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Unfuck Your Habitat

Unfuck Your Habitat
Related:  Organize

The big list of 100 tools, tips and tricks to work more efficiently online 7.2K Flares 7.2K Flares × What does it take to be productive? It’s a question I often ask myself and to be honest I don’t have a great answer for it yet. One key discovery I’ve made over the past year or so is that I need to have great habits in place. That’s why I’m working on a solid running routine and on a set wake-up time and sleep time. One other realization I had is that, as I now spend so much of my day working online, there are a heap of new apps being created all the time to help us all become more productive. That’s why I thought of compiling a full list of 100 tools, tips and tricks for you to reflect a bit on your own productivity. Of course, a sure fire way to fail might be to try and use all 100, which Joel pointed out to me when we discussed this post! 10 awesome music sites to get into your zone When Leo recently wrote about Multitasking, one of the most interesting aspects was that music doesn’t actually contribute to us being distracted when we work. 1. 4.

Évangéline ÉVANGÉLINEparoles et musique: Michel Conte Les étoiles étaient dans le ciel Toi dans les bras de Gabriel Il faisait beau, c'était dimanche Les cloches allaient bientôt sonner Et tu allais te marier Dans ta première robe blanche L'automne était bien commencé Les troupeaux étaient tous rentrés Et parties toutes les sarcelles Et le soir au son du violon Les filles et surtout les garçons T'auraient dit que tu étais belle Évangéline, Évangéline... Mais les Anglais sont arrivés Dans l'église ils ont enfermé Tous les hommes de ton village Et les femmes ont dû passer Avec les enfants qui pleuraient Toute la nuit sur le rivage Au matin ils ont embarqué Gabriel sur un grand voilier Sans un adieu, sans un sourire Et toute seule sur le quai Tu as essayé de prier Mais tu n'avais plus rien à dire Évangéline, Évangéline... Évangéline, Évangéline... (figure sur l'album Isabelle Pierre - collection «Les refrains d'abord - Fonovox VOX-7903-2) Menu des chansons | Page d'accueil The Pomodoro Technique Time Management Course The world of my perceived possibilities and the utilization of my abilities has been enhanced to the level that I know that when I look back on my life there will be two significant periods of accomplishment, pre-pomodoro and post-pomodoro periods. It's just that powerful! Lee Sullivan Management Analyst for The State of California Lee Sullivan What is The Pomodoro Technique? EASY for anyone to use! Improves productivity IMMEDIATELY! FUN to do! Why Pomodoro? The Pomodoro Technique isn’t like any other time-management method on the market today. For many people, time is an enemy. Essential to the Pomodoro Technique is the notion that taking short, scheduled breaks while working eliminates the “running on fumes” feeling you get when you’ve pushed yourself too hard. Whether it’s a call, a Facebook message, or suddenly realizing you need to change the oil in your car, many distracting thoughts and events come up when you’re at work. How It works

Use Tech to Get Organized: The 100 Best Tools, Websites, Apps and More This post is #3 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category. Total items listed: 100. Time to compile: 8+ hours. As an IT Director, I can personally appreciate how hard it can be to stay organized in today’s world. Also read: 100 Incredible Infographic Tools and Resources (Categorized) I think different people will use these tools in different ways. Make sure to check out ... There’s more to this article!

10 tips for getting more done each day | living well spending less | frugal living I have a confession. The list of things I want and need to do is always much longer than the list of things I actually accomplish. I can’t do it all. And I’m okay with that. Learning to balance running a home-based business with the reality of being a full-time mom is one of those thrive-or-die situations. Thriving does not, of course, equal perfection. Until it does, here are ten tips for squeezing the most quality time out of every day: 1. Take 10 minutes to list your priorities and to examine who or what is important to you. 2. Setting the timer can be one of the best ways to motivate yourself. Limiting your time on seemingly endless tasks like email and Facebook helps a lot too. 3. Give yourself 10-15 minutes each morning to drink a cup of coffee and write down your to-do list. 4. Clear and specific goals are essential to managing your time well. When it comes to cleaning and organizing, it can be really helpful to use a book that breaks down the process into small bites. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Start Here - I'm an Organizing Junkie I hope my site can offer you some encouragement and humor as you set out on the journey of creating organized solutions and systems that work specifically for you and your family. In addition to saving you time, money and sanity, organizing can also be fun, it can be addictive and it is most definitely pleasing to God (1 Cor 14:40). All terrific reasons to organize our spaces and our lives. I truly believe organizing is a PROCESS not a destination. I’m here to help. I’ve created an acronym to help you conquer any space or system easy and efficiently. PROCESS is defined as a series of actions used to produce something or reach a goal. That is what we want to do when organizing. The Organizing PROCESS is Your Force…Use It How to Get Organized Using PROCESS Steps Linen Closet Organization with PROCESS Steps The Rewards of Living an Organized Life When You Don’t Know Where to Start Clothes Purging – How to Let Go (free printable) Top 4 Reasons Why You Have So Much Clutter Are You Consumed by Stuff?

Top 10 movie recommendation engines - CNET If you don't know what to watch Friday night, look no further than this list of the top movie recommendation engines on the Web. They all offer something different. There are dozens of movie recommendation engines on the Web. Some require little or no input before they give you titles, while others want to find out exactly what your interests are. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. But perhaps the most compelling feature that Jinni offers is its semantic search. Go use Jinni. 9 Organizational Planners That Will Change Your Life I’m a procedural person, meaning I like order, direction, process, being on time—all those fun things. (For a more in-depth description, read up on Thinking Talents!) And because of that, one of my favorite things to do every year is pick out a new planner. I’ll do my research, see who has the trendy ones, look for the perfect layout, and bonus points for a little inspiration. (I remember one year I had a Vera Bradley planner, and it had all these super-random holidays in it, so my friends and I would always text each other and giggle a bit about whatever day it was, according to Vera. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Photos: Julia Davila-Lampe / Getty Images; Courtesy Images

GQueues - Manage tasks & to-do lists with your Google Account Templates Unfuck Your Habitat: tidy advice for messy people I've been really enjoying "Unfuck Your Habitat," which offers advice and community for messy people who struggle to stay organized and tidy. I especially like the before and after shots of messy rooms that have been successfully put to rights. I'm a super-tidy neat-freak, and compulsive enough about it that I annoy my family with it -- but for most of my early life, I was a total slob. Basically, I got into a somewhat rigid habit of cleaning up continuously and it became a kind of low-grade mania for me. At least once a day, someone asks: “Why should I make my bed? Unfuck Your Habitat (via Beth Pratt) Final Draft 10 is the industry standard screenwriting software Produce smarter, SEO-optimized content with Webtexttool Web content creators who don’t have a solid SEO strategy should take note of Webtexttool. Ginger Page cleans up your mobile typing Just because English has become the common global tongue doesn’t mean it’s the easiest language to write—even for native speakers.
