Psykt og folkelig | «How I met my therapist» er underholdende og energisk hele veien, men skjemmes noe av mangel på originalitet og rød tråd. I utgangspunktet har de gjort det lett for seg ved å ha et konsept som kan inneholde alt: En mor i fremtiden forteller sine barn om hvordan det var å leve og være student i Bergen i 2012. Revyen beveger seg hovedsaklig innenfor dette triangelet: Psykologistudenten, Bergen og medier. Åpningsnummeret, i musikalstil, er eksplosivt og omhandler den forvirrende følelsen man kan få av å være ny student i Bergen. Revyen skrider videre med artige og gjenkjennelige sketsjer i et høyt tempo, om studentøkonomi, kollektivtilværelse iscenesatt som et realityshow og lesesalsproblemer. Det høye tempoet er en kvalitet, og noen av de korteste sketsjene er faktisk blant de mest originale og gode. Skuespillerne gjør en god jobb, og de er flinke til å parodiere kjente folk på en treffende måte.
The Anthropocene | An Introduction Every living thing affects its surroundings. But humanity is now influencing every aspect of the Earth on a scale akin to the great forces of nature. There are now so many of us, using so many resources, that we’re disrupting the grand cycles of biology, chemistry and geology by which elements like carbon and nitrogen circulate between land, sea and atmosphere. We’re changing the way water moves around the globe as never before. Almost all the planet’s ecosystems bear the marks of our presence. Our species’ whole recorded history has taken place in the geological period called the Holocene – the brief interval stretching back 10,000 years. Probably the best-known aspect of our newfound influence is what we’re doing to the climate. These developments are all connected, and there’s a risk of an irreversible cascade of changes leading us into a future that’s profoundly different from anything we’ve faced before. The Anthropocene is a decisive break from what came before.
FSSD intro and why it is perfect for guiding product and service innovation towards sustainability and market success Our approach is collectively called “The Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development” (or simply “the Framework”) – it is a comprehensive model for planning in complex systems. It is openly published and free for all to use. Over the years, it has proved especially useful in guiding product development towards sustainability. Sustainability: critical for success The Framework is based on systems thinking; recognizing that what happens in one part of a system affects every other part. Any successful team must have a common language and understanding in order to facilitate cooperation. This scientifically rigorous Framework gives organisations the tools to perform a gap analysis using the lens of sustainability, and then work toward closing the gap. Benefits of using this holistic approach in product development: Read here for some inspiring examples of The Natural Step’s work.
Kunsten å si nei : Ny Tid PRISET: Jarle Bernhoft fikk denne uka én million kroner fra Statoil. Han må dermed stille opp for oljeselskapet flere ganger. Avtalen innebærer gjensidig respekt, opplyser Statoils informasjonssjef. Foto: wikicommons 18. februar mottok Jarle Bernhoft (35) Statoil-stipendet på én million kroner fra oljeselskapets informasjonsdirektør. 23.02.2012 17:28 – Av Torbjørn Tumyr Nilsen Pris. Brando er borte i protest. Francis Ford Coppolas Gudfaren gir Brando en Oscar-statuett han ikke ønsker motta. SA NEI I: Sacheen Littlefeather sa 27. mars 1973 nei til Oscar-statuetten, på vegne av Marlon Brando. Og i Brandos sted går den 26 år gamle apache-kvinnen Sacheen Littlefeather opp på podiet, ikledd tradisjonelle apacheklær. En sjokkert verden ser på i vantro. Marlon Brandos Oscar-avslag blir historisk, og det får følger for hvordan Hollywood framstilte og behandlet urfolk. Bylarm-splittelsen Henne eller Statoil-stipendnominasjonen. Vi møter henne på en helt annen café i hovedstaden.
August 22 was Earth Overshoot Day In 8 Months, Humanity Exhausts Earth's Budget for the Year August 20 is Earth Overshoot Day 2013, marking the date when humanity exhausted nature’s budget for the year. We are now operating in overdraft. For the rest of the year, we will maintain our ecological deficit by drawing down local resource stocks and accumulating carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Just as a bank statement tracks income against expenditures, Global Footprint Network measures humanity’s demand for and supply of natural resources and ecological services. In 1993, Earth Overshoot Day—the approximate date our resource consumption for a given year exceeds the planet’s ability to replenish—fell on October 21. Earth Overshoot Day, a concept originally developed by Global Footprint Network partner and U.K. think tank new economics foundation, is the annual marker of when we begin living beyond our means in a given year. The Cost of Ecological Overspending Methodology and Projections Click here for the 2013 press release.
Teaching SPD - GreenThink! Martin Charter presents GreenThink! Added: 13th June 2011 GreenThink! Facilitators direction: Overall rating: Effectiveness of organisation: Meeting expectations: What companies say about GreenThink! "One of the best formats for generating lots of great ideas for a business I have ever experienced." "The GreenThink process provided focus and direction on how to introduce sustainability into our product design process. "It was the best piece of business consultancy I have received in the last ten years. "The GreenThink! "An excellent day that takes you on a challenging but positive journey that makes you take stock of the business direction and focus on the real issues surrounding the business. More endorsements of GreenThink! Overview The GreenThink! The ideas are filtered, analysed and presented to the client in a succinct report with follow-up consultancy. The GreenThink! The GreenThink! > Fact-finding questionnaire > Analysis of questionnaire results > GreenThink! Programme and fees
Norway’s Greatest Vulnerability Is Also Its Greatest Strength The unspeakable horror of this weekend’s massacre in Norway is exaggerated exponentially by terrorist Anders Breivik’s abuse of one of civil society’s most distinctive features: the trust that the public places in law enforcement. And Norway may be particularly vulnerable to such a breach, as a country with a particularly deep faith in its the integrity of its institutions. Norway’s best civil qualities, in this case, also made it most vulnerable to the worst impulses of this killer. Like its fellow Scandinavian countries, Norway is near the top of the world’s charts in many enviable ways: high standard of living and productivity, high levels of happiness, impressive longevity, low levels of economic inequality and corruption and in general, extremely low levels of violent and other crimes. Countries with this profile tend to have the highest levels of trust in their fellow citizens and institutions. PHOTOS: Anders Behring Breivik, the Extremist Behind Norway’s Tragedy
Life After People The very notion is deliciously ghoulish: What happens to earth if - or when - people suddenly vanished? The History Channel presents a dramatic, fascinating what-if scenario, part science fiction and part true natural science. Welcome to Earth, Population: 0 is the catchy tagline, Life After People's 94 minutes are so gripping you nearly forget while you watch that you, yourself, will be gone too. It turns out that earth can go along very nicely without us. The hardest part of the special is probably in the first 15 minutes, when pet owners confront what likely will happen to their dogs (thankfully, the show follows those dogs who break out of their houses, and the prognosis for them to survive as scavengers is good). As the fictional days and weeks tick by, the process of nature's reclaiming the planet becomes less grim and more fascinating. The impact of the lack of people will be noticed right away, as most power grids shut down around the planet.
Sustainability: how to engage employees - PR- Eventbrite Invalid quantity. Please enter a quantity of 1 or more. The quantity you chose exceeds the quantity available. Please enter your name. Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your message or comments. Please enter the code as shown on the image. Please select the date you would like to attend. Please enter a valid email address in the To: field. Please enter a subject for your message. Please enter a message. You can only send this invitations to 10 email addresses at a time. $$$$ is not a properly formatted color. Please limit your message to $$$$ characters. $$$$ is not a valid email address. Please enter a promotional code. Sold Out Pending You have exceeded the time limit and your reservation has been released. The purpose of this time limit is to ensure that registration is available to as many people as possible. This option is not available anymore. Please read and accept the waiver. All fields marked with * are required. US Zipcodes need to be 5 digits. Map
Islamofobi og antisemittisme - tvillingideologier I denne artikkelen vil jeg vise hvordan den ideverdenen som selverklært kalles ”islamkritikk” sammenfaller med antisemittismens ideverden. Men først vil jeg grunngi hvorfor det å sammenstille disse ideene ikke bare er legitimt men også nødvendig. Aldri mer Holocaust Etter 2. Verdenskrig lovte alle verdens stater at den formen for menneskelig grusomhet som utspilte seg gjennom Holocaust aldri mer skulle kunne gjentas. De aller fleste elever kjenner både begrepet Holocaust og hovedtrekkene i hvordan dette artet seg i form av konsentrasjonsleire, gasskamre og forbrenningsovner. Empati og moralsk avstandtakelse er nødvendig men ikke tilstrekkelig som politisk vaksinering mot nye Holocaust. Forståelsen av hvorfor jødehatet kunne blomstre så sterkt i store deler av Europa i denne tida er også svært begrensa. Nå er jeg heller ikke av den oppfatninga at slik detaljkunnskap bør forutsettes fra elevene når de går ut av ungdomsskolen. Fra religionskritikk til rasisme Overtakelse av Europa
Living On a New Earth Forget banking and the automotive industry. Earth is the one system that is truly “too big to fail.” For centuries humans have used up the planet’s resources, saddled it with our waste and simply moved on when a wellspring dried up or the back forty became polluted. But now we’ve exhausted that strategy. Scientists, social thinkers and the global public are realizing that humankind has transformed the natural planet into an industrialized one, and we must transition again to a sustainable planet if we are to survive. So what is the bailout plan? Select an option below: Customer Sign In *You must have purchased this issue or have a qualifying subscription to access this content Faller musikkens verdi? Faller musikkens verdi? Tom Skjeklesæther betrakter det som et endetidstegn at øl blir mer verdt enn musikk. Tom Skjeklesæther betrakter det som et endetidstegn at øl blir mer verdt enn musikk. (ABC Nyheter:) I sommer har debatten om musikkens fremtid, vilkår og verdi tatt fatt igjen. I takt med at det har blitt tydelig for sjefene for noen uavhengige norske plateselskaper at musikkstreamingtjenester som Spotify og Wimp, slik de opererer i dag, ikke innebærer noe vesentlig bidrag til å drive plateselskap eller å livnære seg som artist, har de bestemt seg for å trekke sine kataloger ut av Spotify. Den svenske streamingtjenesten Spotify tilbyr både gratis, reklameavbrudt lytting og abonnement. Det kan uansett være gode grunner til å reflektere over hva streamingtjenestene innebærer, også utover den umiddelbare situasjonen med minimale inntekter for opphavsmenn og selskaper.