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Réalités augmentées en bibliothèque
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Réaliser diaporama ou animation avec des outils gratuits | Musique Prim – Pour enseigner la musique et découvrir l’univers musical à l’école primaire about 1 year ago - Aucun commentaire Le site Musique Prim Le ministère de l'éducation nationale, de la jeunesse et de la vie associative vous propose le site Musique Prim. Cet outil pédagogique est destiné aux enseignants du premier degré afin de leur permettre de mettre en oeuvre la partie "éducation musicale" des programmes. Créez un livre multimédia avec 3 outils gratuits about 2 years ago - 7 commentaires Un excellent travail, simple avec des tutoriels clairs et des outils gratuits.

Freud - La pérdida de la realidad en la neurosis y en la psicosis La pérdida de la realidad en la neurosis y en la psicosis [1924] Sigmund Freud Ya en un trabajo reciente expusimos como uno de los caracteres diferenciales entre la neurosis y la psicosis el hecho de que en la primera reprime el yo, obediente a las exigencias de la realidad, una parte del Ello (de la vida instintiva), mientras que en la psicosis del mismo yo, dependiente ahora del Ello, se retrae de una parte de la realidad. Así, pues, en la neurosis dominaría el influjo de la realidad y en la psicosis el del Ello. Sin embargo, estas conclusiones no parecen conciliables con la observación de que toda neurosis perturba en algún modo la relación del enfermo con la realidad, constituyendo para él un medio de retraerse de ella y un refugio al que ampararse huyendo de las dificultades de la vida real. Así, pues, la génesis característica de la neurosis a consecuencia de una represión fracasada no es nada nuevo. Esta diferencia inicial se refleja luego en el resultado.

Réseaux de neurones Présentation J'ai donné plusieurs cours sur les réseaux de neurones entre 2001 et 2007. Ces cours sont maintenant englobés dans mes cours plus généraux d'analyse des données. Mes différents cours consistaient en une présentation des réseaux de neurones axé sur l'aspect apprentissage automatique, avec une introduction aux problèmes cruciaux dans de domaine, comme ceux de l'évaluation des performances en généralisation et de la sélection de modèles. Public Ces cours sont destinés à des élèves de Master 1 ou 2 de sciences avec de bonnes notions en algèbre linéaire, optimisation continue, probabilités et statistiques. En pratique, les cours s'appuient sur le logiciel R. Cours donné à Paris V (Master 1 IMSV, 2005 à 2007) Thème Ce cours est une présentation des modèles de réseaux de neurones les plus importants. Introduction et neurone de McCulloch et Pitts Modèles linéaires (dont les machines à vecteurs de support) Transformation des données Évaluation et sélection de modèle Supports Cours Exemples

Tu cerebro opera de modo diferente en situaciones sociales Tu cerebro opera de modo diferente en situaciones sociales Las interacciones sociales hacen que nuestros cerebros se comporten de acuerdo con diferentes reglas y podrían influir en la manera de tomar decisiones, según un estudio que publica la revista Science. En los últimos años, los neurocientíficos cognitivos han descubierto que la gente raramente toma decisiones de forma aislada. Los humanos son sensibles a lo que otros piensan. Una rápida llamada telefónica a nuestra madre o una larga conversación con un amigo pueden hacernos pensarnos las cosas dos veces antes de tomar una decisión, a aportarnos el valor necesario para seguir adelante con un plan. "Existe una diferencia fundamental entre las decisiones que tomamos en grupo y las que se toma en situaciones individuales.

Rep-tile The "sphinx" polyiamond reptile. Four copies of the sphinx can be put together as shown to make a larger sphinx. A selection of rep-tiles, including the sphinx, two fish and the 5-triangle Terminology[edit] A rep-tile is labelled rep-n if the dissection uses n copies. Examples[edit] Defining an aperiodic tiling (the pinwheel tiling) by repeatedly dissecting and inflating a rep-tile. Every square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, or triangle is rep-4. A right triangle with side lengths in the ratio 1:2 is rep-5, and its rep-5 dissection forms the basis of the aperiodic pinwheel tiling. The international standard ISO 216 defines sizes of paper sheets using the Lichtenberg ratio, in which the long side of a rectangular sheet of paper is the square root of two times the short side of the paper. Rep-tiles and symmetry[edit] Some rep-tiles, like the square and equilateral triangle, are symmetrical and remain identical when reflected in a mirror. Rep-tiles and polyforms[edit] Squares[edit]

ARToolKit ARToolKit is a software library for building Augmented Reality (AR) applications. These are applications that involve the overlay of virtual imagery on the real world. For example, in the image to the right a three-dimensional virtual character appears standing on a real card. It can be seen by the user in the head set display they are wearing. When the user moves the card, the virtual character moves with it and appears attached to the real object. This website contains a link to the ARToolKit software, projects that have used ARToolKit, sample ARToolKit applications, a discussion group and full documentation. ARToolKit was originally developed by Dr. For information on this page, contact Philip Lamb. Translations of this page available: Belarusian

Simplicity as a Brand (and Life) Value | Delight In a world which demands “more, done better, and faster,” simplicity has taken on the power of a moral imperative. In America, the average hours worked per week is now 47 hours; that’s nearly a six-day work week. As parents, professionals, and members of little-used gyms, the admonition to “Be All You Can Be” is a self-escalating puzzle. In the context of the ever more specialized and complex requirements faced in life, making one’s communications simple may be as important as making them polite. Delete Is the Designer’s Best Friend As a designer and strategy advisor, simplicity is never far from my mind. So I’d like to recommend and share some thoughts about two texts that discuss simplicity as organizing principle of design and of the laws that organize civilization. Laws of SimplicityJohn Maeda It’s a quick read, written for the layman in us all. Some other big ideas to take away from Maeda’s Laws of Simplicity include: Features vs. Simple Rules for a Complex World Richard Epstein

Mathematics and Reality: Is Mathematics a symbolic Universe Invented by the Human Mind? (part 1 of 5) | Poetic Mind by Paul Hartal. Introduction Mathematics is a model of exact reasoning, the most precise branch of human knowledge. Using logic as its main instrument, mathematics probes the numerical and spatial relations of axiomatic systems by means of strict rules and careful analysis. It is a ubiquitous and indispensable subject because every human endeavor involves some form of arithmetic. Drawing on the mathematical genius of such giants as Euler, Lobachevski, Riemann, Russell and Einstein; I shall explore in this article an array of inherent contradictions in the logical foundations of the Queen of Sciences and discuss some major mathematical earthquakes that shook its theoretical bedrock. Chapter 1: An infallible delegate of truth? Mathematics undoubtedly represents a crowning accomplishment of the human intellect but does it correspond to the material world? Figure 1: ‘The Mathematician’, Acrylic on canvas, 60 cm x 45 cm, 2003 (Collection of Hanseo University Art Museum, Seoul). 1. 4. 5. 6.

qualia 1. Que sont les qualia? Je mords dans un citron, sens l'odeur de la rose, entends le son du violon, passe la main sur une surface rugueuse, ressens une violente douleur dans l'épaule, un chatouillement dans la paume de la main, voit une surface rouge vif, suis d'humeur mélancolique, sens monter une violente colère, etc. Dans chacun de ces cas, je me trouve dans un état mental doté d'un caractère subjectif particulier. Être dans l'un de ces états me fait un effet particulier et l'effet que cela fait de sentir l'odeur de la rose n'est pas le même que de sentir l'odeur d'œufs pourris ou d'entendre le son de la trompette. Le terme de qualia (au singulier quale) est utilisé par les philosophes pour faire référence aux aspects phénoménaux de notre vie mentale. En ce sens très général, il est difficile de nier que les qualia existent. Les désaccords portent plutôt sur les questions suivantes: Quels états mentaux ont des qualia? 2. 2.1. Ces propriétés des sense-data = qualia 2.2. 3. 4. 4.1. 4.2.

Does Mathematics Reflect Reality Does Mathematics Reflect Reality? Part Four: Order Out of Chaos Does Mathematics Reflect Reality?Contradictions in MathematicsDoes the Infinite Exist?The CalculusThe Crisis in MathematicsChaos and ComplexityMandelbrot's FractalsQuantity and Quality "The fact that our subjective thought and the objective world are subject to the same laws, and hence, too, that in the final analysis they cannot contradict each other in their results, but must coincide, governs absolutely our whole theoretical thought." The content of "pure" mathematics is ultimately derived from the material world. From Pythagoras onwards, the most extravagant claims have been made on behalf of mathematics, which has been portrayed as the queen of the sciences, the magic key opening all doors of the universe. The material origins of the abstractions of mathematics were no secret to Aristotle: "The mathematician," he wrote, "investigates abstractions. The Roman numerals are pictorial representations of fingers. The Calculus

Simulated reality Simulated reality is the hypothesis that reality could be simulated—for example by computer simulation—to a degree indistinguishable from "true" reality. It could contain conscious minds which may or may not be fully aware that they are living inside a simulation. This is quite different from the current, technologically achievable concept of virtual reality. Virtual reality is easily distinguished from the experience of actuality; participants are never in doubt about the nature of what they experience. There has been much debate over this topic, ranging from philosophical discourse to practical applications in computing. Types of simulation[edit] Brain-computer interface[edit] Virtual people[edit] In a virtual-people simulation, every inhabitant is a native of the simulated world. Arguments[edit] Simulation argument[edit] 1. 2. 3. In greater detail, Bostrom is attempting to prove a tripartite disjunction, that at least one of these propositions must be true. Relativity of reality[edit]

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