Science Faces - Accueil The future is brighter than you think Peter Diamandis says too much focus is placed on negative newsHe says the truth is that the world is poised for abundance through innovationDiamandis: Social changes have vastly increased wealth, reduced disease and violenceHe says smart phones put knowledge, tools in the hands of billions around the world Editor's note: Peter Diamandis is an expert on innovation, the author of "Abundance," and founder and chief executive of the X PRIZE Foundation, a nonprofit focused on creating large incentive prizes to drive breakthroughs. He spoke at the TED2012 conference in February. TED is a nonprofit dedicated to "Ideas worth spreading" which it makes available through talks posted on its website (CNN) -- I've been talking to corporate groups a lot lately about the idea that the future is going to be better than many of us think -- that we will live in a world of abundance made possible by new technology. Here are some of the things that aren't getting attention: Peter Diamandis speaks at TED2012.
107 Regional Slang Words - mental_floss on YouTube (Ep. 25) La matemática hermosa se enseña con el corazón. Caludi Alsina Instituto Iberoamericano de la Enseñanza de las Ciencias y la Matemática – IBERCIENCIA Claudi Alsina Esta conferencia trata de la "matemática emotiva" y va dirigida muy especialmente a "corazones pitagóricos", con la esperanza de que sea posible poder juntar, en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la matemática, rigor y sentimientos, verdades y emociones, recuperando así para el noble oficio de educar matemáticamente la dimensión pasional que nunca debió perderse. ¿Qué harían sin las matemáticas y sin nosotros? Pongan un poco de imaginación. Todos nosotros juntos en la lejanía pero cuidando de nuestro gran tesoro... las reacciones mundiales serían inmediatas. La moraleja de este caso es que quizás estaría bien que supiéramos transmitir a los demás la importancia de nuestra disciplina y de nuestra labor, haciendo ver lo positivo y lo negativo, para lo que sirven las matemáticas y para lo que no, la diferencia entre el autoaprendizaje y la guía docente... Matemáticas y inteligencia emocional
Brittany Teei - Curious Minds, He Hihiri i te Mahara Brittany Teei (Rarotonga, Avatiu, Atiu, Ngāi Tahu) is Co-founder of KidsCoin, an educational software program that teaches children good money habits. What do you do on an average work day? There’s no such thing as an average workday for me! I do many varied tasks and jobs ranging from working with developers on website development, to planning out UX [user experience] and UI [user interface] designs, to social media marketing and working in the communities. It really depends on the needs of the business and what the priorities are at the time. I also make a point everyday to do some physical exercise; whether that be yoga, netball, tennis or simply walking to work and enjoying the view along the way. What did you study at school? My favourite subjects at high school were media, art and sport. However mum is a teacher (and has been for a long time) so I was always moving across different subjects because I knew that maths and English were important. Not at all! View all profiles
DAVID FOSTER WALLACE, IN HIS OWN WORDS A cache of over 40 letters reveals the artist’s humour and imagination ... From THE ECONOMIST online When René Magritte was 13 years old, his mother drowned herself in a local river. When the body was recovered her face was found to be covered with her nightdress. No one knew whether she had deliberately shielded her eyes from death or if the river current had simply veiled her face. Magritte had begun painting a year earlier. He would become obsessed with the hidden. For nearly a century fans of Magritte have studied his works, determined to find hidden meanings within them. The letters, most of which are undated and not included in the collection that was published in 1994, span more than 20 years and cover a wide range of topics—artistic, literary and surreal. Magritte had met the pretty Georgette Berger when they were both schoolchildren. The artist and the poet had met three years earlier and quickly became close friends. In writing, Magritte is unremittingly cheery.
48 Names for Things You Didn't Know Had Names - mental_floss on YouTube (Ep. 26) Teilhard de Chardin unificó ciencia, filosofía y mística Teilhard de Chardin en 1947. «TeilhardP 1947» de Desconocido - Archives des jésuites de France. Disponible bajo la licencia CC BY-SA 3.0 vía Wikimedia Commons. El 10 de abril de 1955 (hace 60 años) fallecía en Nueva York Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955). Artículos relacionados Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: su formación científica Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) nació en Sarcenat, cerca de Orcine, a poca distancia al oeste de Clermont-Ferrand en el seno de una familia de la aristocracia rural francesa [1]. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin en 1955. De la cosmogénesis a la Cristogénesis Para comprender el papel de Teilhard como científico, filósofo, teólogo y místico conviene presentar aquí un corto resumen sobre su pensamiento. ¿Es Cristo el punto Omega? Notas [1] La literatura sobre Teilhard de Chardin es abundantísima, sobre su vida podemos citar: Claude Cuénot, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
Skype a Scientist Lesson Plan, Gr 6-8.docx Sex Diaries Editor Gets Personally Inspired by the Diarists It began with the hedge fund guy who crossed state lines for sex. When I read his sex diary, my expectations were low; they sunk to a nadir when I opened the e-mail introducing his submission: I am a loyal reader, and this diary combines a decent week sexually with an insight into a complex psyche, if I say so myself. A self-centered finance guy. Joy. His was the 150th diary I'd read; the other 110 or so were by women in my demographic: late twenties, child-free, with the time and inclination to respond to my ads seeking diarists, usually spending a week hanging off various Manhattan and Brooklyn chandeliers, often fueled by a combination of alcohol, cocaine, and breakup. The finance guys were also all the same: pre-dawn CNBC market check, job, home, porn, sexting with women, not enough sleep—all of which they found fascinating. Overnight bag packed. Well. My modus operandi is simple. When my egg timer dinged, I kept reading. I told my shrink that I think I am a misogynist.