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Listen to recordings of advanced English students

Listen to recordings of advanced English students
Related:  listening and watching videos

PodOmatic | Podcast - Luke's ENGLISH Podcast Imaginative materials: treasure hunting By Jim Scrivener How could you create an exciting treasure hunt puzzle for your students? Here are ideas for two kinds of game – a basic chain of clues and letterboxing. Children often enjoy treasure hunting games. Adults who have read the successful novel, The Da Vinci Code, may also find the idea interesting. But how could you create an exciting treasure hunt puzzle for your students? What is a chain of clues? A simple treasure hunt starts with one clue. Planning a chain of clues (Small classes.) Walk down the corridor to the end, Then look behind the poster of Big Ben. Letterboxing (Larger classes) Get 10-15 different coloured felt-tip pens.

Listen to English and learn English with podcasts in English ► Level 1 For elementary and pre-intermediate students ► Level 2 For intermediate students ► Level 3 For upper intermediate students and above ► For teachers Lesson plans, teachers' information worksheets, how to find a podcast and much more! ► Pie plus Our monthly magazine with news, videos, information worksheets and our monthly competition. ► Extras Extra worksheet activities to support the podcasts ► Freebies Free sample worksheets for each of the three levels ► Travelogues Follow the pie team on their travels and learn English along the way Podcasts in English are not just listening activities for efl and esl students to improve their conversation. Many thanks to partnersinrhyme for the jingle on our podcasts and Philip Halling for the banner photo. Our partner sites: Do your homework with DoMyEssay and forget about tedious assignments once and for all! best app that writes essays for you hire PaperWriter to write a paper for me Try writers per hour when you need help with English essay writing.

Videos - Speaking English Podcast Home - The Story Museum Teaching listening – example lesson world cup This post was inspired by a listening lesson I did twice with two different elementary level 1-1 students last week. It is based on the listening from Breaking News English which you can find here. I decided to do something different from what the lesson plan on the website suggested, and devise my own procedure, taking into account the 15 listening tips I wrote about last month: “Planning a listening lesson – 15 tips”, which try to take you beyond the standard CELTA approach. First, please read through the lesson plan below and identify which of the 15 listening tips I used when designing the lesson procedure. Afterwards, you can check with my comments and reflections below the lesson plan. Lesson procedure Lead-in: Are you enjoying the World Cup? Listening for gist: Don’t worry about understanding every single word. Speaking: Do you share the speaker’s opinion? Relistening: What was difficult about the first listening? What new information did you learn after the second listening? Homework:

Listen to English - learn English! - The podcast website for people learning English Peek of the week 10 - great videos and channels on YouTube Peek of the week 10 focuses on channels and inspirational videos on YouTube. What they have in common? They are informative, often funny and graphically appealing and, not to forget, they are in English. Here are some of my favorites.. Apart from English, I also teach History and I really like Epic Rap Battles . Here is Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr: Crash Course has illustrative videos with a tiny humoristic twist. How and Why We Read: Amy Poehler's Smart Girls has some videos where smart girls take a dominant seat - love it! Other good channels to recommend are: AnglopheniaCGP Grey (witty informative videos) SoulPancake (Kid President is found here, reflective videos about life...)Teaching ToleranceTEDEducation

Listening Exercises Yes, you can learn English. - Simple English News English listening exercises and printable listening worksheets for free, ESL listening activities for kids English Listening Online Clilstore - Teaching units for content and language integrated learning First visit to Clilstore? Clilstore, like virtually all other interactive sites, needs to use cookies to work properly. Got it If this message persists when you click “Got it”, then your browser must be refusing cookies, or have Javascript disabled. Clilstore is a well-behaved, responsible website. Teaching unitsfor Content and Language Integrated Learning HelpAbout Clilstore Select the language you are learning and then your level to see the available units. Level AllBasicA1A2B1B2C1C2Advanced A new website is available at with a new user interface and the same data Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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