Street Party - Meet your Neighbours in your Traffic-free Street GreenXchange Etude comportement développement durable Caractériser l’engagement des individus à l’égard du développement durable Les chercheurs ont caractérisé les individus en prenant en compte leurs comportements dans 3 types de situation de la vie ordinaire : celle des achats « durables » qu’il s’agisse d’achats de produits labellisés durables (ex: café Max Havelaar) ou de non achats de produits non durables (ex: lingettes) celle des usages des produits et des services dans la vie quotidienne (écrire au verso des feuilles de papier, faire du troc avec des amis, coudre soi-même ses vêtements, faire du covoiturage, …) celle visant à transmettre des valeurs éthiques liées au développement durable par le discours (valeurs transmises aux enfants, engagement associatif, démarche militante) La première phase qualitative de l’enquête a permis d’arrêter une liste de 40 pratiques durables, réparties dans ces trois sphères de la vie ordinaire, à partir de laquelle le questionnaire de l’enquête a été élaboré.
KissKissBankBank — Let's fund creativity together! Local Currencies: Communities Printing Own Money To Keep Cash Flowing UPDATE: USA Today's reporting on local currencies gives the impression that this is a NEW phenomenon born from the recession. Rather, many of these programs have existed for some time. The organization that runs BerkShares, told Huffington Post that it has been producing currency since 2006, well before the financial crisis dominated headlines. Ithaca Hours have been in production since 1991. Despite the fact that these currencies have existed - a point USA Today should update - there is a growing interest in currency production for communities hit by the recession. New currencies, like the Detroit Cheers are coming into play. Read the article from USA Today on local currencies. A small but growing number of cash-strapped communities are printing their own money.Borrowing from a Depression-era idea, they are aiming to help consumers make ends meet and support struggling local businesses. Do you know of other local currencies that have been circulated in response to the recession?
La Buena Empresa Mark'équitable La naissance de la marque PUR Etc est né de l’esprit de 2 étudiants en école d’ingénieur en génie industriel grenoblois, Héloïse et Vincent, qui voulaient créer un nouveau type de restauration rapide plus sain à base de fruits et légumes. Le concept PUR Etc propose des plats à base de fruits et légumes bio, de saisons et achetés localement à des petits producteurs alsaciens. Les produits Chez PUR Etc, vous pourrez trouver toutes sortes de purées (carottes, pois cassés, asperges, pissenlit…) sous différentes formes (trio de purées, hachis…). Pour les plats de purée simples ou en trio, vous avez la possibilité de rajouter une sauce (moutarde, jus de viande…), une protéine (tofu aux herbes, poulet, œuf dur…) et une autre garniture (graines de sésame, oignons frits…). Tous ces plats sont conservés dans des bocaux en verre consignés (1€ la consigne) et peuvent être dégustés sur place ou à emporter. Les engagements Mon avis Un super concept avec de très bons produits! Où les trouver
Virtual Tour Energy-Efficiency-Roadshow - Energy-efficient Production The focus of our Energy Efficiency Roadshow is the Siemens energy efficiency portfolio for industry. Compactly packed in a mobile truck. In an easy-to-understand fashion, the truck shows its visitors just how cost effectively efficiency and productivity can be harmonized with an ecologically responsible industrial production environment. Using video screens and live demonstrations, Siemens explains the industrial processes that can be optimized using an integrated energy efficiency strategy: Siemens makes the energy flows transparent, identifies energy-saving potential and offers the optimum products, systems, solutions and services in order to implement energy-efficient and economically sustainable solutions. Economic and sustainable energy gains are realized by using electric drive systems, motors and automation technologies. However, see for yourself and go on tour with the truck: our virtual tour will show you everything that is in our Energy Efficiency Truck.
OuiShare - A Creative Community for the Collaborative Economy Embassy Network Guests are a cornerstone of our house and we love having new (and familiar) people stay with us. This isn’t your typical B&B – it’s more of an adopted family. We’re working on the hypothesis that density breeds ideas and collaborations, and that’s a big part of what we hope to foster here. We know and expect that guests are usually traveling for specific projects and collaborations. Similarly, residents are working on their own projects most days. But, just like staying with a friend or family mbber, it’s nice to hang out a bit, too! Events To aid in your enthusiasm, we try to keep the house lively, fun and interesting, with anything from casual chats in the evenings to movie nights, dinners, performances and salons. Projects As a community house there are also many ways you can contribute! Home
«La responsabilidad empresarial es una forma de ser y no un valor colateral». Entrevista con Josep Maria Canyelles y Albert Riera ¿Cuál es tu visión del concepto responsabilidad social corporativa? J. M. C.: Estamos ante un fenómeno que se está produciendo en algunas empresas y que tiene una historia relativamente corta, de diez o quince años. Cuando hablamos de responsabilidad social corporativa es un enfoque de gestión relativamente nuevo, en el sentido que no es un tema colateral, sino que está estrechamente vinculado a la propia estrategia de la empresa. Es una dinámica imparable y cada vez hay más empresas que se suman a ella, porque forma parte de lo que la sociedad pide y hay la expectativa de que las empresas que tienen madera de líder vayan integrando la gestión responsable. ¿La Fageda es un ejemplo de empresa responsable corporativamente? A. Recientemente habéis sido nombrados entre las cien mejores empresas del Estado en el ranking general Merco y en la posición veintidós entre las empresas más responsables. A. No hay muchas empresas como La Fageda. J. A. J. J. J. A. A. A. A. J. A.
Large Scale Interactive Projects Fish Scales by Playmotion Fish Scales is a community donor wall located at the Georgia Aquarium, which is the worlds largest, with over 8 million gallons of tanks and over 100,000 fish and aquatic animals on display to the public. Fish Scales is designed to honor the contributions of individuals within the local community, and is an innovative combination of PlayMotion technology and LED lighting. Learn more T-Mobile Media Facade by ag4 In November 2003 T-Mobile finished the extension of its headquarters in Bonn. ag4 realized the world ? Learn more UK Pavilion by Land Design Studio The UK Pavilion at the 2005 World Expo in Aichi, Japan, designed and created by Land Design Studio is a showcase of innovative UK inventions and discoveries. Learn more Memory Wall by Jason Bruges and Kathryn Findlay The Puerta America Hotel in Madrid, features rooms designed by notable architects including Zaha Hadid, Ron Arad and Kathryn Findlay. Learn more DataTiles by Jun Rekimoto & Sony CSL Learn more Learn more ?
Ulule - Donnez vie aux bonnes idées