Facebook : J-7 avant l'application automatique de la Timeline Il ne vous reste plus que quelques jours pour préparer votre page à la mise à jour du 30 mars. Quatre conseils pour vous approprier toutes les spécificités de la Timeline Facebook. Le nouveau format de page fan lancé par Facebook va changer de nombreuses choses pour les marques qui vont devoir apprendre à utiliser un outil qui fait la part belle aux visuels et à la curation, la Timeline. - Apparition d'une image de couverture au format bannière en haut de page. - Possibilité de faire de la curation de contenu, en épinglant en haut de page la publication récente la plus "forte". - Arrivée des fonctions "star" and "hide" qui vous permettent de mettre en avant les contenus qui ont le plus de valeur ajoutée et de masquer, au contraire, ceux qui n'ont pas d'intérêt. - Création d'un outil, le "reach generator", qui permet de pousser certaines publications.
Why Brand Managers Need to Take an Interest in Pinterest Two days ago I told you Why Women Are the Most Powerful Brand Ambassadors In the World. Well consider this a follow up... you'll see what I mean. The person who makes the majority of household purchasing decisions has developed an affinity for the latest and greatest social media platform, Pinterest. And brand managers and brand marketers would be very wise to take note. Earlier this year I wrote about the findings of a study done by the CMO Council and Lithium which revealed a major disconnect between Between Brands And Consumers In Social Media. Brand managers and brand marketers would be doing themselves a favor by reading that article if they have not done as of yet for the findings are quite telling. But brand marketers and brand managers would also be wise to pay very close attention to what’s going on over at Pinterest HQ. As I mentioned, the person responsible for the majority of household purchasing decisions has developed an affinity, a trust even, with Pinterest.
Pages fan : les règles d'or - MEDIA Quelles pourraient être « les règles d’or » d’une page fan réussie ? Damien Vincent : "C’est un exercice compliqué. D’abord, parce que Facebook est un outil de communication encore relativement nouveau et qui évolue en permanence. Il faut donc s’adapter. D’autre part, les choses ne sont pas identiques d’une marque à l’autre. Une approche « Test and Learn » est à privilégier. Il est vrai qu'il y a une nécessité à allouer des ressources : en temps, en énergie et en budget. Le « storytelling » est aussi déterminant. Les pages fans doivent évidemment donner de l’exclusivité et de la valeur ajoutée à leurs membres. Facebook doit être considéré non pas comme un canal séparé, mais comme un support qui apparait dans tous les autres supports de communication. Par ailleurs, le dialogue avec nos équipes reste déterminant. Sur la France, Oasis, la Redoute ou Orange sont exemplaires de même que Louis Vuitton ou Dior. Quoiqu’il en soit, la visibilité sur Facebook doit se travailler.
This Is Everything You Need To Know About Pinterest (Infographic) Oh, Pinterest… Over the course of the past few months, what was once a colorful haven for Midwestern mothers and Mormons is now an even more colorful haven for even more pin-tastic peeps. The growth has been staggering, even in what many would call an overly social era. But surrounded by Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc., Pinterest has really made a name for itself. And while many are scurrying to set up their pinboards for FOMO‘s sake, we in the tech world are curious as to what’s going on behind the scenes. What’s the growth rate? The questions never end, mainly because Pinterest kind of came out of left field and threw the entire model on its head. It’s this big question mark, Pinterest, and we all want to better understand it, especially considering that the network is still building itself out. These are the tidbits I found most interesting: Check out the full infographic below*:
Why Social Marketing Is So Hard - Nilofer Merchant Brands are spending a great deal of time and energy investing in platforms to get likes or pluses, and not really being social at all. It’s been well over 15 years since the social era started. So many brilliant people have been writing, speaking, and sharing case studies over that length of time, that if I only listed a few, I’d miss some really important thinkers. And if I tried to list them all, I’d hit the word limit on this post. But despite this outpouring of expertise, many organizations still find marketing in the social era ridiculously hard to do well, if at all. Some problems are technical problems, where the solution is finding the best expert in that field and then working to execute her strategy. Perhaps marketing in the social era is that kind of problem. Does social have to be chaotic? The funnel is a favorite of marketers because it is linear, uni-directional, and transaction-centric. Relationships aren’t rational, but emotional. To a company, this can feel like chaos.
Using Pinterest Yet? 13 Tips for Gaining Business Exposure for Your Clients As public relations practitioners, we need to be ahead of the curve and make sure that our clients appear on appropriate social networking sites in order to gain brand awareness and exposure. It's simple, really. So when I saw dozens of requests from clients, business associates and friends asking me to join the site, I was intrigued. Pinterest is a new social networking site that enables you to have your own online bulletin board where you can “pin” stuff you like or want to keep. It's easy to use but, like most other social networking sites, it can take several hours to prepare bulletin boards and pin relevant photos. To make it easy, Pinterest developed a “Pin It” tool that you can drag to your Web browser desktop. On my Pinterest page, I have several boards, including: "things I love to do," "social media," "books I enjoyed reading" and "music I enjoy listening to." It really is about that personal connection. Here are some tips to get your client business exposure on Pinterest:
For Social Media Marketers, SEO Is Much More Popular Than PPC Social media marketers are much more likely to also use SEO in their marketing efforts than PPC, according to a new survey out today. Social Media Examiner announced the results of its fourth annual survey, which this year had replies from more than 3,800 social media marketers around the world. When asked what other marketing channels they use, search engine optimization (SEO) was the No. 2 response behind e-mail marketing. Paid search — or “online ads” as the survey called it — was far down the list at number six. B2B social marketers were slightly more likely to do SEO (67 percent) than their B2C counterparts (62 percent). Going forward, 68 percent of respondents said they’re planning to increase their SEO efforts — a number that’s down slightly from 71 percent in 2011. Only 43 percent of the social media marketers surveyed say they’re planning to increase their use of PPC advertising. As you’d expect, Facebook was the No. 1 social networking site with 92 percent adoption.
20 Awesome Pinterest Tools Pinterest already offers users some great tools to help them get their accounts get noticed, including a Follow Button and Pin It button which can easily be installed on any website. But with such an active community, it’s no surprise that there are a ton of other interesting tools, apps, and sites which aim to enhance the Pinterest experience. WordPress plugins, Pinterest analytics, cool Pinterest layouts and hacks, and mobile access – Pinterest’s vibrant community has pretty much left no stone unturned. We’ve put together a list of 20 of these tools, in no particular order. Add the Pinterest plugin to your WordPress blog There are several options for adding a Pinterest button to your WordPress blog. The Pinterest Pin it Button plugin automatically places a Pin It button at the bottom of all of your posts – old and new. Add a Pinterest Follow Me button to your signature A second option Wisestamp offers is to simply add a Pinterest button alongside your other social profile icons.
Facebook va rendre sa plateforme de pub plus simple et performante Le réseau social veut répondre aux attentes des annonceurs qui demandent plus d'encadrement et plus d'outils pour optimiser leurs campagnes. Facebook est en train de mener quelques tests pour améliorer sa plateforme de publicités en self-service, en vue notamment de faciliter la mise en place d'une campagne et de proposer de meilleures options de ciblages. "Les annonceurs nous ont expliqué qu'ils avaient besoin d'un peu plus d'encadrement pour pouvoir optimiser leur campagnes en fonctions de leurs objectifs marketing", a expliqué Annie Ta, une porte-parole du réseau social, à ClickZ News. Dans leur campagne de publicité Facebook, Les annonceurs auront ainsi très bientôt la possibilité de renseigner les intérêts et la catégorie de personnes qu'ils ciblent (alors qu'ils doivent choisir, pour l'instant, entre l'un ou l'autre). En spécifiant l'objectif de la campagne, promotion d'une application ou gain de fans, les annonceurs pourront aussi laisser l'outil optimiser leurs campagnes.
Pingram Founder: Why I Mashed Up Pinterest and Instagram If you're a fan of Instagram and Pinterest, then get ready to fall in love with Pingram. Modeled after Pinterest, the site allows you to view Instagram photos in the same way you might browse through pins on Pinterest. Mashable spoke to Italian web developer Gennaro Varriale, who created the mashup in just over seven hours one weekend. “I love Instagram and use it frequently," Varriale told Mashable. "I also use Pinterest and I love collecting photos in boards. While I was searching [for] a way to pin my Instagram photo, I got this idea — A simple way to share Instagram photos with a clean interface, similar to Pinterest inside a vanity url page.” Much like on Instagram, you can browse through the photos of people you're following on Pingram and check out a feed of the top photos of the moment. Pinterest has been under fire recently for allowing the distribution of copyrighted content, and in response allowed websites to block content from being pinned.
Quels sont les enjeux clés de la nouvelle Timeline de Facebook ? par Pierre Matuchet - Chronique e-Business Le 29 février 2012, Facebook lancait sa nouvelle timeline pour les pages de marque ! Qui ont un mois pour l'adopter. Confirmant l'ambition de Facebook d’être une plateforme incontournable de distribution pour les marques couplée à une connaissance client inégalée. Marque, engagement, distribution, & connaissance client sont les ingrédients de la nouvelle potion magique de Facebook ! La timeline pour les marques offre de nouveaux leviers marketing :- un espace pour raconter l’histoire, remonter le temps et mettre en scène les valeurs de la marque,- la « cover picture » qui permet de mettre en avant l’univers visuel de la marque,- le « pinned post » qui balaie le papyrus des posts, permet de mettre en avant un post pendant une semaine et éviter qu’il ne perde en visibilité,- les bons de réduction qui facilitent la connaissance de ses fans. Les pages rivalisent de créativité et d’ingéniosité depuis hier pour présenter les marques à travers ce nouveau format.
Pinterest - The Social Media Darling Of 2012: Infographic