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Content Curation: Why Is The Content Curator The Key Emerging Online Editorial Role Of The Future?

Content Curation: Why Is The Content Curator The Key Emerging Online Editorial Role Of The Future?
What is content curation and why is it so important for the future of web content publishers? The content curator is the next emerging disruptive role in the content creation and distribution chain. In a world submerged by a flood of information, content curators may provide in the coming months and years a new, tremendously valuable service to anyone looking for quality information online: a personalized, qualified selection of the best and most relevant content and resources on a very specific topic or theme. Photo credit: Luna Vandoorne Vallejo In other words, a content curator is someone "who continually finds, groups, organizes and shares the best and most relevant content on a specific issue online". This is how marketing expert Rohit Bhargava defines what he thinks is one of the key emerging online editorial roles of the future. I have written and discussed at length of something very similar since 2004, when I started writing about the concept of newsradars and newsmastering:

PJA Radio Online News Content And Distribution Strategies: Content Curation And User Syndication Are Next Darn, Why Did They Think of It First? News Media Companies Adapt To Online Value Points by John Blossom The AP Strategy For Premium Packaging of Online News Content I have to chuckle a bit at the recent Poynter Online email interview with Wikimedia Foundation's Jimmy Wales, in which he discusses an internal memo gleaned from Associated Press (PDF) by Nieman Journalism Lab. The AP memo, entitled "Protect, Point, Pay - An Associated Press Plan for Reclaiming News Content Online", covers a lot of ground already familiar to those following AP's efforts to put in premium packaging for news content. However, in addition to conjuring up long-standing concerns about Google and other major search engines as competitive forces, the memo also highlights AP's concern about the millions of topic-oriented pages in Wikipedia that are capturing traffic when people search for breaking news. Maybe There Is a Business Model In Freshly Updated Topic-Oriented Content? What Are People Willing To Pay?

A Marketer’s Guide to Content Curation There is an elephant in the online marketing “room,” and the elephant’s name is Curation. Curation is the most important part of online marketing that no one is talking about. With the rise of inbound marketing, content has become front and center in the minds of marketers. This focus on content as an important marketing tactic creates two extremely important problems. First, content creation is difficult. Having the time and skill to create relevant and interesting content is difficult for marketers who are already overloaded with daily tasks. Applying Curation to Our Problems As marketers, how do we solve these two problems? Curation has become a fixture for many successful news blogs on the web today. Examples of Curation Some of the most popular posts on this blog have been from curated content. 3 Rules for Great Curation 1. 2. 3. Integrating Curation Into the Content Mix Curation has many applications. How do you use curation for your inbound marketing efforts? Photo Credit: joyosity

Content Curation And Value: The Business Of Context The Importance of Curated and Free Content - George Siemens Duration: 4' 17'' Full English Text Transcription George Siemens: Could I be starting to serve as an emphasis point, that would help an organization like a corporation then gain value and make money from my commentary and the insights I provide? Yeah, I could do that. I could monetize that if I wanted to. Right now, if I look at the newsletter that I send out - I have with the newsletters on elearnspace and Connectivism - I probably have just under 8,000 subscribers to newsletters. If I was to say: "Look, I want a hundred dollars a year", I am pretty sure I would be losing 98% of those subscribers. Question is: "Do I think that the monetary value, that 2% of that subscriber is worth it?" Perhaps, would they then begin to share that content with others, because it is I have filtered, what I have selected as being important? It just make no sense to me. Value economically can be measured in different ways. Duration: 1' 52''

CURATING THE FUTURE | Nation Performing Arts Convention Like e-mail in the ‘90s and the web at the dawn of the new millennium, artists and organizations—as a matter of business—have had to adapt to these new modes of communication and integrate these tools into their operations. Web 2.0 and social platforms like Digg and Delicious, YouTube, Flickr, and Facebook have pushed the electronic envelope even further up the learning curve. Along comes Twitter, and the real-time revolution is on—just as mobile technologies have gone viral. The speed of new development presents challenges—for technologists and luddites alike. Social media is where the jobs will be. New jobs mean new roles and new responsibilities. “Managing communities is much more complex than traditional outreach,” Levy added. Keeping track of all the important discussions and news and other relevant audience engagement—disseminated via channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, and myriad others—requires more than just technical and social skills.

Online Content Curation: The Key To Building Visibility, Authority And Value As you are increasingly submerged by an endless flood of information, online content curators may provide a new, valuable service to anyone looking for quality information online: a personalized, qualified selection of the best and most relevant content and resources on a very specific topic or theme. Curated in real-time. When I first wrote about this, six years ago, I called this type of work newsmastering and newsradars, but now that the real-time element has come into play, as much as social media, video, Twitter and other new content sources, the original idea of what a newsmaster / content curator is and what tools and features are really needed has certainly started to change. Photo credit: Erkin Sahin Robert Scoble has recently posted on his blog a fascinating article entitled: Seven Needs of Real-Time Curators. But let's hit on the brakes for a minute and clearly point out what content curation is and why a "new media guide" like Scoble felt the need to make things clear.

The Conversation Prism by Brian Solis and JESS3 The Best 2010 Articles And Reports From MasterNewMedia Content Curation & Fair Use: 5 Rules to being an Ethical Content Curator * Update: I have a much lengthier updated post that incorporates the material below: Content Curation: Copyright, Ethics, & Fair Use Recently, Kimberley Isbell of the Nieman Journalism Lab cited a Harvard Law report and published an extensive post on news aggregation and legal considerations. From a curation perspective, the whole article is interesting, but what was the most surprising was that her recommendations for being an ethical content aggregator, were the same as being an effective content curator. The five recommendations are below. You can read the full article for the legal justifications for abiding by these practices. However, I have provided some reason on why you would want to follow these guidelines from a content marketing perspective: 1. Marketing reason: The more you link to third parties, the more likely they are to link back to you – which ultimately improves your SEO. 2. 3. 4. 5. *Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.

Part 7: Business Applications And Trends Real-Time News Curation: Part 7 - Business Opportunities 1. Where Is The Money 2. 3. 4. 5. 1) Where Is The Money? "So here's a prediction. News channels in the near future will have no reason, incentive or advantage in trying to replicate what they do now: giving coverage to a handful of topics and stories out of the whole spectrum of news out there. The very goal of trying to satisfy the greatest number of readers while keeping an often undisclosed political and business agenda will give enormous competitive advantage to new independent content sources which have built their following on deep trust, full disclosure and opinionated dedication to a very specific topic, issue. As demand for quality, topic-specific news and information becomes the real of every individual and not just of those operating in the stock market, a universe of opportunities for monetizing high-quality and high-value topic-specific information will likely appear. 4) Business Applications: The News
