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The Busy Librarian

The Busy Librarian

The Adventures of Library Girl Library 2.0 - the future of libraries in the digital age Pixelated: eReaders & iPads in the School Library Mighty Little Librarian | Librarian Tiff's Blog The Daring Librarian The librarian edge Watch. Connect. Read. The Book Bug The Pursuit of Technology Integration Happiness never ending story My literacy centers are a core part of our kindergarten schedule. They are active literacy centers that keep us on our toes and working so that I can work with small groups {ahem} teaching. Let me roll out my kindergarten retell literacy center directions and expectations for you and the 20 stories that make up this year-long center. I believe that literacy centers can accomplish Common Core Standards, while matching up with a 90 minute reading block goal and be less work for the teacher once in place. Most of the stories that I place into the retell literacy center are famous, but there may be one or two new ones for you. This is great news since you probably already have the tools needed to quickly implement a story or two with the stuff you already have. Kindergarten Retell Literacy Center Activities This literacy center is the one I enjoy “spying” on while I’m reading with my guided reading groups the most. Kindergarten Retell Literacy Center Standards {}

Andy Burkhardt | Technology, education, curiosity, max fun Ms. O Reads Books Eliterate Librarian
