Live Through This
Mermaid, oil on linen, 2012, by Allison Schulnik NOTE: This essay contains graphic descriptions of rape.When I was in junior high, my friend Julia (not her real name) told me over the phone that she’d just lost her virginity to a neighbor who’d found her crying at home alone over a breakup. She was home alone, crying, when he’d knocked on the door and she invited him in. They’d sat down on the couch together as he comforted her, and then he fucked her there. She was 11. The neighbor was 19. To whatever extent we can trust my memory from 17 years ago, I remember Julia sounded ambivalent, a little surprised and a little uncertain. In our society, we recognize this as rape, an act of violence that in all its permutations (date, stranger, violent, anal, oral, gang) is understood to be the worst thing that can happen to a woman — worse than a serious car accident, worse than a protracted divorce, worse than the death of a parent. After he left, I gradually became furious.
[FIRST (MINI) EFFORT][MASSIVE TW] The ever-open-minded Reddit wants to hear "the other side" of the story... What about the poor rapists? : ShitRedditSays
Censorship, Environmentalism and Steubenville at Steven Landsburg | The Big Questions: Tackling the Problems of Philosophy with Ideas from Mathematics, Economics, and Physics
Note added on 4/5: Some readers missed the point of this post very badly, which means that it could have been written more clearly. Here is a brief attempt to clarify. Here are three dilemmas about public policy: Farnsworth McCrankypants just hates the idea that someone, somewhere might be looking at pornography. It’s not that he thinks porn causes bad behavior; it’s just the idea of other people’s viewing habits that causes him deep psychic distress. Granola McMustardseed just hates the idea that someone, somewhere might be altering the natural state of a wilderness area. Let’s suppose that you, or I, or someone we love, or someone we care about from afar, is raped while unconscious in a way that causes no direct physical harm — no injury, no pregnancy, no disease transmission. If your answers to questions 1, 2 and 3 were not all identical, what is the key difference among them? A. B. C. D. E. F.
Viol masculin vs viol féminin
En plus d’être un phénomène de société, dont personne ne parle, le viol revêt plusieurs échelles: un viol perpétré sur une personne est une chose différente que le viol utilisé dans les conflits armés, à grande échelle. Néanmoins, il semble que les ressorts à l’œuvre derrière le viol, féminin comme masculin, soient quasi semblables, à quelques nuances près. Et tiennent de l’ordre du mythe, du symbole, et de l’image qu’on a et qu’on se fait d’un homme dans la société. Dans le détail, le viol est commis à 98% par des hommes en France, l’âge des victimes va de 2 à 85 ans, et les proportions avancées de viol d’hommes sont de l’ordre de 7 à 10% — les chiffres sont semblables dans d’autres pays. Les clichés les plus courants sur le viol sont le consentement plus ou moins tacite de la victime, la typologie de l’agresseur et une attitude sexuellement provocante de la part de la victime. Le viol individuel n’est reconnu comme crime que depuis 1980. Le viol suscite un étonnant silence.