Le bambou et leurs divers usages
Maisons, cabanons, mobilier, ustensiles en bambou Il existe plus de mille trois cent espèces de bambou répartis dans le monde entier, Amérique, Afrique, Océanie et surtout l'Asie: le bambou résiste sous tous les climats même à -20 °C. Le bambou est une ressource quasi inépuisable. Un Milliard d'êtres humains habite des maisons partiellement ou entièrement en bambou, de l'architecture traditionnelle de l'île Célèbes aux créations contemporaines en Colombie, des constructions religieuses en Indonésie, en Thailande, aux maisons de thé japonais, le bambou évolue par son usage quotidien. Le bambou est une plante à tout faire qui présente la particularité de se travailler comme le bois et d’engendrer une étonnante richesse de savoir-faire artisanaux. La bambouseraie à d'Anduze (Nord de Nîmes) - Un très beau parc à visiter, avec quelques cabanons en bambou - et un centre de formation orienté vers les pays du Sud Lien Graminées
Appropriate Building Materials: a Catalogue of Potential Solutions: Examples of building systems: Bamboo houses
• The examples of bamboo houses shown on the following pages are taken from the excellently illustrated bamboo construction manual by Oscar Hidalgo Lopez (Bibl. 24.07). • All the structural components and most of the non-structural parts (floors and wall cladding) are made of bamboo. Only very little timber is used and the roof covering can be of any suitable, locally available material (eg thatch, fibre concrete, ferrocement, metal sheeting, cement mortar, or even stabilized, water-resistant soil mortar). • The bamboo components are joined either by means of lashing materials, dowels, bolts or nails. • On account of its low resistance to biological attack and fire, protective measures are necessary (see section on Bamboo). Further information: Oscar Hidalgo Lopez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Apartado Aereo 54118, Bogota, Colombia. Construction of a Coffee Plant (also suitable for dwelling) (Bibl. 24.07) Positioning of the supports and erecting the structural framework
Traditional Bamboo Floating Homes Updated
A Vietnamese architecture firm with a portfolio of modern public buildings has turned its hand to perfecting indigenous low-cost houses. In contrast to the very-low-cost housing ideas we’ve covered recently, this one relies mainly on a local material that can be grown sustainably: bamboo. It’s a modular design which they say could be mass-produced; on the other hand, individual units could also be owner-built on site. H&P Architects estimate their homes could be built for $2000. Two bamboo houses. The houses can be either floating—using recycled oil drums as floats—or terrestrial. The architects paid a lot of attention to air flow, as these houses will be unconditioned in a hot climate. Wall constructions details. Bamboo is a grass, botanically speaking, much larger than most grasses. Village of bamboo housing. The designs are based upon cubes measuring three meters in each direction.