Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le titre fait référence au point d'auto-inflammation, en degrés Fahrenheit, du papier. Cette température équivaut à un peu moins de 233 °C. Résumé[modifier | modifier le code] Première partie : Le foyer et la salamandre[modifier | modifier le code] Dans la nuit, le pompier Guy Montag marche sur la route pour rentrer chez lui. Arrivé chez lui, il trouve sa femme Mildred étendue sur le lit sans connaissance et à ses pieds gît un petit flacon de cristal vide : elle vient d'absorber son contenu, une trentaine de comprimés d'un somnifère. Le lendemain, elle ne se souvient plus de rien. Montag croise régulièrement Clarisse dans la rue. Depuis quatre jours, Montag ne voit plus Clarisse. Un peu à la traîne, Montag repart en mission. Le capitaine quitte leur maison en demandant à Montag de revenir travailler. Cette partie se termine alors qu'il vient de lire l'extrait d'un livre. Deuxième partie : Le tamis et le sable[modifier | modifier le code]
Welcome to Monstrous.com Ray Bradbury | Books Hardcover $24.95 Now and Forever is a bold new work from an incomparable artist whose stories have reshaped America's literary landscape; two bewitching novellas that have never before appeared in print-each distinctly different, yet uniquely Bradbury-demonstrating the breathtaking range of the master's talent and the irrepressible vitality of his mind, spirit, and heart. In Somewhere a Band Is Playing, a writer is drawn by poetry and dreams to tiny Summerton, Arizona, a community hidden in plain view, where no small children play, and where the residents never seem to age. With Leviathan '99, the author who once colonized Mars returns to the cosmos to brilliantly reimagine Herman Melville's classic masterwork of obsession and the sea, transforming a great whale into a worlds devouring comet. More than a half century into his remarkable career, Ray Bradbury continues to delight and astound with grand visions, lyrical prose, and provocative thought.
Ray Bradbury - Biography by Chris Jepsen & Richard Johnston Ray Douglas Bradbury was born in Waukegan, Illinois, on August 22, 1920. He was the third son of Leonard Spaulding Bradbury and Esther Marie Moberg Bradbury. They gave him the middle name "Douglas," after the actor, Douglas Fairbanks. He never lived up to his namesake's reputation for swashbuckling adventure on the high seas. Bradbury's early childhood in Waukegan was characterized by his loving extended family. In Bradbury's works of fiction, 1920s Waukegan becomes "Greentown," Illinois. Between 1926 and 1933, the Bradbury family moved back and forth between Waukegan and Tucson, Arizona. In 1934, the Bradbury family moved to Los Angeles, California. In fact, it was Burns who gave Bradbury his first pay as a writer -- for contributing a joke to the Burns & Allen Show. Bradbury attended Los Angeles High School. However, two of his teachers recognized a greater talent in Bradbury, and encouraged his development as a writer.
Parménide Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Parménide d'Élée (Παρμενίδης) Philosophe grec Antiquité Parménide Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] On ne connaît pas avec exactitude les dates de naissance et de mort de Parménide. Parménide était le fils de Pyrès (ou Pyrrhès)[4]. Doctrine[modifier | modifier le code] Parménide a écrit en vers un traité De la nature ; selon la Souda, il aurait également écrit des œuvres en prose, mais ce point est controversé. Parménide divisait la philosophie en deux parties nettement opposées, la vérité, (ἀλήθεια) et l'opinion (δόξα). « Χρεὼ δέ σε πάντα πυθέσθαι ἠμέν Ἀληθείης εὐκυκλέος ἀτρεμὲς ἦτορ ἠδὲ βροτῶν δόξας, ταῖς οὐκ ἔνι πίστις ἀληθής. » « Apprends donc toutes choses, Et aussi bien le cœur exempt de tremblement Propre à la Vérité à l'orbe pur, Que les opinions des mortels, dans lesquelles Il n'est rien qui soit vrai ni digne de crédit. » Fragment 1, 28 à 30[3]. Physique[modifier | modifier le code] Parménide et Gorgias[modifier | modifier le code]
Livres : Ray Bradbury en dix citations Décédé le 5 juin, l'écrivain de science-fiction a marqué l'histoire de la littérature. Florilège de ses mots les plus mémorables. «Il n'y a pas besoin de brûler des livres pour détruire une culture. Juste de faire en sorte que les gens arrêtent de les lire.» Fahrenheit 451 «La paix, Montag. «Je suis en train d'être ironique. «Un inconnu est abattu dans la rue, on bouge à peine pour lui venir en aide. «La science-fiction est la littérature la plus importante» «Tout ce qu'on rêve est fiction et tout ce qu'on accomplit est science, toute l'histoire de l'humanité n'est rien d'autre que de la science-fiction.» «Les gens me demandent de prédire le futur, alors que tout ce que je veux faire, c'est l'éviter. «Il faut sans cesse se jeter du haut d'une falaise et se fabriquer des ailes durant la chute.» «La science-fiction est la littérature la plus importante de l'histoire parce qu'elle est l'histoire des idées, l'histoire de nos civilisations naissantes... » BLOG - Ray Bradbury en bande dessinée
The Martian Chronicles Structure[edit] Like Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, The Martian Chronicles follows a "future history" structure. The stories, complete in themselves, come together as episodes in a larger sequential narrative framework. The overall structure is in three parts, punctuated by two catastrophes: the near-extinction of the Martians and the parallel near-extinction of the human race. The first third (set in the period from January 1999—April 2000) details the attempts of the Earthmen to reach Mars, and the various ways in which the Martians keep them from returning. In the crucial story, "—And the Moon be Still as Bright", it is revealed by the fourth exploratory expedition that the Martians have all but perished in a plague caused by germs brought by one of the previous expeditions. Publication history[edit] The book was published in the United Kingdom under the title The Silver Locusts (1951), with slightly different contents. Influences[edit] Contents[edit] Ylla (February 1999/2030)[edit]
Wikipédia:Questions existentielles Ray Bradbury Remembered: NASA Pays Video Tribute to Sci-Fi Legend NASA has released two videos from its archives to pay tribute to famed science-fiction author and space visionary Ray Bradbury, who died Tuesday (June 5) at the age of 91. The two short videos, which date from 1971 and 2009, were released Wednesday (June 6) and Thursday, respectively. The older clip shows Bradbury at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena on Nov. 12, 1971, participating in a symposium to celebrate the arrival of NASA's Mariner 9 probe in orbit around Mars the next day. It would have been nice to be in that audience, and not just because of Mariner 9's historic accomplishment (it was the first spacecraft ever to orbit another planet). Bradbury rose to prominence in 1950 with the publication of "The Martian Chronicles," a book of short stories about humanity's colonization of Mars and our species' conflict with the native inhabitants of the Red Planet. The poem, which begins at the 2:20 mark of the video, ends with these lines: "Short man, large dream.