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CORPORATE FASCISM: The Destruction of America's Middle Class

CORPORATE FASCISM: The Destruction of America's Middle Class
Related:  Destroying Countries and Humanity

The U.S. Supreme Court Is Marching in Lockstep with the Police State The U.S. Supreme Court Is Marching in Lockstep with the Police State By John W. “[I]f the individual is no longer to be sovereign, if the police can pick him up whenever they do not like the cut of his jib, if they can ‘seize’ and ‘search’ him in their discretion, we enter a new regime. The U.S. Whether it’s police officers breaking through people’s front doors and shooting them dead in their homes or strip searching innocent motorists on the side of the road, these instances of abuse are continually validated by a judicial system that kowtows to virtually every police demand, no matter how unjust, no matter how in opposition to the Constitution. These are the hallmarks of the emerging American police state: where police officers, no longer mere servants of the people entrusted with keeping the peace, are part of an elite ruling class dependent on keeping the masses corralled, under control, and treated like suspects and enemies rather than citizens. Time, as they say, grows short.

Rothschild Conspiracy International Banking Cartel and The Federal Reserve eroding_liberty.pdf The FDA and Big Pharma’s Latest Killer Agenda: Destroy Homeopathic Medicine | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization Like pretty much everything these days, money equates to power in the big business world of both geopolitics and monopolized corporate control designed to eliminate individual liberties and personal choice around the globe. We’ve seen it with the treasonous US crime cabal government that engineered the murder of 3000 Americans on 9/11 to establish a fake war on terror with fake enemies acting as mercenary Islamic stooges that conveniently facilitated the dismantling of the US Constitution. As all three branches of the federal government destroyed the US democratic republic, on a more micro-scaled level we’ve also seen how all the various federal regulatory agencies ostensibly set up to protect public health have in fact betrayed Americans by selling out to special interests of big business and corporate lobbyists. A new spending bill in the oligarch owned Congress will spell the death of net neutrality. Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer.

Millions Of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Set To Be Released: This Is Why It’s A Problem Millions of genetically modified mosquitoes might soon be released in Florida. The biotech company Oxitec and the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) are moving ahead with their plan to introduce these insects into the area to, according to them, help stop the spread of multiple tropical diseases. One of the diseases is called Chikungunya, another is dengue, and both are spread by Aedes mosquitoes. An infection with Chikungunya can lead to fever and joint pain which is sometimes severe, but rarely causes death. When it comes to the dengue virus, severe cases may progress into dengue hemorrhagic fever, complications from which may eventually result in death. The mosquitoes released would all be male, and are genetically modified to carry a “genetic kill switch.” Millions Of Genetically Modified Insects Have Already Been Released Oxitec has already released a large number of GM olive flies that were used to kill off wild pests that damage crops. Concerns With This Approach

China poised to play debt card – for U.S. land Text smaller Text bigger EDITOR’S NOTE: Barack Obama’s involvement in the DeMar Second Amendment case was previously reported in Chapter 7 of Jerome R. Corsi’s “America for Sale: Fighting the New World Order, Surviving a Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty.” NEW YORK – Could real estate on American soil owned by China be set up as “development zones” in which the communist nation could establish Chinese-owned businesses and bring in its citizens to the U.S. to work? That’s part of an evolving proposal Beijing has been developing quietly since 2009 to convert more than $1 trillion of U.S debt it owns into equity. Under the plan, China would own U.S. businesses, U.S. infrastructure and U.S. high-value land, all with a U.S. government guarantee against loss. Yu Qiao, a professor of economics in the School of Public Policy and Management at Tsighua University in Beijing, proposed in 2009 a plan for the U.S. government to guarantee foreign investments in the United States.

The Dumbing Down of America – By Design | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization This presentation focuses on the myriad ways in which the powers-that-be in the United States have been systematically dumbing down Americans as a society for a very long time – all by meticulously calculated design. Originally the term dumbing down was used as a slang expression in 1933 by film screenwriters to mean “revising [the script] so as to appeal to those of lower education or intelligence.” The most obvious example of how Americans have been dumbed down is through this nation’s failed public education system. At one time not that long ago America reigned supreme as a leading model for the rest of the world providing the best quality free public K-12 education system on the planet. “… establishment of a genuine world order, an order in which national sovereignty is subordinate to world authority…” As with all of America’s most powerful institutions, privatization has reared its ugly head in public education as well. Welcome to the twenty-first century.

FREEDOM Act Passes, Effectively Kills Freedom By Brandon Turbeville With the passage of the USA FREEDOM Act, mainstream media outlets and even some “privacy advocates” are hailing the passage of the bill as a welcome step forward and a sign of defeat for the USA PATRIOT Act, the bill that was itself passed in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and widely representative of the United States’ rapid descent into outright police state tyranny. Unfortunately, however, the passage of the FREEDOM Act is no victory for freedom. In fact, is an insultingly sound nail in freedom’s coffin. The bill, which has been promoted and supported by many of the same members of Congress that supported the PATRIOT Act (notably, James Sensenbrenner) now comes on the heels of a 2nd US Circuit Court decision that bulk telecommunications data collection was not authorized by the PATRIOT Act, unconstitutional, and therefore an illegal act. To be sure, the FREEDOM Act has been in the works for passage since 2013 when lawmakers began pushing it. “Good! So far, so good.

Shock: Fracking Used to Inject Nuclear Waste Underground for Decades | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization Unearthed articles from the 1960s detail how nuclear waste was buried beneath the Earth’s surface by Halliburton & Co. for decades as a means of disposing the by-products of post-World War II atomic energy production. Fracking is already a controversial practice on its face; allowing U.S. industries to inject slurries of toxic, potentially carcinogenic compounds deep beneath the planet’s surface — as a means of “see no evil” waste disposal — already sounds ridiculous, dangerous, and stupid anyway without even going into further detail. Alleged fracking links to the contamination of the public water supply and critical aquifers, as well as ties to earthquake upticks near drilling locations that are otherwise not prone to seismic activity have created uproar in the years since the 2005 “Cheney loophole,” which allowed the industry to circumvent the Safe Drinking Water Act by exempting fracking fluids, thus fast tracking shale fracking as a source of cheap natural gas. These ran in the:

BP Oil Spill: $18.7 Billion Fine a Mere 2% of Its Enormous $929 Billion Revenue By Melissa Dykes Remember the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion that killed 11 people and dumped some 4 million barrels of oil into the Gulf a few years ago? Well now the company has been ordered to pay the largest environmental fine in the nation’s history at $18.7 billion dollars, the final settlement to be divvied up among the Gulf states who suffered most in the oil spill’s wake. Sure, $18.7 billion sounds like a lot of money even these days, but check out this chart (via The Independent): The company only made 928.67 billion in revenue in the years since the spill. This money won’t make it to the pockets of the people actually affected. $18.7 billion… So that’s how much it costs for the deaths of 11 people, the rape of a whole ecosystem, and continuous negative health impacts on millions of humans and animals throughout the area for years to come? Hundreds of tar balls still dot the beaches of Louisiana even today, something that will continue for who knows how long.

Crown Temple - History of the Protocols Michael EdwardEcclesiastic Commonwealth Community (ECC)July 15, 2003 The Crown Temple The governmental and judicial systems within the United States of America, at both federal and local state levels, is owned by the “Crown,” which is a private foreign power. Before jumping to conclusions about the Queen of England or the Royal Families of Britain owning the U.S.A., this is a different “Crown” and is specifically referencing the established Templar Church, known for centuries by the world as the “Crown.” The Temple Church was built by the Knights Templar in two parts: the Round and the Chancel. All licensed Bar Attorneys in the U.S. owe their allegiance and give their solemn oath in pledge to the Crown Temple, realizing this or not. The present Queen of England is not the “Crown,” as we have all been led to believe. Since the first Chancel of the Temple Church was built by the Knights Templar, this is not a new ruling system by any means. The Four Inns of Court to the unholy Temple

8th Grade Test From 1912 Shows How Far American Education Has Been Dumbed Down; Can You Take It? By Kristan T. Harris A Kentucky 8th grade exam from 1912 was donated to the Bullitt County history museum. The questions feature the fundamental foundation of education that we seem to have lost due to the dumbing down of the American education system. Now with the common core epidemic we can see our youth transformed by a cookie cut education system and a near total loss of critical and independent thinking. If you can not read the fine print or zoom in, then here are some examples of 8th grade level testing in 1912. Define the following terms of government: Democracy, Limited Monarchy, Absolute Monarchy, Republic. To what four governments are students in school subjected? Name 5 county officers and the principal duties of each. Give 3 duties of the president. Give at least 5 rules to be observed in maintaining good health? Define Cerebrum; Cerebellum Name the organs of circulation. How many parts of speech are there? Stumped? Kristan T. Editor's Note - Here are some consolation resources:

Did CIA Director William Casey Really Say ‘We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False’? – CIA Flashback: “We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.” (Truthstream Media, Jan 13, 2015): William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”(Truthstream Media) That creepy quote above has been widely attributed to Former CIA Director William Casey.Casey was the 13th CIA Director from 1981 until he left in January 1987. This is a new trend lately, people trying to debunk old (and most especially, establishment damaging) quotes.This time, however, someone who claims to have been there when Casey said it showed up to validate the quote: Not only does Honegger claim he said it, but apparently he said it in response to what he saw as his goal as CIA Director! “Now along comes Bill Casey, the dodering CIA director, with the argument that the government has the right to mislead the public by planting phony stories in the press.”
