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Brand Nu - Art Direction, Illustration, Graphic Design, Typography and more

Brand Nu - Art Direction, Illustration, Graphic Design, Typography and more

Amazing Wine Labels: 30 Creative and Unique Wine Label Designs 30 Creative and Unusual Wine Label Designs Amazing Wine Labels – The design of a wine label can make or break the success of a new wine introduced to the market. Even beyond the quality of the wine itself, the label plays a primary role in the purchasing decisions of customers. It is on this fact that many graphic designers have focused their attention to making creative, compelling labels that connect a bottle of wine with its buyer. Inkwell Wine’s Rorschach-Inspired Wine Bottles Just as every wine may effect each palette differently, the Rorschach inkblot test’s meaning is different to each viewer. Inkwell Wine Gallery Meeta Panesar Wine Label Designs Meeta Panesar’s wine bottle designs were created as an homage to the Op Art movement and the work of artist Joseph Albers. Homage to the Op Art Wine Label Gallery Gut Oggau Portrait Wines The Oggau Estate is an Austrian winery that has given its wine more than just a flavor, but a personality… nine of them, to be exact. Neil Ashmead GTS

LP|Creative Designer How to Remove Glare from Glass in Photoshop Video – HOW TO...Remove GlarewithPhotoshop Rick Peterson: Hey, this is Rick In this video, we are going to remove the strong glare from the outside of the crystal on this watch. The first thing, I want to do is duplicate my background layer. And now I'm just going to click on the area I want to select and that selected a lot of the area, but I want to add to my selection to get more, so I'm going to hold down the Shift key and watch my cursor you can see there is a little plus sign that appears. Okay, get those it's a little rough around the edges, but that's okay we can smooth that out. Maybe about there I'm going to go up to my histogram, if I grab my Midtone slider and drag it over to the right, my selection will get darker still. If you click on the Dodge Tool it will reveal the other nested tools under there and there you will find the Burn Tool and we'll just see how that works.

3D Fonts (208 fonts / 13 pages) Free Fonts AstigmaDate added: 5/28/2010 | Downloads: 9339 3D NoiseDate added: 5/28/2010 | Downloads: 6661 VTKS XtraDate added: 5/29/2010 | Downloads: 5580 WeirdDate added: 5/28/2010 | Downloads: 5340 06 29 Date added: 5/28/2010 | Downloads: 4266 CavemanDate added: 5/28/2010 | Downloads: 4015 Commercial Fonts Loading inquietto - Art direction & Design (Oscar Marchal Portfolio)

Created Equal... Photographer Mark Laita | InspireFirst - StumbleUpon In America, the chasm between rich and poor is growing, the clash between conservatives and liberals is strengthening, and even good and evil seem more polarized than ever before. At the heart of this collection of portraits is my desire to remind us that we were all equal, until our environment, circumstances or fate molded and weathered us into whom we have become. Los Angeles- and New York-based photographer Mark Laita completed Created Equal over the course of eight years; his poignant words reflect the striking polarizations found in his photographs. Presented as diptychs, the images explore social, economic and gender difference and similarity within the United States, emulating and updating the portraiture of Edward Curtis, August Sander and Richard Avedon. Bodybuilder / Amish Farmer, 2006 / 2004 Young Boxer / Retired Boxer, 2002 / 2002 Beauty Salon Customer / Man with Curlers, 2005 / 2004 Lingerie Model / Woman in Girdle, 2006 / 2007 Catholic Nuns / Prostitutes, 2002 / 2002 Comments

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Bruno Oppido — Sin Frío Kia introduces its new brand positioning: Movement that inspires. The concept behind it is that whatever Kia does, every consumer touchpoint, and every product it creates is there to inspire you. The graphic system celebrates the new logo by taking inspiration from it, by using parts of the logo to turn them into graphical motifs. These motifs combined allow us to create an easy to use, and modular system which stays recognizable throughout every format. Along with the graphic system, Kia changed their colors to Midnight Black and Polar White as primary colors. Afternoon Yellow, Forest Green, City Grey as secondary colors, and Kia Live Red as a spot color. While the primary colors are the dominant colors throughout the visual identity, the secondary colors have special use in photography. To inspire Kia’s audience further we collaborated with artists and neuroscientists to create ideas that are scientifically proven to inspire people. Role: Designer / Head of Art Design Logo: Creative Team:

Inspiration Patterns and textures in web design: awesome examples and resources The visual approach, while designing a new site, often starts from the background design. A cool pattern or a subtle texture are details that can make the difference. Today we showcase web sites with an awesome use of patterns and textures, along with a list of resources that you can use to achieve the same results. Let’s start! How the use of textures can improve your web design Web design is an art that needs creativity, technical knowledge and a great passion. 20+ Stunning Examples of 3D Rendered Characters I’m really fascinated by 3d digital world. Design inspiration: Baroque in Modern Graphic Design In modern graphic design inspiration often derives from artistic movements from the past. 30 Inspirational Portrait Images by Best Graphic Designers Portrait image is a frequently explored graphic design subject. 30 Examples of How to Bring Typography to the Next Level 20 inspirational sites for graphic designers

100 (Really) Creative Business Cards Whichever business you’re in, and especially for anyone in the field of design, such as web designers, a business card can be as important as your website identity. A business card creates a physical connection and bond between you or your business and your customers. Just like in a website, business cards can become great interactive elements, but with the added ability to have real textures, different materials and shapes. In this article, we’ll take a look at 100 truly outstanding business card designs which show that there are truly no limits to the design of a business card. Which ones are your favorites? How important is a business card for you?

Francesco Briganti
