Related: kunstenaars en vormgevers
Jolan Van der Wiel LIN FINN GEIPEL GIULIA ANDI ARCHITECTS URBANISTS Bjarke Ingels Group Gips KG » Schallschutz mit Knauf Wand Leichte Knauf Systemwände stehen in besonderer Weise für Flexibilität, Leistungsfähigkeit Wirtschaftlichkeit. Sie stehen für Brandschutz, Schallschutz, Robustheit und hohe Oberflächenqualität sowohl im Wohnungs- und Gewerbebau wie auch in öffentlichen Bauten. Mit Standard- und Sonderkonstruktionen für Brand- und Schachtwände oder Detaillösungen wie Schwertanschlüssen, Decken- und Bodenanschlüssen oder der schall- und brandschutztechnischen Aufrüstung von bestehenden Wänden bietet Knauf für jede Anforderung die abgestimmte Systemlösung an. Decke Ob private, gewerbliche oder öffentliche Gebäude – im Rahmen der ästhetischen und zweckmäßigen Raumplanung stellt die Deckengestaltung eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Besonders bei aufwändig gestalteten Deckeninszenierungen rückt die Qualität der Detailausführung immer stärker in den Fokus. Architekten und Fachplaner unterstützt Knauf bereits frühzeitig in der Planungsphase. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.knauf-formbar.de .
Louis Kahn From 1957 until his death, he was a professor of architecture at the School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania. Kahn created a style that was monumental and monolithic; his heavy buildings do not hide their weight, their materials, or the way they are assembled. Louis Kahn's works are considered as monumental beyond modernism. Famous for his meticulously built works, his provocative unbuilt proposals, and his teaching, Kahn was one of the most influential architects of the 20th century. He was awarded the AIA Gold Medal and the RIBA Gold Medal. At the time of this death he was considered by some as "America's foremost living architect Biography[edit] Early life[edit] Jesse Oser House, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania (1940) Louis Kahn, whose original name was Itze-Leib (Leiser-Itze) Schmuilowsky (Schmalowski), was born into a poor Jewish family in Pärnu,[citation needed] Estonia and spent his early childhood in Kuressaare on the island of Saaremaa. Career[edit] Louis Kahn's Salk Institute
IaN+ diller scofidio + renfro Open standards such as HTML5, WebGL, and WebAssembly have continually matured over the years and serve as viable alternatives for Flash content. Also, major browser vendors are integrating these open standards into their browsers and deprecating most other plug-ins (like Flash Player). See Flash Player EOL announcements from Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla. By providing more than three years’ advance notice, Adobe believes that there has been sufficient time for developers, designers, businesses, and other parties to migrate Flash content to new standards. The EOL timing was in coordination with some of the major browser vendors.
Tuig Website | Zeven streken Werk van Marc van Vliet Zeven streken Niet alleen in deze onmetelijkheid. Op de Noordsvaarder staat een getijden object. Een ontmoetingsplaats. Dit is het centrum van zeven uitgelichte windstreken. Zeven streken is een vervolg op Glimp, gepresenteerd in 2014. In het kader van ‘Leeuwarden 2018’ en ‘Sence of place’ is ‘Zeven streken’ ontwikkeld om de komende jaren langs de wadden te reizen. Zeven streken voorbeschouwing in het Leeuwarden Courant (klik)
Neil M. Denari Architects Maartje Dros Public Space Research and Design :.Schwartz/Silver Architects.: Synth-ethic: Art and Synthetic Biology Exhibition — Vienna, Austria Tuur van Balen Pigeon d’Or Pigeon d’Or proposes the use of pigeons as a platform and interface for synthetic biology in an urban environment. Tuur van Balen’s project attempts to make them defecate soap! By modifying the metabolism of bacteria naturally occurring in the gut of pigeons, synthetic biology allows to add new functionality to animals commonly seen as vermin and “flying rats,” turning them into tools for urban disinfection. In collaboration with James Chappell, the artist has designed a special bacteria that, when fed to pigeons, turns their faeces into a biological window soap. This both micro and macro scale art project addresses the ethical, political, environmental and safety-related consequences of synthetic biology. Van Balen has designed two functional objects: The first one is an architectural contraption by which pigeons potentially become part of the museum space.