Olhar Digital : Central de Vídeos : Sites te ajudam a reforçar os estudos no final de ano Você utiliza a web para tudo: conversar, jogar, assistir vídeos, ver fotos, conversar com os amigos e muitos mais. Mas, já pensou em utilizá-la para recuperar aquela nota que você não conseguiu tirar ou apenas para dar uma reforçada nas provas de fim de ano? Juntamos alguns sites bem bacanas que vão te ajudar a tirar nota 10. O Ptable é bem legal para quem quer melhorar os conhecimentos em química. Ainda dá para dividir sua busca em elementos metálicos e não-metálicos. No Ideal Gratis, dá para aprender muita coisa. Mas, o site não se limita a essa área. No Site do Pereira, o aprendizado é feito em vídeo-aula. Esse site tem muito conteúdo. Agora você não tem mais desculpas para não passar de ano.
Data Visualization, Link Analysis, Social Network Analysis (SNA) Software: Sentinel Visualizer Product Information Empowering the demanding needs of intelligence analysts, law enforcement, investigators, researchers, and information workers, Sentinel Visualizer is the next generation data visualization and analysis solution for your big data. With cutting edge features and best-of-breed usability, Sentinel Visualizer provides you with insight into patterns and trends hidden in your data. Its database driven data visualization platform lets you quickly see multi-level links among entities and model different relationship types. Advanced drawing and redrawing features generate optimized views to highlight the most important entities. Social Network Analysis (SNA) metrics reveal the most interesting suspects in complex webs. Product Highlights Link Analysis Turn rows and columns into visual data.
Site monta mapa-múndi das mídias sociais. Confira E se cada mídia social fosse um país, como seria o mundo? Pelo menos do ponto de vista geográfico, é possível ter ideia de como isso seria. É que o site Flowtown (www.flowtown.com) montou uma espécie de mapa-múndi onde cada rede aparece como um país, ocupando um espaço proporcional ao número de usuários que tem. Soberano, o Facebook aparece com o maior território, fazendo fronteira – ao sul – com o Twitter. Junto ao nome das maiores redes, o mapa indica a "população" do território. A Google aparece no mapa ocupando todo o espaço do Pólo Sul, indicado como império. Wiki Ilhas
Bookmarks: Soon Obsolete? - PCWorld Since the Web first came online in 1991, it has grown and improved beyond anyone's predictions. Unlike the gray background, mono-spaced text and ugly graphics on the Web in those early years, today's Web is rich with video, interactive applications and other useful and distracting goodies. But even after all these years, the way we find, navigate and save content on the Web works pretty much like it always did. Here's a page with text. Some of the words are hyperlinked, so when you click on them, you open another page. If you want to save something, there's a wide variety of tools that help you do so, but most people use the bookmarking feature built into their browsers, or social bookmarking sites. But now there's a conspicuously innovative new option. The service is functionally similar in some ways to social bookmarking sites, but its core function is "curation," which Wikipedia defines as the "selection, preservation, maintenance, and collection and archiving of digital assets."
Parece Facebook, mas não é: são as redes educativas - Educação Internet Serviços ganham força nos Estados Unidos e desembarcam no Brasil. Professores e alunos podem fazer quase tudo ali, desde que seja educativo Nathalia Goulart Edmodo: rede social voltada para professores e alunos tem quase 10 milhões de usuários (Reprodução) Seus usuários trocam mensagens, compartilham fotos e comentam atividades recentes. Leia também:Conheça seis redes sociais voltadas à educação No Facebook, estudante de 13 anos narra rotina de problemas de escola pública Por enquanto, uma das poucas redes internacionais que disponibilizam conteúdo em português é a Edmodo, sucesso nos Estados Unidos. O funcionamento da Edmodo, da Teamie e dos demais serviços nascentes é bastante parecido. A bem-sucedida experiência internacional da Edmodo entusiasmou o professor de história Rodrigo Abrantes, do Colégio Joana D'Arc, de São Paulo. Como funcionam as redes sociais educativas Estudantes e professores não são os únicos empolgados com as novas ferramentas. 1 de 6 Edmodo 2 de 6 Teamie 3 de 6
Learn how to read music | Jayde Musica | Music Theory Game Social network analysis software Social network analysis software (SNA software) is software which facilitates quantitative or qualitative analysis of social networks, by describing features of a network either through numerical or visual representation. Overview[edit] Some SNA software can perform predictive analysis.[5] This includes using network phenomena such as a tie to predict individual level outcomes (often called peer influence or contagion modeling), using individual-level phenomena to predict network outcomes such as the formation of a tie/edge (often called homophily models[6]) or particular type of triad, or using network phenomena to predict other network phenomena, such as using a triad formation at time 0 to predict tie formation at time 1. Network analysis software generally consists of either packages based on graphical user interfaces (GUIs), or packages built for scripting/programming languages. GUI packages are easier to learn, while scripting tools are more powerful and extensible. See also[edit]
spot1 Voici les derniers progrès réalisés par le robot Atlas de Boston Dynamics, un humanoïde bipède de 130 kg qui a fait beaucoup de progrès depuis 2013. Et c’en est presque terrifiant. La bestiole robotisée se promène en forêt avec juste un câble accroché dans le dos. Prochaine étape : on enlève le câble… Parmi les autres bébés du fondateur de Boston Dynamics Marc Raibert dévoilés dans la vidéo , on peut aussi apercevoir Spot le robot quadrupède qui sait maintenant ouvrir les portes et se promener tout seul, sans fil. Si vous en croisez un au détour d’un sentier boisé, ce qui m’étonnerait, dites vous que ce robot est développé uniquement dans un but de sauvetage ou humanitaire. Vincent a ecrit 9001 articles
Dossier > L'infini est-il paradoxal en mathématiques ? Jean-PaulDelahaye Mathématicien Informaticien Pour résoudre le paradoxe du tout et des parties et affronter l’hypothèse du continu, notre idée de l’infini actuel doit évoluer ; aujourd’hui encore, nous découvrons de nouveaux infinis. L’infini mathématique peut-il être maîtrisé ? Un paradoxe au sein d’une théorie est la possibilité de démontrer une chose et son contraire. Le paradoxe de l’hôtel de Hilbert (à découvrir à la page suivante) montre pourquoi des ensembles infinis ont longtemps paru absurdes. © Belin Aujourd’hui, les mathématiciens connaissent toutes sortes de moyens pour contourner les paradoxes au sein des théories mathématiques de l’infini. Une situation logiquement insatisfaisante apparaît lorsqu’une théorie nous permet d’énoncer des propriétés étonnantes, parfois opposées à notre attente, sans toutefois qu’une véritable contradiction apparaisse. Quelques exemples pour illustrer la réflexivité, sur laquelle Cantor a notamment travaillé. © Belin
The Best Tools for Visualization Visualization is a technique to graphically represent sets of data. When data is large or abstract, visualization can help make the data easier to read or understand. There are visualization tools for search, music, networks, online communities, and almost anything else you can think of. Whether you want a desktop application or a web-based tool, there are many specific tools are available on the web that let you visualize all kinds of data. Visualize Social Networks Last.Forward: Thanks to Last.fm's new widget gallery, you can now explore a wide selection of extras to extend your Last.fm experience. Last Forward Friends Sociomap: Friends Sociomap is another Last.fm tools that generates a map of the music compatibility between you and your Last.fm friends. Fidg't: Fidg't is a desktop application that gives you a way to view your networks tagging habits. Fidg't The Digg Tools: One more: Digg Radar. YouTube: You can discover related videos using YouTube's visualizations. Visualize Music Amazon
Create Video Notebook: Dan Roam and The Back of the Napkin Doing this blog is like standing in the library with thousands of books and resources. I get overwhelmed at the talent and creativity that surrounds us. I also get angry at what we choose to pay attention to but that is another story. I need to learn to tell visual non-fiction stories using video. Dan Roam and his book The Back of the Napkin is helping me learn that skill. Dan coaches business leaders to use visuals to explain concepts. I'm going to buy his book this weekend. Here is an example made for BNet.com on Visual Thinking. You don't need an MBA to understand what he is talking about. It was painless. Definitely visit this site and check out his blog as well.
Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software Rudolf Steiner La fascinante nouvelle carte 3D animée de l’univers observable (Vidéo) | GuruMeditationGuruMeditation Une équipe internationale de chercheurs a mis en place une extraordinaire carte vidéo 3D de l’univers proche avec une profondeur de 300 millions d’années-lumière. La vidéo est un rappel, qui n’est pas si subtil, de la façon dont nous sommes ridiculement minuscules et encore, ce n’est que la partie visible de l’univers, une infime partie de celui-ci… Ci-dessous, comme pour l’animation d’entête, une carte montrant toutes les galaxies dans l’univers proche. Chaque galaxie dispose d’un code couleur pour indiquer sa distance, du bleu pour les plus proches et rouge pour les plus éloignées, jusqu’à 300 millions d’années-lumière. Ce travail fait partie d’un projet appelé Cosmic Flows (flux cosmique) et il consiste à cartographier la densité de la matière à la fois visible et noire autour de notre galaxie, jusqu’à une distance de 300 millions d’années-lumière. La vidéo dure plus de 17 minutes, mais que cela ne vous rebute pas. Pour Hélène Courtois, dans la vidéo :