5 alternatives à Pinterest Pinterest est un nouveau réseau social vous permettant de classer vos coups de cœur sur un tableau de bord virtuel. Malgré son succès grandissant, le site n’est toujours accessible que sur invitation et de nombreux internautes attendent encore le fameux sésame. Vous n’avez pas encore reçu votre invitation à rejoindre Pinterest ? Tout n’est pas perdu ! Pearltrees : Pour cultiver vos centres d’intérêts Pearltrees vous permet d’organiser vos trouvailles faites sur le net en arbres faciles à consulter. Le petit plus : Cocorico, Pearltrees est un produit français, oui monsieur ! Zootool : Emmenez vos favoris au zoo ! Zootool vous propose de rétablir l’ordre dans la meute sauvage de vos favoris en les parquant dans des « packs » au sein de votre « zoo » personnel. Le petit plus : Son interface soignée et son efficacité. WeHeartIt : Le cœur sur la main Univers rose bonbon, petits cœurs, et public majoritairement féminin… WeHeartIt est le clone parfait de Pinterest.
Teaching Students to Become Curators of Ideas: The Curation Project I know a lot of people view curation as a buzz word devoid of meaning, but I like the metaphor! I think it beautifully captures the process we need to go through to best make sense of the vast amount of information available on the web. Of course, it doesn’t help that a lot of people use the word curation to describe activities that don’t live up to the metaphor. The Curation Project & the PLN As part of the social media class, my students are required to set up a network of online mentors using social media tools. In essence, I tasked students with creating the ultimate resource on a particular topic and to share it with the world. The Student Projects: This was without a doubt one of the most rewarding assignments I’ve graded. As far as curation services are concerned, it seems most students gravitated towards Scoop.it and Storify. Storyful Projects: Branding Insights from a Journalist (Meredith) Scoop.it Projects: Storify Projects:
The 20 Best Pinterest Boards About Education Technology Pinterest is quickly becoming one of the biggest sources inspiration and innovation when it comes to cooking, design, and education. That’s right, education is a prominent fixture on Pinterest now and that, of course, means that education technology plays a starring role. In an effort to help curate the massive amount of Pinterest boards about education technology, you can use the following list as a jumping off point to start your Pinterest journey. The following boards are curated by teachers, admins, and other education enthusiasts. Don’t forget to check out the Edudemic Pinterest board where you can keep track of all the stuff we’re up to. Patricia Brown : Patricia showcases a myriad of videos, articles, tutorials, and lots of other resources all about education technology. We want to see what YOU are pinning!
27 Tips For Becoming A Digital Teacher The term ’21st century teacher’ has been met with a bit of backlash over the past year or so. I’ve seen it pop up all over the place (including Edudemic of course) as a term to describe a ‘modern’ or ‘connected’ or ‘digital’ teacher. Basically, we all seem to trying to find the best term for a teacher who uses technology to enhance learning. See Also: A Day In The Life Of A Connected Educator The terminology is not important. All of these goals are important and, more importantly, they’re detailed in Edudemic posts every day. So if you’re looking for tips, activities, or simply want to quickly know what it takes to become a modern / connected / 21st century / digital teacher, then use this visual as a jumping-off point to get you on your way.
New Analytics Tool Launches for Pinterest Let's face it. We all like to measure how successful we are on social media. There is a reason why services like Klout and Kred are doing so well. You spend a great deal of time building up your community and creating content, so it is only natural that you will want to see how well you are doing occasionally. If you are a brand marketer, you probably need analytics to justify using a particular social network as part of your digital strategy. Social analytic tools are popping up daily, and with Pinterest continuing to grow rapidly, developers are starting to pay more attention to it and build tools to measure it. Pinalytics is the latest way to measure Pinterest success. Using Pinalytics is fairly simple. To search for your own content or profile, just type your Pinterest user name in the search bar and select either pin, board or people. Pinalytics is still in beta, but you can perform searches without being signed up.
5 Pinterest-like education sites worth trying out As one of the fastest-growing social networks, Pinterest's popularity can be attributed to its ease of use and vibrant Pinboards. Recently, a number of similar social curation sites developed specifically for students and teachers have popped up, emulating Pinterest in key ways while focusing on learning. In some cases, they have even made improvements. Here are five such sites that could be contenders for the title "Pinterest of Education": 1. Edcanvas features grid-like "canvases" for teachers and students to organize educational materials. (Image credit: Edcanvas) 2. EduClipper is an educational platform for students and teachers to explore, share and contribute resources. (Image credit: EduClipper) 3. Learnist is a social media learning site where users can pin text, images, video and audio to create “learn boards” about certain topics or subjects. (Image credit: Learnist) 4. (Image credit: Mentormob) 5. (Image credit: Scoop.it)
37 Ways Teachers Should Use Pinterest Posted on Sunday February 5, 2012 by Staff Writers There are a lot of great technology tools out there for teachers that can make it easier to connect with other educators, get ideas for classroom activities, and find inspiration. One of the newest and best of these online tools is Pinterest, which has quickly become a favorite among educators. Using online “pinboards” teachers can save everything from photos to blog posts in one easily accessible and usable place. Educators who are curious about Pinterest should sign up for an invitation today (it’s still invite only, but it doesn’t take long to get an invitation) and start creating their own amazing collections of pins. Not sure where to start? Inspiration Pinterest is ideal for getting inspired on a wide range of topics. Get inspiration for decorating your classroom. Lessons You’ll find a wealth of lessons and ideas on Pinterest to look through. Swap lesson plans. Professional Collaborate with other teachers and educators. Fun
Edmodo is THE iPad Workflow Solution The world of iPad workflow just got a whole lot easier. After months of ‘work arounds’ involving screenshots, Dropbox and pre-tablet technology, the latest Edmodo update has changed the game. Put simply, you can now use the iOS6 function ‘open in app’, to open a document in Edmodo. This allows you to upload a document to your Edmodo library on an iPad. Lets look at an example to illustrate how easy this has made the sharing of assignments for a student and an educator. Once the student has completed their document they should tap on the share and print option in Pages and then tap on ‘open in app’. They should then select open in Edmodo and choose a file type to share – I can recommend the ‘Word’ option as this works well with the Edmodo annotation tool. This will upload the document to the student’s library (Backpack). The rest of the process is then the same as the educator can annotate and grade the assignment on any web based device including the iPad. Like this: Like Loading...
9 Businesses Using Pinterest Contests to Drive Traffic and Exposure Are you using Pinterest to market your business? Running contests on Pinterest is a great way to expose your brand to a large audience, attract new followers and engage with your existing follower base. In this article, I’ll showcase nine businesses running successful Pinterest contests. Why Pinterest Contests? Here is why you should run a contest on Pinterest: Pinterest is the third most popular social network in the U.S. in terms of traffic.Pinterest has accumulated 14.9 million users as of July 2012.Pinterest is retaining and engaging users as much as 2-3 times more efficiently than Twitter was at a similar time in its history.Over 80% of pins are repins, demonstrating the tremendous “virality” at work in the Pinterest community.Pinterest accounted for 3.6% of referral traffic as of January 2012.Shoppers referred by Pinterest are 10% more likely to make a purchase than visitors who arrive from other social networks, including Facebook and Twitter. Sweepstakes #1: AMC Theatres #3: HuHot