Sea Organ, musical organ played by the sea, Zadar Croatia,morske orgulje,musical natural sound sculpture The musical Sea Organ (morske orgulje) is located on the shores of Zadar, Croatia, and is the world’s first musical pipe organs that is played by the sea. Simple and elegant steps, carved in white stone, were built on the quayside. Underneath, there are 35 musically tuned tubes with whistle openings on the sidewalk. The movement of the sea pushes air through, and – depending on the size and velocity of the wave – musical chords are played. The waves create random harmonic sounds. This masterpiece of acoustics and architecture was created by expert Dalmatian stone carvers and architect Nikola Basic in 2005, who recently received the European Prize for Urban Public Space for this project. Thanks to the Sea Organ music project, the inhabitants of Zadar have been restored once more to their relation with the sea.
Crochet Companion Cube « Pumpkin Orange I spent the last week making this for my dad for fathers day. One crocheted companion cube. I took inspiration from a couple of other peoples takes on the companion cube: One here: So I decided to come up with my own pattern for one. 100 legal sites to stream and download free music | MerryCode Music is life, I never found anyone who’s life isn’t influenced by Music. Why the best things in life like Music are not free? Actually, there is more legally available for free Music than you think. image by nothingatall Here is a list of 100 sites that let you stream or download music for free legally! DeezerDeezer is the French-based service which is one of the largest and very popular music recommendation search engine. 8Tracks awesome site, with last.fm integration! Mog The Most Sophisticated, User-Friendly Music Player on the Web. Clown Basket ClownBasket is the songwriter’s forum to share their own original music with the world. so here is a way for you to get your original music out there! My Band Stock My Band Stock is a type of fan funding tools, where artists raise money from their fan base to record music. Groove SharkGrooveshark is a very nice music site which competes with all best web-based music sites. Mix CloudMixcloud helps connect radio content to listeners. Also read:
Mysterium (Scriabin) Mysterium is an unfinished musical work by composer Alexander Scriabin. He started working on the composition in 1903, but left it incomplete when he died in 1915. Scriabin planned that the work would be synesthetic, exploiting the senses of smell and touch as well as hearing. He wrote that "There will not be a single spectator. All will be participants. Scriabin intended the performance to be in the foothills of the Himalayas in India, a week-long event that would be followed by the end of the world and the replacement of the human race with "nobler beings". Synesthesia in art
Genes to Cognition Online IMPORTANT: Adobe Flash Information As of December 31, 2020, Flash animation technology is no longer supported by web browsers. Several DNALC educational sites, including G2C Online, were built using Flash, especially those featuring animations. Some DNALC sites will be retired, but much of the animation and video content is available on the DNALC website under Resources. In addition, we are reworking our most valued, up-to-date content into current technologies. Simple Mapper We developed Simple Mapper to power this web site on the brain. G2C Blog: Thoughts on Thinking Did you know dolphins can stay constantly awake for weeks? Young parents and workaholics are very familiar with the effects of sleep deprivation, and almost everyone is agreed – it’s not the most pleasant place to be! 3-D Brain The G2C Brain is an interactive 3-D model of the brain, with 29 structures that can be rotated in three-dimensional space.
uWall.tv | Listen to a Wall of Music Orchestra Uses Own Heartbeats to Create Music and Visuals | Co.Design Musicians have toyed around with music based on the human heart for decades, but we've never seen anything quite as ornate and mind-blowing as the Heart Chamber Orchestra. A collaboration between PURE, a music collective, and Erich Berger, an interactive artist, the performance involves 12 musicians, each of whom are wired to an electrocardiogram. Software then tracks their heartbeats, using them as fodder for both a projected visualization and a musical score, which the musicians see on laptops placed in front of them. As the performance goes on, the heartbeats of the performers change in response--and all this flows directly into the music, becoming one giant feedback loop. The piece was first performed last year, but it just had an encore at Sao Paolo's FILE festival. [Via We Make Money Not Art]
A Labyrinth of Ice - RGB Picture In the U.S. city of Buffalo have built the world’s largest ice maze. For its construction took 2,200 ice blocks weighing 272 tons. Graham Nasby's Online Resources - The Quotations Of Leif Segerstam A few years ago we worked with Leif Segerstam, a composer/conductor from Finland. He had a remarkably creative way of using the English language, and as usual, I started writing my favourite quotes in our music. After a few days, I learned that several other members of the orchestra were doing the same thing. Unlike the collected quotations of another famous conductor, these aren't just the fractured phrases of someone who speaks English as a second language - we have before us a record of the creative mind of a kaleidescopic flexator electrifically fluxating new meaning into a tired old language. Could we have a relativity normal beginning?
Grocery Bag "Yarn" | When people see the handbags some of us carry around they never believe that we’ve made them from regular grocery bags. I bet I’ve been asked about 65,000 times in the last few years–”How can you possibly crochet with a grocery bag?” Consequently, this story has been told quite a bit, but never here on the blog. Take one innocent looking grocery–the thin, noisy kind–and smooth it out flat. Fold it in half lengthwise and smooth out again. Fold in half again, and smooth out. Cut off the bottom seam, and the handles at the top. Fold in half again. Cut the strip into 1 inch pieces… until you’ve cut the whole strip. Open up the loops… Remember making rubberband chains when you were a kid? Well, it’s like that. Pull one loop through the other until… they knot together. -pretty much like yarn. It’s a great way to recycle those silly bags and make our own teeny tiny dent in the local land fill. And now you know the true secret of the universe. Either way. heh heh Watch “Dane’s Wish”
The Tonal Centers Page The Tonal Centers Page This web page contains a list of songs that have similar chord progressions and tonal shifts (modulations) and then links them to the "Vanilla Book". This is a resource for learning to hear jazz chord progressions. Chord Progressions and Tonal Shifts Example of a Chord Progression | Gm7 / C7 / | F / / / | Example of Chord Progressions with Tonal Shifts | Gm7 / C7 / | F / / / | Bm7 / E7 / | A / / / | Gm7 / C7 / | F / / / | In the first example there is no tonal shift (modulation). In the second example the tonality shifts (modulates) from F major to A major and then back to F major. For example; The song "I Love You" shifts (modulates) from the key of F major to A major at bar 12 thru 16, then back to F major at bar 17. The purpose of this comparison of similar tonal shifts and chord progressions is to help the jazz player hear and improvise on progressions in any key. Understanding tonal center movement is important for improvising. 1 major