig selv verdensborger. Alligevel arbejder hun nu på at realisere den ny grønne økonomi, hvor lokal selvforvaltning, størst mulig selvforsyning, lokal bytteøkonomi og den slags er i centrum. Det sker via firmaet Metabolic Lab, startet for halvandet år siden og nu med omkring 20 medarbejdere. »Jeg var direktør i et andet konsulentfirma, men jeg var så frustreret over, at de råd og analyser, jeg producerede, aldrig blev implementeret. Et eksempel er De Ceuvel, et projekt i det nordlige Amsterdam, hvor et gammelt forurenet industriområde ved vandet skal forvandles til et grønt kvarter for kreative og sociale virksomheder med lukkede næringsstof- og vandkredsløb, vedvarende energi, egen produktion af grøntsager, genanvendelse af byggematerialer m.m. »En regenerativ urban oase« betegner Metabolic-folkene det. »Det er et af mange eksempler på det, vi laver.