Related: Mathematics
DIA-MUNDIAL-NUMERO-PI - home Porn Industry Could Get a The porn industry is rumored to win a major battle this week with the possible approval of the .xxx domain. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which doles out the .com, .net and .biz suffixes for website URLs, could approve the domain name on Friday, according to Politico. The report goes on to say that such domains would be available for purchase this summer. Reps from ICANN could not be reached for comment. The domain name, originally proposed by a company called ICM Registry in 2005, had been held up by the Bush Administration, which had bowed to pressure by religious groups that opposed .xxx. If approved, .xxx would be the latest domain name approved by ICANN. Image Courtesy of Flickr, Ryan Christopher VanWilliams
A gömböc - magyar találmány, az első olyan homogén test, amelynek csupán egy stabil és egy instabil (összesen 2) egyensúlyi helyzete van. The Gömböc became the "Object of the Month" in France April 15th, 2014. Award-winning Gömböc photo in the UK April 5th 2014. Gömböc 2013 in Oxford March 26th 2014. Cedric Villani on the Gömböc December 7th 2013. Gömböc movies November 3rd 2013. The Gömböc and the turtles on the cover in Seoul August 1st 2013. Gömböc 1988 is donated by Maplesofdt to the University of Waterloo April 24th 2013. The Gömböc in the book of Cédric Villani November 17th 2012. Gömböc 1737 in Göttingen November 12th 2012. Gömböc 1823 at the Bolyai Museum November 2nd 2012. Gömböc 1729 and Stephen Fry September 14th 2012. Gömböc 1821 at the British Crown Estate June 15th 2012. Gömböc 1802 at the Hungarian National Museum April 20th 2012. Gömböc 100 at the Kepes Center March 1st 2012. Gömböc is the Stephen Smale Prize July 14th 2011. Gömböc 1928 in Paris May 1st 2011. Gömböc in the Halle Opera House February 25th 2011. The Gömböc in the book series of the American Mathematical Society January 15th 2011. Gömböc stamp May 1st 2010. April 24st. 2010.
Einstein notation - Wikipedia Shorthand notation for tensor operations In mathematics, especially in applications of linear algebra to physics, Einstein notation (also known as the Einstein summation convention or Einstein summation notation) is a notational convention that implies summation over a set of indexed terms in a formula, thus achieving brevity. As part of mathematics it is a notational subset of Ricci calculus; however, it is often used in physics applications that do not distinguish between tangent and cotangent spaces. It was introduced to physics by Albert Einstein in 1916.[1] Introduction[edit] Statement of convention[edit] is simplified by the convention to: The upper indices are not exponents but are indices of coordinates, coefficients or basis vectors. In general relativity, a common convention is that In general, indices can range over any indexing set, including an infinite set. An index that is summed over is a summation index, in this case "i ". , which is equivalent to the equation Mnemonics[edit]
Khan Academy La stratégie 2011 de Meetic: le virage social et affinitaire Meetic vient de présenter ses nouveaux axes stratégique pour 2011 avec notamment une refonte totale du site Meetic.com, le navire amiral du groupe. Face au succès de Meetic Affinity et de son modèle de « matchmaking » (rencontre affinitaire), Meetic.com va s’éloigner de son modèle historique de dating pour prendre visuellement des allures de Facebook de la rencontre. La nouvelle version entièrement repensée sera lancée en fin T2, fera la part belle aux codes des réseaux sociaux et intégrera des applications externes (Last.fm, Allociné et Worldcat pour le livres) afin que la nouvelle dimension de matching se fasse autour des goûts culturels notamment. Dis-moi ce que tu écoutes, lis ou regardes, je te dirais qui te ressemble ! Ce sera l’entrée dans le monde du « social matching. La nouvelle mouture du site sera structurellement couplée aux applications mobiles sur lesquelles Meetic entend se positionner fortement en 2011.
PlanetMath Discovery of classic pi formula a ‘cunning piece of magic’ : NewsCenter While most people associate the mathematical constant π (pi) with arcs and circles, mathematicians are accustomed to seeing it in a variety of fields. But two University scientists were still surprised to find it lurking in a quantum mechanics formula for the energy states of the hydrogen atom. “We didn’t just find pi,” said Tamar Friedmann, a visiting assistant professor of mathematics and a research associate of high energy physics, and co-author of a paper published this week in the Journal of Mathematical Physics. “We found the classic seventeenth century Wallis formula for pi, making us the first to derive it from physics, in general, and quantum mechanics, in particular.” The Wallis formula—developed by British mathematician John Wallis in his book Arithmetica Infinitorum—defines π as the product of an infinite string of ratios made up of integers. Friedmann did not set out to look for π nor for the Wallis formula. which can be reduced to the classic Wallis formula.
Premium Quality Real Christmas Trees Delivered MSC2010 database The main purpose of the classification of items in the mathematical literature using the Mathematics Subject Classification scheme is to help users find the items of present or potential interest to them as readily as possible---in products derived from the Mathematical Reviews Database (MRDB), in Zentralblatt MATH, or anywhere else where this classification scheme is used. An item in the mathematical literature should be classified so as to attract the attention of all those possibly interested in it. The item may be something which falls squarely within one clear area of the MSC, or it may involve several areas. Ideally, the MSC codes attached to an item should represent the subjects to which the item contains a contribution. The classification should serve both those closely concerned with specific subject areas, and those familiar enough with subjects to apply their results and methods elsewhere, inside or outside of mathematics.
En el Día de Pi, 10 curiosidades sobre el número irracional El matemático griego Arquímedes fue uno de los primeros en aproximar su valor. Para aquellos que deseen conocer cuánto mide, solo deberán calcular el perímetro de una circunferencia y dividirlo por su diámetro. Blogthinkbig.com | Cada 14 de marzo se celebra en todo el mundo el Día de Pi, una conmemoración que trata de promover la divulgación sobre el número π en particular y acercar las matemáticas a la sociedad. Por eso nos unimos a esta fiesta matemática para fomentar la difusión científica. Por eso hoy repasamos algunas curiosidades sobre este número tan irracional como trascendente. ¿Qué es el número Pi? El número Pi se define como la relación que existe entre la longitud o el perímetro de una circunferencia y su diámetro. ¿Cómo se calcula Pi? El matemático griego Arquímedes fue uno de los primeros en aproximar el valor del número Pi. ¿Pi vale 3,14? No. ¿Qué significa que sea un número irracional? π suele ser descrito como un número irracional y trascendente. ¿Para qué sirve?
Pour la St-Valentin, offrez du chocolat dans un iPad La marque iChocolate offre pour la Saint-Valentin la possibilité de combiner l'amour du chocolat et des iPhones ou iPads. Elle propose des boîtes de chocolats sous forme d'applications iPhone. Si vous êtes un adepte des produits Apple et de chocolat, la marque iChocolate va vous faire rêver. A l'occasion de la Saint-Valentin, la société propose d'offrir une boîte de chocolat très originale. En forme de iPad ou iPhone, vous pouvez en composer le contenu pour une Saint-Valentin en amoureux, coquin, ou en célibataire. Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article?