t↑te muscles 1 1 Mrs. Salcedo's Blog - cross hatching Self Portrait Without Self Image 80 Point project!!! The Details: 7 objects +images should fill the page to the best of your abilitymust be OBJECTS not drawings of drawingsBlack ink only12″x18″ paper with a 1″ borderpictures items should describe something about the artist’s life, past, present, future, dreams. Project due on Monday 2/1 for 1st and 3rd period Due on Thursday 2/4 for 4th and 6th period Friday 2/5 for 3rd period Questions? Salcedo Classwork for January 7th and 8th Print out and complete the following stippling practice worksheet. Print out the following stippling and hatching/cross hatching examples and duplicate them on the two word documents below. Downloadable Microsoft Word Files: Stippling Examples Hatching and Cross Hatching Examples
Funny Pictures :Next-Thing Chinese and Japanese character tattoos have been sweeping the West for a decade or more now, to the extent that most of our readers probably know someone who has one. Perhaps it’s just a single discreet Chinese hanzi tucked into the inside of a lady’s wrist — or it could be several huge Japanese kanji blazed across a man’s back. They may tell you they know what their tattoo means. But do they really? The blog Hanzismatter has been translating odd tattoos, tee-shirts and other misused Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters in the West since 2004, and over the years has exposed some truly ridiculous body inkings. (The site was overwhelmed with traffic the last time I checked it; I had to use the Wayback Machine to find these great examples.) Chinese translation: 狂 = crazy 瀉 = to flow out, diarrhea “I support a non-existent ethnic group” The NBA’s Marcus Camby sports these Chinese characters on his right shoulder and bicep. More tatoo’s click thru Read the rest of this entry Oct 30
Top 20 Natural Painkillers In Your Kitchen Top 20 Natural Painkillers In Your Kitchen Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest and best tutorials daily – free! 25K+ Ginger photo – © charlottelake – Fotolia.com #34744482 Note – as always – this is just background information, not medical advice or a recommendation to self-medicate. Just discovered a fantastic, fascinating list of natural painkillers that are common kitchen ingredients! This list is absolutely incredible – and the uses are based on reports from scientific research (this info is included at the source article – link at the foot of my commentary). Once again, the miracles of nature have astounded me and made me wonder if the modern world will tamper with everything before going full circle and realizing that “natural is best” after all! Top 20 Natural Painkillers List Ok, here is the link to the original page with the greater detail on each one: If you enjoyed this page:
t↑te muscles 1 1 transparent Elements and principles of design The elements and principles of design are the building blocks used to create a work of art. The elements of design can be thought of as the things that make up a painting, drawing, design etc. Good or bad - all paintings will contain most of if not all, the seven elements of design. The Principles of design can be thought of as what we do to the elements of design. How we apply the Principles of design determines how successful we are in creating a work of art. note - the hyperlinks within the text of this page will open information in a new browser window. LINE Line can be considered in two ways. SHAPE A shape is a self contained defined area of geometric or organic form. DIRECTION All lines have direction - Horizontal, Vertical or Oblique. SIZE Size is simply the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to that of another. TEXTURE Texture is the surface quality of a shape - rough, smooth, soft hard glossy etc. COLOUR Also called Hue see notes on colour
أقوى اللقطات وأهم الاحداث العالمية عام 2006 - ج1 - رويترز السلام عليكم كل عام وانتم بألف خير وعيدكم مبارك وسنة ميلاديه جديده وكلها 10 ايام وبرضو ندخل سنة هجريه جديده كذلك اللقاء يتجدد هنا في اشهر مجموعة على الانترنت لان المتعه في هذه المجموعة ليس لها حدود فـ من الاشياء التي تميزت بها المجموعه هي مجموعة الصور التي تقوم ادارة المجموعة كل سنة بإرسالها..وهي عباره عن صور تشكل اجمل لقطات المصورين... اما هذه السنة بالاضافه للصور المعتاده ســ يكون في هذا الايميل صور مختلفه وهي ليست لـ بل هذه الصور هي من وكالة الانباء معليش طولت شوي بالكلام بس الصور تستاهل طبعا هي 70 صورة وقسمتها على ايميلين علشان تقدرون تفتحونها بسهوله وكل صوره تشوفها يبي يجي في راسك مليون استفهام ولكن ابو بلوت ماخلى شي كتبت تحت كل صوره الحدث وتاريخه واسم المصور والمدينه نــــبـــدأ اكــــشـــن الرئيس الأمريكي جورج بوش والرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين والرئيس الصيني هو جينتاو يرتدون الزي الفييتنامي التقليدي المعروف بـ "آو دآي" يقوم الرؤساء بالاستعداد لأخذ صورة "شبه" عائلية بمناسبة التعاون الاقتصادي بين آسيا والمحيط الهادئ. المصدر:REUTERS/Hoang Dinh Nam/Pool (VIETNAM) المصدر:CHINA OUT REUTERS/China Daily ريال..
t↑te muscles 1 1 transparent 2 The Visual Elements of Art The Visual Elements - Pattern PAUL KLEE (1879-1940) Dream City, 1921 (warercolor and oil) Pattern is made by repeating or echoing the elements of an artwork to communicate a sense of balance, harmony, contrast, rhythm or movement. There are two basic types of pattern in art: Natural Pattern and Man-Made Pattern. Both natural and man-made patterns can be regular or irregular, organic or geometric, structural or decorative, positive or negative and repeating or random. Natural Pattern: Pattern in art is often based on the inspiration we get from observing the natural patterns that occur in nature. Man-Made Pattern: Pattern in art is used for both structural and decorative purposes. Examples of the use of Pattern in Art Pattern Click here for our selection of great artworks that have been chosen because they all use pattern in an inspirational manner.
Usain Bolt smiling Berlin 2009.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia t↑te os 1 1 page5.html forward - back on to a little finer analysis: do you put the tailhook scandel under "military" or "feminism", child labor under "childhood", "work", or "corporations", immigrant abuse under "international" or "prisons", military pollution under "military" or "pollution"? the bizarre prevalence of hysterectomies under "feminism" or "medicine"? it can't be ordered because "the system" is nonsense. r.crumb? POWERaspects of the system: governments, corporations globalized or otherwise, cops/courts/prisons, mafias, church and religious zealots, news/media, bosses, landlords, specialists... and “shadow” governments. with a further link to a very boring article that contains a single salient fact: in the event of an attack on the federal capital only the executive branch of government will survive. lords and barons of the world. well, at least in this part of the cosmos. see the president lincoln quote at the end of the large print section. consider: 10 percent owns 86 percent of the country. g g
t↑te os 1 1 transparent The Rodney King Riots (Los Angeles,California 1992) The media is as it is well known a very powerful tool of public information and social influence.It has been both praised and criticized over the last decade of its part in helping shape and record history.Sometimes certain news events are given such an astounding amount of coverage by the press that they essentially go from being minor or moderate to major or significant matters of national or international interest.Causing controversy and instigating it is part of the job of those in the journalism industry,but sometimes not even they understand or appreciate the level of reaction to a story,incident,debate or issue that they started. Few other events were such the case as the unrest that took over,ravaged and held one of America and the world's largest cities hostage for a week starting back 18 years ago on April 29th 1992. It all began a year earlier with the video taped police beating of this man: Rodney King. king's mugshot following the vicious beating